
$Providername = "TSD"
$TSDPath     = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\OneGet\TSD"
$CSVFilename  = "$($TSDPath)\OneGetData.csv"

function Get-AuthHeader {

    $authInfo = "{0}:{1}" -f $Credential.UserName, $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
    $authInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($authInfo))

        "Authorization" = "Basic " + $authInfo
        "Content-Type" = "application/json"

function Initialize-Provider     { write-debug "In $($Providername) - Initialize-Provider" }
function Get-PackageProviderName { return $Providername }

function Resolve-PackageSource { 

    write-debug "In $($ProviderName)- Resolve-PackageSources"    
    $IsTrusted    = $false
    $IsRegistered = $false
    $IsValidated  = $true
    foreach($Name in @($request.PackageSources)) {
        $Location = "https://api.github.com/repos/borisyankov/DefinitelyTyped/contents"
        write-debug "In $($ProviderName)- Resolve-PackageSources TSD: {0}" $Location

        New-PackageSource $Name $Location $IsTrusted $IsRegistered $IsValidated

function Find-Package { 
        [string[]] $names,
        [string] $requiredVersion,
        [string] $minimumVersion,
        [string] $maximumVersion

    write-debug "In $($ProviderName) - Find-Package"

    #write-debug "In $($ProviderName) - Find-Package for user {0}" $Name

    if($request.Credential) { $Header = (Get-AuthHeader $request.Credential) }

    ForEach($targetItem in (Invoke-RestMethod "https://api.github.com/repos/borisyankov/DefinitelyTyped/contents" -Header $Header)) {        

        if($targetItem.type -eq 'dir' -and ($targetItem.Name -match $names)) {
            write-debug "In $($ProviderName) - Find-Package item {0} {1}" $targetItem.Name $targetItem.url
            $SWID = @{
                version              = "1.0"
                versionScheme        = "semver"
                fastPackageReference = $targetItem.url
                name                 = $targetItem.name
                source               = "TypeScript"
                summary              = "TypeScript Definition for $($targetItem.name)"
                searchKey            = $targetItem.name

            $SWID.fastPackageReference = $SWID | ConvertTo-JSON -Compress
            New-SoftwareIdentity @SWID

function Install-Package { 
        [string] $fastPackageReference
        $rawUrl = ($fastPackageReference|convertfrom-json).fastPackageReference
    write-debug "In $($ProviderName) - Install-Package - {0}" $rawUrl
    write-debug "Options - {0}" $request.Options.Destination
    write-debug "Creds - {0}" $request.Credential
    $OutPath = Resolve-Path $request.Options.Destination
    md -ErrorAction Ignore $TSDPath | out-null
    if($request.Credential) { $Header = (Get-AuthHeader $request.Credential) }
    foreach($TSD in ( (Invoke-RestMethod $rawUrl -Header $Header) | Where {$_.name -match '\.d\.'})) {    
        $details = Invoke-RestMethod $TSD.url -Header $Header
        Write-Debug "{0}" $details.name
        Write-Debug "{0}" $details.download_url
        $outfile = Join-Path $OutPath $details.name
        Invoke-RestMethod $details.download_url -outfile $outfile -Header $Header
        write-verbose "Package intstall location {0}" $outfile

function ConvertTo-HashTable {

    process {
        if(!$Fields) {            
            $Fields=($Data|Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty ).Name
        foreach ($Field in $Fields)
            $h.$Field = $Data.$Field                        

function Get-InstalledPackage {

    if(Test-Path $CSVFilename) {
        $installedPackages = Import-Csv $CSVFilename
        write-debug "In $($ProviderName) - Get-InstalledPackage {0}" @($installedPackages).Count   
        foreach ($item in ($installedPackages | ConvertTo-HashTable))
            New-SoftwareIdentity @item

function Get-DynamicOptions { 
        [Microsoft.PackageManagement.MetaProvider.PowerShell.OptionCategory] $category
        write-debug "In TSDProvider - Get-DynamicOption for category $category"

    switch( $category ) {
        Package {
            # options when the user is trying to specify a package
            #write-Output (New-DynamicOption $category "SS" SecureString $false )

        Source {
            #options when the user is trying to specify a source
        Install {
            #options for installation/uninstallation
            #write-Output (New-DynamicOption $category "Destination" Path $true)
            New-DynamicOption $category "Destination" Path $true