Sample Tutorials/PackageManagementTutorial/Tutorial/PackageManagement.TutorialData.psd1

    "TutorialModules" = @("PackageManagement")
    "TutorialCommands" = @(
    "TutorialData" = @(
        "instruction" = "Let's try to find the available packageprovider on this machine with Get-PackageProvider"
        "hints" = @{
            1 = "Run Get-PackageProvider without any arguments"

        "answers" = @(
        "instruction" = "Let's try to bootstrap the packageprovider nuget on your machine with -ForceBootStrap"
        "hints" = @{
            1 = "Run Get-PackageProvider Nuget with ForceBootStrap option"

        "verification" = "(Get-PackageProvider | Where-Object {`$_.Name -eq `"Nuget`"}).Count -ne 0"
        "instruction" = @"
Before installing a package with nuget provider, we need to register a package source.
Use Register-PackageSource to register for Nuget provider.
You can give a name to this package source with -name option.
Ignore this step if you already register a package source for nuget with this location by entering anything in the terminal.

        "hints" = @{
            1 = "Run Register-PackageSource with Nuget as ProviderName and Location as"

        "verification" = "(Get-PackageSource -ProviderName Nuget | Where-Object {`$_.Location.Contains(`"`")}).Count -ne 0"
        "instruction" = @"
Now find the jquery package from nuget gallery with nuget provider and the source you just registered.

        "hints" = @{
            1 = "Use Get-Command Find-Package -Syntax to see the syntax"
            3 = "Use Find-Package cmdlet with Source as nugetgallery and ProviderName as nuget"

        "answers" = @(
            "Find-Package -Name jquery -ProviderName Nuget -Source"
        "instruction" = "Now let's try to install the jquery package with to directory C:\test with Install-Package"
        "hints" = @{
            1 = "Use Get-Command Install-Package -Syntax to see the syntax"
            3 = "Try Install-Package -Name jquery -ProviderName Nuget -Destination C:\test"
            "Install-package jquery -Providername nuget" = "Did you forget to specify destination?"

        "verification" = "(Get-Package -ProviderName Nuget -Name jquery -Destination C:\test) -ne `$null"
        "instruction" = "Now let's try to uninstall the jquery package in the directory C:\test with Uninstall-Package"
        "hints" = @{
            1 = "Use Get-Command Install-Package -Syntax to see the syntax"
            3 = "Try Install-Package -Name jquery -ProviderName Nuget -Destination C:\test"
            "Uninstall-package jquery -Providername nuget" = "Did you forget to specify destination?"

        "verification" = "(Get-Package -ProviderName Nuget -Name jquery -Destination C:\test) -eq `$null"
