
    Creates web routes to recursively serve folder contents
    Creates web routes to recursively serve folder contents. Perfect for static websites.
    Root route that the folder path will be served to.
    Defaults to "/".
    Full path and name of the folder to serve.
    Use -Force to overwrite existing web route(s) for the same paths.
    A Polaris object
    Defaults to the script scoped Polaris
    New-PolarisStaticRoute -RoutePath 'public' -Path D:\FolderShares\public
    Creates web routes for GET method for each file recursively within D:\FolderShares\public
    at relative path /public, for example, http://localhost:8080/public/File1.html
    Get-PolarisRoute -Path 'public/*' -Method GET | Remove-PolarisRoute
    New-PolarisStaticRoute -RoutePath 'public' -Path D:\FolderShares\public
    Updates website web routes. (Deletes all existing web routes and creates new web routes
    for all existing folder content.)
    Folders are not browsable. New files are not added dynamically.

function New-PolarisStaticRoute {
        $RoutePath = "/",

        $FolderPath = "./",

        $EnableDirectoryBrowser = $True,

        $Polaris = $Script:Polaris
    $ErrorAction = $PSBoundParameters["ErrorAction"]
    If ( -not $ErrorAction ) {
        $ErrorAction = $ErrorActionPreference
    if ( -not $Polaris) {
        $Polaris = $Script:Polaris
    if ( -not ( Test-Path -Path $FolderPath ) ) {
        Write-Error -Exception FileNotFoundException -Message "Folder does not exist at path $FolderPath"

    $NewDrive = (New-PSDrive -Name "PolarisStaticFileServer$([guid]::NewGuid().guid)" `
            -PSProvider FileSystem `
            -Root $FolderPath `
            -Scope Global).Name
    $Scriptblock = {
        $Content = ""

        $LocalPath = $Request.Parameters.FilePath
        Write-Debug "Parsed local path: $LocalPath" 
        try {
            $RequestedItem = Get-Item -LiteralPath "$NewDrive`:$LocalPath" -Force -ErrorAction Stop
            Write-Debug "Requested Item: $RequestedItem"
            if ($RequestedItem.PSIsContainer) {

                if ($EnableDirectoryBrowser) {
                    $Content = New-DirectoryBrowser -RequestedItem $RequestedItem `
                        -HeaderName "Polaris Static File Server" `
                        -DirectoryBrowserPath $LocalPath `

                    $Response.ContentType = "text/html"
                else {
                    throw [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException]'file not found'
            else {
                $Response.ContentType = [PolarisResponse]::GetContentType($RequestedItem.FullName)
        catch [System.UnauthorizedAccessException] {
            $Response.StatusCode = 401
            $Response.ContentType = "text/html"
            $Content = "<h1>401 - Unauthorized</h1>"
        catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException] {
            $Response.StatusCode = 404
            $Response.ContentType = "text/html"
            $Content = "<h1>404 - Page not found $LocalPath</h1>"
        catch {
            Throw $_

    # Inserting variables into scriptblock as hardcoded
    $Scriptblock = [scriptblock]::Create(
        "`$RoutePath = '$($RoutePath.TrimStart("/"))'`r`n" +
        "`$EnableDirectoryBrowser = `$$EnableDirectoryBrowser`r`n" +
        "`$NewDrive = '$NewDrive'`r`n" +

    $PolarisPath = "$RoutePath/:FilePath?" -replace "//", "/"

    New-PolarisRoute -Path $PolarisPath -Method GET -Scriptblock $Scriptblock -Force:$Force -ErrorAction:$ErrorAction