
<Objs Version="" xmlns="">
  <Obj RefId="0">
    <TN RefId="0">
      <S N="Name">PSReadline</S>
      <Version N="Version"></Version>
      <S N="Description">Great command line editing in the PowerShell console host</S>
      <S N="Author">Jason Shirk</S>
      <Obj N="CompanyName" RefId="1">
        <TN RefId="1">
      <S N="Copyright">(c) 2013. All rights reserved.</S>
      <DT N="PublishedDate">2015-02-18T00:28:18-08:00</DT>
      <Nil N="LicenseUri" />
      <Nil N="ProjectUri" />
      <Nil N="IconUri" />
      <Obj N="Tags" RefId="2">
        <TN RefId="2">
      <Obj N="Includes" RefId="3">
        <TN RefId="3">
            <S N="Key">Function</S>
            <Obj N="Value" RefId="4">
              <TNRef RefId="2" />
            <S N="Key">DscResource</S>
            <Obj N="Value" RefId="5">
              <TNRef RefId="2" />
              <LST />
            <S N="Key">Cmdlet</S>
            <Obj N="Value" RefId="6">
              <TNRef RefId="2" />
            <S N="Key">Command</S>
            <Obj N="Value" RefId="7">
              <TNRef RefId="2" />
      <Nil N="PowerShellGetFormatVersion" />
      <S N="ReleaseNotes">### Version features:_x000A_* Enter now does some extra validation before accepting the input. If there are any parse_x000A_ errors or a command is not found, an error message is displayed, but you can continue editing,_x000A_ the erroneous line will not be added to history, and the error message will be cleared after_x000A_ you make an edit._x000A_ You can press Enter a second time to force accepting the line if you choose. _x000A__x000A_ If you don't like the new behavior for Enter, you can revert to the old behavior with:_x000A_ Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key Enter -Function AcceptLine_x000A__x000A_Bug fixes:_x000A_* Occasional exception with AcceptAndGetNext (Ctrl+O) followed by something other than Enter_x000A_* Event handlers that register for the engine event PowerShell.OnIdle should work now._x000A_* ClearScreen now scrolls the screen to preserve as much output as possible_x000A_* Fix exception on error input during rendering after certain keywords like process, begin, or end._x000A_* Fix exception after undo from menu completion_x000A_* Support CancelLine (Ctrl+C) and Abort (Ctrl+G in emacs) to cancel DigitArgument_x000A_* History recall now ignores command lines from other currently running sessions, but you can_x000A_ still find command lines from those sessions when searching history._x000A_* Color any non-whitespace prompt character when there is an error, not just non-characters_x000A_* ScrollDisplayToCursor works a little better now._x000A__x000A_New functions:_x000A_* ValidateAndAcceptLine_x000A_ Validate the command line (by making sure there are no parse errors, commands all exist,_x000A_ and possibly other sorts of validation), display an error if any errors, but don't add_x000A_ the command to history and clear the error after an edit._x000A_* DeleteCharOrExit_x000A_ - emulate Ctrl+D in bash properly by exiting the process if the command line is empty_x000A_* ScrollDisplayUpLine, ScrollDisplayDownLine_x000A_ Scroll the screen up or down by a line instead of by the screen_x000A__x000A_New key bindings:_x000A_* Ctrl+D bound to DeleteCharOrExit in Emacs mode_x000A_* Ctrl+N/Ctrl+P bound to NextHistory/PreviousHistory in Emacs mode_x000A_* Ctrl+PageUp bound to ScrollDisplayUpLine_x000A_* Ctrl+PageDown bound to ScrollDisplayDownLine_x000A_* Alt+F7 bound to ClearHistory in Windows mode_x000A__x000A_New options:_x000A_* Set-PSReadlineOption_x000A_ -ErrorForegroundColor_x000A_ -ErrorBackgroundColor_x000A_ Colors used when ValidateAndAcceptLine reports an error_x000A__x000A_ -CommandValidationHandler_x000A_ A delegate that is called from ValidateAndAcceptLine that can perform custom validation_x000A_ and also fix the command line, e.g. to correct common typos._x000A__x000A_New cmdlet:_x000A_* Remove-PSReadlineKeyHandler_x000A_ This will remove a key binding for previously bound keys._x000A__x000A_Breaking change:_x000A_* Demo mode removed_x000A_ - Trying to bind functions EnableDemoMode or DisableDemoMode will result in an error._x000A__x000A_### Version features:_x000A_* Multi-line editing is now practical. Home/End go to the start/end of the current line or_x000A_ start/end of the input in a reasonable way. Up/Down arrows will move across lines if the_x000A_ input has multiple lines and you are not in the middle of recalling history._x000A__x000A_Bug fixes:_x000A_* Color the prompt character if there is an error for any non-alphanumeric character_x000A_* Fix an issue related to undo (which was commonly hit via Escape) and using history search_x000A_* Fix a bug where PowerShell events are not written to the console until PSReadline returns_x000A_* Fixed so PowerTab now works with PSReadline_x000A_* Highlight from history search is cleared before accepting a line now._x000A_* Fixed MenuComplete so it clears the menu (which only happened on some systems)_x000A__x000A_New functions:_x000A_* NextLine_x000A_* PreviousLine_x000A_ - These functions are added for completeness, neither is particularly useful as the usual_x000A_ bindings for UpArrow/DownArrow are smart enough to recall history or change lines_x000A_ depending on the context._x000A__x000A_New key bindings:_x000A_* F8/Shift+F8 bound to HistorySearchBackward/HistorySearchForward in Windows mode_x000A__x000A_### Version fixes:_x000A_* Fixed MenuComplete to actually work_x000A__x000A_### Version features:_x000A_* Added binding Ctrl+SpaceBar to MenuComplete in Windows and Emacs modes_x000A_ - If you want to old behavior of Ctrl+Spacebar, bind it to PossibleCompletions_x000A_* Added binding Alt+. (YankLastArg) to Windows mode_x000A_* Added diagnostics when an exception occurs to help reporting bugs_x000A__x000A_Bug fixes:_x000A_* SaveHistoryPath option fixed_x000A_* Fix ShowKeyBindings to not write blank lines_x000A_* Fixed bug with undo_x000A__x000A_### Version features:_x000A_* MenuComplete - like an interactive show completion_x000A_* Automatically save history_x000A_ - at process exit_x000A_ - incrementally and shared across sessions_x000A_ - don't save_x000A_ See parameters HistorySaveStyle and HistorySavePath to Set-PSReadlineOption_x000A_* Added sample custom binding for quickly changing directories in SamplePSReadlineProfile.ps1_x000A__x000A_Bug fixes:_x000A_* Items loaded from history work with RevertLine_x000A_* Recalling current line after up arrow works again_x000A__x000A_### Version features:_x000A_* SamplePSReadlineProfile.ps1 added with examples of custom key bindings_x000A_* Word movement takes DigitArgument_x000A_* HistoryNoDuplicates now works a little differently_x000A_ - Dupicates are saved (it was a dubious memory optimization anyway)_x000A_ - Recall will recall the most recently executed item instead of the first_x000A_* When at the last word, NextWord/ForwardWord now move to the end of line instead_x000A_ of the last character of the word._x000A_* HistorySearchBackward/HistorySearchForward changes behavior slightly:_x000A_ - use emphasis like InteractiveHistorySearch_x000A_ - cursor always moves to end like PreviousHistory/NextHistory_x000A_* New api GetSelectionState to get the current selection (if any)._x000A_* New functions:_x000A_ - SelectBackwardsLine_x000A_ - SelectLine_x000A_ - SelectAll_x000A_ - CopyOrCancelLine_x000A_* New key bindings in Windows mode:_x000A_ - Alt+0 through Alt+9 and Alt+-: DigitArgument_x000A_ - Ctrl+R/Ctrl+S for interactive history search_x000A__x000A_Bug fixes:_x000A_* Backspace after a failed interactive history search (Ctrl+R) caused searching_x000A_ to fail if you typed anything other than backspace._x000A__x000A_### Version features:_x000A_* CaptureScreen - copies selected portion of screen to clipboard in text and rtf_x000A_* InvokePrompt - re-evaluate the prompt while preserving the current input_x000A_* New functions to scroll the screen w/o using the mouse:_x000A_ - ScrollScreenUp_x000A_ - ScrollScreenDown_x000A_ - ScrollScreenTop_x000A_ - ScrollScreenToCursor_x000A_* Many small bug fixes_x000A__x000A_### Version features:_x000A_* CharacterSearch/CharacterSearchBackward_x000A_* AcceptAndGetNext (Ctrl+O in bash)_x000A_* Get-PSReadlineKeyHandler now returns unbound functions_x000A_* Get-PSReadlineKeyHandler has 2 new parameters: -Bound and -Unbound_x000A_* Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler parameter -LongDescription is now -Description_x000A_ (not breaking because I left an alias)_x000A_* WhatIsKey - display binding for a key_x000A_* ShowKeyBindings - show all bound keys_x000A_* Keyboard selection of text for cut/copy/delete. New functions:_x000A_ - Cut_x000A_ - Copy_x000A_ - KillRegion_x000A_ - SelectBackwardChar_x000A_ - SelectForwardChar_x000A_ - SelectBackwardWord_x000A_ - SelectForwardWord_x000A_ - SelectNextWord_x000A_ - SelectShellForwardWord_x000A_ - SelectShellBackwardWord_x000A__x000A_Breaking change:_x000A_* The properties in the output of Get-PSReadlineKeyHandler have changed._x000A_ This is unlikely to break anyone though._x000A__x000A_### Version features:_x000A_* Delimiter support in *Word functions_x000A_* DigitArgument (Alt-0,Alt-1,Alt-2,...,Alt-9,Alt--) to pass numeric arguments_x000A_* YankLastArg/YankNthArg to extract arguments from previous command lines_x000A_* History search is now case insensitive with an option to make it case sensitive_x000A__x000A_Bugs fixed:_x000A_* Shift+Backspace works like Backspace_x000A_* Ctrl+R with long search lines no longer causes big problems_x000A__x000A_Behavior change:_x000A_* Word functions now use delimiters. The previous behavior is availble _x000A_ via a Shell*Word function, e.g. instead of KillWord, use ShellKillWord._x000A__x000A_### Version features:_x000A_* Interactive history search (Ctrl+R)_x000A_* Brace matching function added (GotoBrace)_x000A_* Clear screen (Ctrl+L)_x000A__x000A_Bugs fixed:_x000A_* When showing possible completions, truncate at newline_x000A_* Prompt before showing a large number of completions_x000A_* Undo after paste works now_x000A_* Long pause after clicking on X to close powershell is now fixed_x000A__x000A_### Version fixed:_x000A_* Removed CLR 4.5 dependency_x000A_* Fix bug where console paste didn't display everything in some cases_x000A__x000A_### Version features:_x000A_* Add a "demo mode" that shows keys pressed_x000A_* Add ETW event source for demo mode, key logger, macro recorder etc._x000A_* Undo/redo_x000A_* Get-PSReadlineOption cmdlet_x000A_* Make specifying key handlers for builtins simpler_x000A_* Current un-entered line is saved and recalled when cycling through history_x000A_* Support syntax coloring of member names_x000A__x000A_Bugs fixed:_x000A_* Speed up pasting from the console_x000A_* Fix coloring of some operators_x000A_* Fix coloring in some command arguments_x000A_* Ctrl-C is handled a little better_x000A__x000A_Breaking changes:_x000A_* CLR 4.5 is now required._x000A_* SetBufferState is gone because it doesn't support Undo/Redo_x000A__x000A_### Version features:_x000A_* History imported when module is loaded_x000A_* Ctrl+End/Ctrl+Home bindings emulate cmd_x000A_* Arbitrary two key chords_x000A_* Key handlers passed the invoking key and an optional argument_x000A_* Made Ding public for custom handlers_x000A_ _x000A_Bugs fixed:_x000A_* Alternate keyboards now supported_x000A_* Ctrl-C now properly emulates cmd_x000A__x000A_Breaking changes:_x000A_* MinimumHistoryCommandLength parameter removed from Set-PSReadlineOption_x000A_ - Can use this instead:_x000A_ Set-PSReadlineOption -AddToHistoryHandler { $args[0].Length -gt 3 }_x000A__x000A_### Version release</S>
      <Obj N="Dependencies" RefId="8">
        <TNRef RefId="2" />
        <LST />
      <S N="RepositorySourceLocation"></S>
      <S N="Repository">PSGallery</S>
      <S N="PackageManagementProvider">NuGet</S>