
  Updates a hash table with the Unique file lines
  The table to update
  .PARAMETER Command
  The list of Command from pester to update the table based on
  The path to the root of the repo. This part of the path will not be included in the report. Needed to normalize all the reports.
  .PARAMETER TableName
  The path of the file to write the report to.

function Add-UniqueFileLineToTable
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    # file paths need to be relative to repo root when querying GIT
    Push-Location -LiteralPath $RepoRoot

        Write-Verbose -Message "running git ls-files" -Verbose

        # Get the list of files as Git sees them
        $fileKeys = & git.exe ls-files

        # Populate the sub-table
        foreach ($command in $Command)
            #Find the file as Git sees it
            $file = $command.File
            $fileKey = $file.replace($RepoRoot, '').TrimStart('\').replace('\', '/')
            $fileKey = $fileKeys.where{ $_ -like $fileKey }

            if ($null -eq $fileKey)
                Write-Warning -Message "Unexpected error filekey was null"
            elseif ($fileKey.Count -ne 1)
                Write-Warning -Message "Unexpected error, more than one git file matched file ($file): $($fileKey -join ', ')"

            $fileKey = $fileKey | Select-Object -First 1

            if (!$FileLine.ContainsKey($fileKey))
                        $TableName = @{}

            if (!$FileLine.$fileKey.ContainsKey($TableName))
                $FileLine.$fileKey.Add($TableName, @{})

            $lines = $FileLine.($fileKey).$TableName
            $lineKey = $($command.line)
            if (!$lines.ContainsKey($lineKey))
                $lines.Add($lineKey, 1)
                $lines.$lineKey ++

  Tests if the specified property is a CodeCoverage object
  For use in a ValidateScript attribute
  .PARAMETER CodeCoverage
  The CodeCoverage property of the output of Invoke-Pester with the -PassThru and -CodeCoverage options

function Test-CodeCoverage
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if (!($CodeCoverage | Get-Member -Name MissedCommands))
        throw 'Must be a Pester CodeCoverage object'

    return $true

  Exports a Pester CodeCoverage report as a CodeCov.io json report
  .PARAMETER CodeCoverage
  The CodeCoverage property of the output of Invoke-Pester with the -PassThru and -CodeCoverage options
  The path to the root of the repo. This part of the path will not be included in the report. Needed to normalize all the reports.
  The path of the file to write the report to.

function Export-CodeCovIoJson
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript( { Test-CodeCoverage -CodeCoverage $_ })]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $Path = (Join-Path -Path $env:TEMP -ChildPath 'codeCov.json')

    Write-Verbose -Message "RepoRoot: $RepoRoot"

    # Get a list of all unique files
    $files = @()
    foreach ($file in ($CodeCoverage.MissedCommands | Select-Object -ExpandProperty File -Unique))
        if ($files -notcontains $file)
            $files += $file

    foreach ($file in ($CodeCoverage.HitCommands | Select-Object -ExpandProperty File -Unique))
        if ($files -notcontains $file)
            $files += $file

    # A table of the file key then a sub-tables of `misses` and `hits` lines.
    $FileLine = @{}

    # define common parameters
    $addUniqueFileLineParams = @{
        FileLine = $FileLine
        RepoRoo  = $RepoRoot

        Basically indexing all the hit and miss lines by file and line.
        Populate the misses sub-table

    Add-UniqueFileLineToTable -Command $CodeCoverage.MissedCommands -TableName 'misses' @addUniqueFileLineParams

    # Populate the hits sub-table
    Add-UniqueFileLineToTable -Command $CodeCoverage.HitCommands -TableName 'hits' @addUniqueFileLineParams

    # Create the results structure
    $resultLineData = @{}
    $resultMessages = @{}
    $result = @{
        coverage = $resultLineData
        messages = $resultMessages

    foreach ($file in $FileLine.Keys)
        $hit = 0
        $partial = 0
        $missed = 0
        Write-Verbose -Message "summarizing for file: $file"

        # Get the hits, if they exist
        $hits = @{}
        if ($FileLine.$file.ContainsKey('hits'))
            $hits = $FileLine.$file.hits

        # Get the misses, if they exist
        $misses = @{}
        if ($FileLine.$file.ContainsKey('misses'))
            $misses = $FileLine.$file.misses

        Write-Verbose -Message "fileKeys: $($FileLine.$file.Keys)"
        $max = $hits.Keys | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
        $maxMissLine = $misses.Keys | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1

            if max missed line is greater than maxed hit line
            used max missed line as the max line

        if ($maxMissLine -gt $max)
            $max = $maxMissLine

        $lineData = @()
        $messages = @{}

            produce the results
            start at line 0 per codecov doc

        for ($lineNumber = 0; $lineNumber -le $max; $lineNumber++)
            $hitInfo = $null
            $missInfo = $null
            switch ($true)
                # Hit
                ($hits.ContainsKey($lineNumber) -and ! $misses.ContainsKey($lineNumber))
                    Write-Verbose -Message "Got code coverage hit at $lineNumber"
                    $lineData += "$($hits.$lineNumber)"

                # Miss
                ($misses.ContainsKey($lineNumber) -and ! $hits.ContainsKey($lineNumber))
                    Write-Verbose -Message "Got code coverage miss at $lineNumber"
                    $lineData += '0'

                # Partial Hit
                ($misses.ContainsKey($lineNumber) -and $hits.ContainsKey($lineNumber))
                    Write-Verbose -Message "Got code coverage partial at $lineNumber"

                    $missInfo = $misses.$lineNumber
                    $hitInfo = $hits.$lineNumber
                    $lineData += "$hitInfo/$($hitInfo+$missInfo)"

                # Non-Code Line
                (!$misses.ContainsKey($lineNumber) -and !$hits.ContainsKey($lineNumber))
                    Write-Verbose -Message "Got non-code at $lineNumber"

                        If I put an actual null in an array ConvertTo-Json just leaves it out
                        I'll put this string in and clean it up later.

                    $lineData += '!null!'

                    throw "Unexpected error occured generating codeCov.io report for $file at line $lineNumber with hits: $($hits.ContainsKey($lineNumber)) and misses: $($misses.ContainsKey($lineNumber))"

        $resultLineData.Add($file, $lineData)
        $resultMessages.add($file, $messages)

    $commitOutput = @(&git.exe log -1 --pretty=format:%H)
    $commit = $commitOutput[0]

    Write-Verbose -Message "Branch: $Branch"

    $json = $result | ConvertTo-Json
    $json = $json.Replace('"!null!"', 'null')

    $json | Out-File -Encoding ascii -LiteralPath $Path -Force
    return $Path

  Uploads a CodeCov.io code coverage report
  The path to the code coverage report (gcov not supported)

function Invoke-UploadCoveCoveIoReport
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $resolvedResultFile = (Resolve-Path -Path $Path).ProviderPath

        Push-TestArtifact -Path $resolvedResultFile

        See this link for information around codecov.exe

    $uploadResults = & choco install codecov --yes

    $uploadResults += codecov -f $resolvedResultFile --required

        $logPath = (Join-Path -Path $env:TEMP -ChildPath 'codeCovUpload.log')
        $uploadResults | Out-File -Encoding ascii -LiteralPath $logPath -Force
        $resolvedLogPath = (Resolve-Path -Path $logPath).ProviderPath
        Push-TestArtifact -Path $resolvedLogPath