
class Polaris {

    [System.Collections.Generic.List[PolarisMiddleWare]]$RouteMiddleWare = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PolarisMiddleWare]]::new()
    [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, scriptblock]]]]$ScriptblockRoutes = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, scriptblock]]]]::new()
    hidden [Action[string]]$Logger
    hidden [System.Net.HttpListener]$Listener
    hidden [bool]$StopServer = $False
    [string]$GetLogsString = "PolarisLogs"
    [string]$ClassDefinitions = $Script:ClassDefinitions
    $ContextHandler = (New-ScriptblockCallback -Callback {


            [Polaris]$Polaris = $AsyncResult.AsyncState
            $Context = $Polaris.Listener.EndGetContext($AsyncResult)

            if ($Polaris.StopServer -or $null -eq $Context) {
                if ($null -ne $Polaris.Listener) {

            $Polaris.Listener.BeginGetContext($Polaris.ContextHandler, $Polaris)

            [System.Net.HttpListenerRequest]$RawRequest = $Context.Request
            [System.Net.HttpListenerResponse]$RawResponse = $Context.Response

            $Polaris.Log("request came in: " + $RawRequest.HttpMethod + " " + $RawRequest.RawUrl)

            [PolarisRequest]$Request = [PolarisRequest]::new($RawRequest)
            [PolarisResponse]$Response = [PolarisResponse]::new()

            [string]$Route = $RawRequest.Url.AbsolutePath
            [System.Management.Automation.InformationRecord[]]$InformationVariable = @()

            if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Route)) { $Route = "/" }

            try {

                # Run middleware in the order in which it was added
                foreach ($Middleware in $Polaris.RouteMiddleware) {
                    $InformationVariable += $Polaris.InvokeRoute(

                $Polaris.Log("Parsed Route: $Route")
                $Polaris.Log("Request Method: $($RawRequest.HttpMethod)")
                $Routes = $Polaris.ScriptblockRoutes

                # Searching for the first route that matches by the most specific route paths first.
                $MatchingRoute = $Routes.keys | Sort-Object -Property Length -Descending | Where-Object { $Route -match [Polaris]::ConvertPathToRegex($_) } | Select-Object -First 1
                $Request.Parameters = ([PSCustomObject]$Matches)
                Write-Debug "Parameters: $Parameters"
                $MatchingMethod = $false

                if ($MatchingRoute) {
                    $MatchingMethod = $Routes[$MatchingRoute].keys -contains $Request.Method

                if ($MatchingRoute -and $MatchingMethod) {
                    try {

                        $InformationVariable += $Polaris.InvokeRoute(
                    catch {
                        $ErrorsBody += $_.Exception.ToString()
                        $ErrorsBody += $_.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage + "`n`n"
                elseif ($MatchingRoute) {
                    $Response.Send("Method not allowed")
                else {
                    $Response.Send("Not found")

                # Handle logs
                if ($Request.Query -and $Request.Query[$Polaris.GetLogsString]) {
                    $InformationBody = "`n"
                    for ([int]$i = 0; $i -lt $InformationVariable.Count; $i++) {
                        foreach ($tag in $InformationVariable[$i].Tags) {
                            $InformationBody += "[" + $tag + "]"

                        $InformationBody += $InformationVariable[$i].MessageData.ToString() + "`n"
                    $InformationBody += "`n"

                    # Set response to the logs and the actual response (could be errors)
                    $LogBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($InformationBody)
                    $Bytes = [byte[]]::new($LogBytes.Length + $Response.ByteResponse.Length)
                    $LogBytes.CopyTo($Bytes, 0)
                    $Response.ByteResponse.CopyTo($Bytes, $LogBytes.Length)
                    $Response.ByteResponse = $Bytes
                [Polaris]::Send($RawResponse, $Response)

            catch {
                $Polaris.Log(($_ | Out-String))
                    [Polaris]::Send($RawResponse, $Response)
                } catch {

    hidden [object] InvokeRoute (
    ) {

        $InformationVariable = ""

        $Scriptblock = [scriptblock]::Create(
            "param(`$Parameters,`$Request,`$Response)`r`n" +

        Invoke-Command -Scriptblock $Scriptblock `
            -ArgumentList @($Parameters, $Request, $Response) `
            -InformationVariable InformationVariable `
            -ErrorAction Stop
        return $InformationVariable

    [void] AddRoute (
    ) {
        if ($null -eq $Scriptblock) {
            throw [ArgumentNullException]::new("scriptBlock")

        [string]$SanitizedPath = [Polaris]::SanitizePath($Path)

        if (-not $this.ScriptblockRoutes.ContainsKey($SanitizedPath)) {
            $this.ScriptblockRoutes[$SanitizedPath] = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, string]]::new()
        $this.ScriptblockRoutes[$SanitizedPath][$Method] = $Scriptblock

    RemoveRoute (
    ) {
        if ($null -eq $Path) {
            throw [ArgumentNullException]::new("path")
        if ($null -eq $Method) {
            throw [ArgumentNullException]::new("method")

        [string]$SanitizedPath = [Polaris]::SanitizePath($Path)

        if ($this.ScriptblockRoutes[$SanitizedPath].Count -eq 0) {

    static [string] SanitizePath([string]$Path){
        $SanitizedPath = $Path.TrimEnd('/')

        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SanitizedPath)) { $SanitizedPath = "/" }

        return $SanitizedPath

    static [RegEx] ConvertPathToRegex([string]$Path){
        Write-Debug "Path: $path"
        # Replacing all periods with an escaped period to prevent regex wildcard
        $path = $path -replace '\.', '\.'
        # Replacing all - with \- to escape the dash
        $path = $path -replace '-', '\-'
        # Replacing the wildcard character * with a regex aggressive match .*
        $path = $path -replace '\*', '.*'
        # Creating a strictly matching regular expression that must match beginning (^) to end ($)
        $path = "^$path$"
        # Creating a route based parameter
        # Match any and all word based characters after the : for the name of the parameter
        # Use the name in a named capture group that will show up in the $matches variable
        # References:
        # -
        # -
        # -
        $path = $path -replace ":(\w+)(\?{0,1})", '(?<$1>.+)$2'

        Write-Debug "Parsed Regex: $path"
        return [RegEx]::New($path)

    static [RegEx] ConvertPathToRegex([RegEx]$Path){
        Write-Debug "Path is a RegEx"
        return $Path

    AddMiddleware (
    ) {
        if ($null -eq $Scriptblock) {
            throw [ArgumentNullException]::new("scriptBlock")
                'Name'        = $Name
                'Scriptblock' = $Scriptblock

    RemoveMiddleware ([string]$Name) {
        if ($null -eq $Name) {
            throw [ArgumentNullException]::new("name")
            [Predicate[PolarisMiddleWare]]([scriptblock]::Create("`$args[0].Name -eq '$Name'"))

    [void] Start (
        [int]$Port = 3000
    ) {
        $this.StopServer = $false
        $this.Listener.BeginGetContext($this.ContextHandler, $this)
        $this.Log("App listening on Port: " + $Port + "!")

    [void] Stop () {
        $this.StopServer = $true
        $this.Log("Server Stopped.")
    [void] InitListener ([int]$Port) {
        $this.Port = $Port

        $this.Listener = [System.Net.HttpListener]::new()

        # If user is on a non-windows system or windows as administrator
        if ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform -ne [System.PlatformID]::Win32NT -or
            ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform -eq [System.PlatformID]::Win32NT -and
                ([System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal]::new([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())).IsInRole([System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator))) {
            $this.Listener.Prefixes.Add("http://+:" + $this.Port + "/")
        else {
            $this.Listener.Prefixes.Add("http://localhost:" + $this.Port + "/")

        $this.Listener.IgnoreWriteExceptions = $true
        if([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform -eq [System.PlatformID]::Win32NT -and $this.Listener.TimeoutManager){
            $this.Listener.TimeoutManager.RequestQueue = [timespan]::FromMinutes(5)
            $this.Listener.TimeoutManager.IdleConnection = [timespan]::FromSeconds(45)
            $this.Listener.TimeoutManager.EntityBody = [timespan]::FromSeconds(50)
            $this.Listener.TimeoutManager.HeaderWait = [timespan]::FromSeconds(5)


    static [void] Send (
    ) {
        if ($Response.StreamResponse) {
        else {

    static [void] Send (
    ) {
        $RawResponse.StatusCode = $StatusCode;
        $RawResponse.Headers = $Headers;
        $RawResponse.ContentType = $ContentType;
        $RawResponse.ContentLength64 = $ByteResponse.Length;
        $RawResponse.OutputStream.Write($ByteResponse, 0, $ByteResponse.Length);
    static [void] Send (
    ) {
        $RawResponse.StatusCode = $StatusCode;
        $RawResponse.Headers = $Headers;
        $RawResponse.ContentType = $ContentType;

    static [void] Send (
    ) {
        [Polaris]::Send($RawResponse, $ByteResponse, $StatusCode, $ContentType, $Null)

    [void] Log ([string]$LogString) {
        try {
        catch {
            Write-Host $_.Message
            Write-Host $LogString

    Polaris (
    ) {
        if ($Logger) {
            $this.Logger = $Logger
        else {
            $this.Logger = {
                Write-Host $LogItem
