
    Removes the web route.
    Removes the web route(s) matching the specified path(s) and method(s).
    Path(s) of the route(s) to remove.
    Accepts multiple values and wildcards.
    Accepts pipeline input.
    Accepts pipeline input by property name.
    Defaults to all paths (*).
    Method(s) of the route(s) to remove.
    Accepts pipeline input by property name.
    Accepts multiple values and wildcards.
    Defaults to all methods (*).
    A Polaris object
    Defaults to the script scoped Polaris
    Removes all existing web routes.
    Remove-PolarisRoute -Path 'helloworld' -Method GET
    Removes the web route for method GET for path helloworld.
    Remove-PolarisRoute -Path 'sub1/sub2/*'
    Removes all web routes for all methods for paths starting with sub1/sub2/.
    Remove-PolarisRoute -Path 'sub1/sub2/*' -Method GET, POST
    Removes all web routes for GET and POST methods for paths starting with sub1/sub2/.
    Get-PolarisRoute -Method Delete | Remove-Method
    Removes all web routes for DELETE methods for all paths.

function Remove-PolarisRoute {
    param (
        [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True )]
        $Path = '*',

        [Parameter( ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True )]
        $Method = '*',

        $Polaris = $Script:Polaris

    process {
        if ( $Polaris ) {
            $WebRoutes = Get-PolarisRoute -Path $Path -Method $Method
            ForEach ( $Route in $WebRoutes ) {
                $Polaris.RemoveRoute( $Route.Path, $Route.Method )