
<Objs Version="" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/2004/04">
  <Obj RefId="0">
    <TN RefId="0">
      <S N="Name">xDatabase</S>
      <Version N="Version">1.1.1</Version>
      <S N="Description">The xDatabase module is a part of the Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) Resource Kit, which is a collection of DSC Resources produced by the PowerShell Team. This module contains the xDatabase and xDBPackage resources. xDatabase handles creation/deletion of a database using a dacpac or sql connection string. xDBPackage allows extraction of a dacpac or import of a bacpac from a database._x000A__x000A_All of the resources in the DSC Resource Kit are provided AS IS, and are not supported through any Microsoft standard support program or service. The "x" in xDatabase stands for experimental, which means that these resources will be fix forward and monitored by the module owner(s).</S>
      <S N="Author">Microsoft</S>
      <Nil N="CompanyName" />
      <S N="Copyright">(c) 2014 Microsoft. All rights reserved.</S>
      <Nil N="LicenseUri" />
      <Nil N="ProjectUri" />
      <Nil N="Tag" />
      <S N="ReleaseNotes"></S>
      <DT N="DateUpdated">2014-06-26T13:37:50+05:30</DT>
      <S N="RequiredModules"></S>
      <URI N="DownloadUri">https://dtlgalleryint.cloudapp.net/api/v2/package/xDatabase/1.1.1</URI>
      <S N="Hash">NNYKev5JcqFwqc+e8gDnMp6f7szX/HkODq6Y2SVaDF097OrX1BXg2mTozUcTR+IxAsAkiWaj0pxX4bIRAvOy4Q==</S>
      <S N="HashAlgorithm">SHA512</S>
      <S N="SourceUri">https://dtlgalleryint.cloudapp.net/api/v2/</S>
      <S N="SourceType">PSGallery</S>