Microsoft Azure PowerShell - Accounts credential management cmdlets for Azure Resource Manager in Windows PowerShell and PowerShell Core.
For more information on account credential management, please visit the following:
Minimum PowerShell version
Installation Options
Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Package Details
- Microsoft Corporation
Azure ResourceManager ARM Accounts Authentication Environment Subscription
Disable-AzDataCollection Disable-AzContextAutosave Enable-AzDataCollection Enable-AzContextAutosave Remove-AzEnvironment Get-AzEnvironment Set-AzEnvironment Add-AzEnvironment Get-AzSubscription Connect-AzAccount Get-AzContext Set-AzContext Import-AzContext Save-AzContext Get-AzTenant Send-Feedback Resolve-AzError Select-AzContext Rename-AzContext Remove-AzContext Clear-AzContext Disconnect-AzAccount Get-AzContextAutosaveSetting Set-AzDefault Get-AzDefault Clear-AzDefault Register-AzModule Enable-AzureRmAlias Disable-AzureRmAlias Uninstall-AzureRm Invoke-AzRestMethod Get-AzAccessToken Open-AzSurveyLink
This module has no dependencies.
Release Notes
* Added 'SshCredentialFactory' to support get ssh credential of vm from msal.
* Fixed the bug of cmdlet fails when -DefaultProfile is set to service principal login context. [#16617]
* Fixed the issue that authorization does not work in Dogfood environment
- Az.Accounts.nuspec
- Accounts.format.ps1xml
- Accounts.generated.format.ps1xml
- Accounts.types.ps1xml
- Az.Accounts.psd1
- Az.Accounts.psm1
- Hyak.Common.dll
- Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.dll
- Microsoft.Azure.Common.dll
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Authentication.Abstractions.dll
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Authentication.deps.json
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Authentication.dll
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Authentication.ResourceManager.deps.json
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Authentication.ResourceManager.dll
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.AuthenticationAssemblyLoadContext.deps.json
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.AuthenticationAssemblyLoadContext.dll
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Authenticators.dll
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Clients.Aks.dll
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Clients.Authorization.dll
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Clients.Compute.dll
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Clients.Graph.Rbac.dll
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Clients.KeyVault.dll
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Clients.Monitor.dll
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Clients.Network.dll
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Clients.PolicyInsights.dll
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Clients.ResourceManager.dll
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Clients.Storage.Management.dll
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Clients.Websites.dll
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Accounts.deps.json
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Accounts.dll
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Accounts.dll-Help.xml
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Common.dll
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Common.Share.dll
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Storage.dll
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Strategies.dll
- Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Azure.dll
- Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.dll
- Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.DataMovement.dll
- Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.dll
- AzSharedAlcAssemblies\Azure.Core.dll
- AzSharedAlcAssemblies\Azure.Identity.dll
- AzSharedAlcAssemblies\Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.dll
- AzSharedAlcAssemblies\Microsoft.Identity.Client.dll
- AzSharedAlcAssemblies\Microsoft.Identity.Client.Extensions.Msal.dll
- AzSharedAlcAssemblies\System.Memory.Data.dll
- AzSharedAlcAssemblies\System.Text.Json.dll
- en-US\
- PostImportScripts\LoadAuthenticators.ps1
- PreloadAssemblies\Azure.Core.dll
- PreloadAssemblies\Azure.Identity.dll
- PreloadAssemblies\Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Authenticators.dll
- PreloadAssemblies\Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.dll
- PreloadAssemblies\Microsoft.Identity.Client.dll
- PreloadAssemblies\Microsoft.Identity.Client.Extensions.Msal.dll
- PreloadAssemblies\Newtonsoft.Json.12.0.3.dll
- PreloadAssemblies\Newtonsoft.Json.dll
- PreloadAssemblies\System.Buffers.dll
- PreloadAssemblies\System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll
- PreloadAssemblies\System.Memory.Data.dll
- PreloadAssemblies\System.Memory.dll
- PreloadAssemblies\System.Net.Http.WinHttpHandler.dll
- PreloadAssemblies\System.Numerics.Vectors.dll
- PreloadAssemblies\System.Private.ServiceModel.dll
- PreloadAssemblies\System.Reflection.DispatchProxy.dll
- PreloadAssemblies\System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll
- PreloadAssemblies\System.Security.AccessControl.dll
- PreloadAssemblies\System.Security.Cryptography.Cng.dll
- PreloadAssemblies\System.Security.Permissions.dll
- PreloadAssemblies\System.Security.Principal.Windows.dll
- PreloadAssemblies\System.ServiceModel.Primitives.dll
- PreloadAssemblies\System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll
- PreloadAssemblies\System.Text.Json.dll
- PreloadAssemblies\System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.dll
- PreloadAssemblies\System.Xml.ReaderWriter.dll
- StartupScripts\AzError.ps1
- StartupScripts\InitializeAssemblyResolver.ps1
Version History
Version | Downloads | Last updated |
2.7.5 (current version) | 111 | 4/1/2022 |
2.7.4 | 83 | 3/10/2022 |
2.7.3 | 94 | 2/26/2022 |
2.7.2 | 292 | 2/4/2022 |
2.7.1 | 247 | 12/31/2021 |
2.7.0 | 455 | 12/3/2021 |
2.6.2 | 29 | 11/18/2021 |
2.6.1 | 147 | 10/29/2021 |
2.6.0 | 95 | 10/22/2021 |
2.5.4 | 132 | 10/8/2021 |
2.5.3 | 268 | 9/3/2021 |
2.5.2 | 228 | 7/30/2021 |
2.5.1 | 135 | 7/9/2021 |
2.5.0 | 149 | 7/2/2021 |
2.4.0 | 205 | 6/11/2021 |
2.3.0 | 182 | 5/21/2021 |
2.2.8 | 361 | 4/9/2021 |
2.2.7 | 227 | 3/19/2021 |
2.2.6 | 198 | 2/26/2021 |
2.2.5 | 180 | 2/5/2021 |
2.2.4 | 168 | 1/15/2021 |
2.2.3 | 304 | 12/25/2020 |
2.2.2 | 295 | 12/4/2020 |
2.2.1 | 44 | 11/18/2020 |
2.2.0 | 165 | 11/13/2020 |
2.1.2 | 34 | 11/2/2020 |
2.1.0 | 151 | 10/23/2020 |
2.0.1-preview | 148 | 4/13/2020 |
2.0.0-preview | 8 | 5/8/2019 |
1.9.5 | 181 | 10/9/2020 |
1.9.4 | 443 | 9/16/2020 |
1.9.3 | 310 | 8/21/2020 |
1.9.2 | 138 | 7/31/2020 |
1.9.1 | 349 | 7/10/2020 |
1.9.0 | 330 | 6/19/2020 |
1.8.1 | 141 | 5/29/2020 |
1.8.0 | 18,128 | 5/15/2020 |
1.7.5 | 259 | 4/16/2020 |
1.7.4 | 132 | 3/27/2020 |
1.7.3 | 127 | 3/6/2020 |
1.7.2 | 83 | 2/14/2020 |
1.7.1 | 1,269 | 1/31/2020 |
1.7.0 | 181 | 1/3/2020 |
1.6.6 | 34 | 12/20/2019 |
1.6.5 | 340 | 12/13/2019 |
1.6.4 | 256 | 10/30/2019 |
1.6.3 | 199 | 10/4/2019 |
1.6.2 | 385 | 8/23/2019 |
1.6.1 | 214 | 7/26/2019 |
1.6.0 | 1,365 | 6/28/2019 |
1.5.3 | 100 | 6/14/2019 |
1.5.2 | 210 | 5/1/2019 |
1.5.1 | 128 | 4/19/2019 |
1.5.0 | 82 | 4/5/2019 |
1.4.0 | 181 | 3/8/2019 |
1.3.1 | 25 | 3/1/2019 |
1.3.0 | 105 | 2/8/2019 |
1.2.1 | 589 | 1/31/2019 |
1.2.0 | 36 | 1/25/2019 |
1.1.0 | 69 | 1/11/2019 |
1.0.0 | 185 | 12/14/2018 |