
 # xAzureFile : DSC Resource that will set/test/get the contents of a local file/folder
 # against


# The Get-TargetResource cmdlet.
# This function will get the present list of files in the destination directory
function Get-TargetResource



    $retVal = @{
        Name = $Name
        Source = $Source
        Destination = $Destination
        StorageKey = '***'
        SASToken = '***'

    return $retVal

# The Set-TargetResource cmdlet.
# This function will set a new IP Address in the current node
function Set-TargetResource




    ValidateProperties @PSBoundParameters -Apply

# The Test-TargetResource cmdlet.
# This will test if the given IP Address is among the current node's IP Address collection
function Test-TargetResource




    ValidateProperties @PSBoundParameters

# Helper function that invokes AzCopy.exe to check if files need to be downloaded.
# If the switch parameter "Apply" is set, then it will set the properties after a test
function ValidateProperties




        [Switch]$Apply = $false

    Write-Verbose 'Entering xAzureFile ValidateProperties'

    $Source      = StripHash($Source)
    $Destination = StripHash($Destination)
    $StorageKey  = StripHash($StorageKey)
    $SASToken    = StripHash($SASToken)

    $sourceUri = new-object -TypeName System.Uri -ArgumentList $Source
    $destUri = new-object -TypeName System.Uri -ArgumentList $Destination

    if ($sourceUri.IsFile -or $sourceUri.IsUnc -or `
        throw "Source must be an Azure blob container"

    if (!$destUri.IsFile)
        throw "Destination must be a local file path"

    $AzCopyPath = $PSScriptRoot + '/AzCopy.exe'
    $AzCopyArguments = $Source, $Destination, '/Z', '/S', '/Y', '/MT', '/XO'

    if ($SASToken)
        $AzCopyArguments += [string]::Format('/SourceSAS:{0}', $SASToken)
    elseif ($StorageKey)
        $AzCopyArguments += [string]::Format('/SourceKey:{0}', $StorageKey)
        throw "Either SASToken or StorageKey must be supplied"

    if (! $Apply)
        $AzCopyArguments += '/L'

    $argsString = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
    foreach ($arg in $AzCopyArguments)
        $argsString.AppendFormat("{0} ", $arg) > $null
    $msg = [string]::Format('Invoking AzCopy: {0} {1}', $AzCopyPath, $argsString)
    Write-Verbose $msg

    & $AzCopyPath $AzCopyArguments | set-variable -name AzCopyOutput 

    #Write-Verbose $AzCopyOutput

    $transferedMatch = [Regex]::Match($AzCopyOutput, "Total files transferred: *(\d*)")
    $failedMatch = [Regex]::Match($AzCopyOutput, "Transfer failed: *(\d*)")

    if (!$transferedMatch -or !$transferedMatch.Groups.Count -eq 2 )
        return $false
    if (!$failedMatch -or !$failedMatch.Groups.Count -eq 2 )
        return $false

    return $transferedMatch.Groups[1].Value -gt 0 -and $failedMatch.Groups[1].Value -eq 0

function StripHash

    if ($Value -and ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Value) -eq $false))
        $match = [Regex]::Match($Value, "@{value=(.*)}")
        if ($match.Success)
            $Value = $match.Groups[1].Value

function ArrayToString
    param ($array)

    $arrayString = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
    foreach ($arg in $array)
        $arrayString.AppendFormat("{0} ", $arg)

Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource
#Export-ModuleMember -Function *