
# Module manifest for module 'PSGet_AzureRM'
# Generated by: Microsoft Corporation
# Generated on: 4/3/2017


# Script module or binary module file associated with this manifest.
RootModule = 'AzureRM.psm1'

# Version number of this module.
ModuleVersion = '3.8.0'

# ID used to uniquely identify this module
GUID = 'b433e830-b479-4f7f-9c80-9cc6c28e1b51'

# Author of this module
Author = 'Microsoft Corporation'

# Company or vendor of this module
CompanyName = 'Microsoft Corporation'

# Copyright statement for this module
Copyright = 'Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.'

# Description of the functionality provided by this module
Description = 'Azure Resource Manager Module'

# Minimum version of the Windows PowerShell engine required by this module
PowerShellVersion = '3.0'

# Name of the Windows PowerShell host required by this module
# PowerShellHostName = ''

# Minimum version of the Windows PowerShell host required by this module
# PowerShellHostVersion = ''

# Minimum version of Microsoft .NET Framework required by this module
DotNetFrameworkVersion = '4.0'

# Minimum version of the common language runtime (CLR) required by this module
CLRVersion = '4.0'

# Processor architecture (None, X86, Amd64) required by this module
# ProcessorArchitecture = ''

# Modules that must be imported into the global environment prior to importing this module
RequiredModules = @()

# Assemblies that must be loaded prior to importing this module
# RequiredAssemblies = @()

# Script files (.ps1) that are run in the caller's environment prior to importing this module.
# ScriptsToProcess = @()

# Type files (.ps1xml) to be loaded when importing this module
# TypesToProcess = @()

# Format files (.ps1xml) to be loaded when importing this module
# FormatsToProcess = @()

# Modules to import as nested modules of the module specified in RootModule/ModuleToProcess
# NestedModules = @()

# Functions to export from this module
FunctionsToExport = 'Update-AzureRM', 'Import-AzureRM', 'Uninstall-AzureRM'

# Cmdlets to export from this module
# CmdletsToExport = @()

# Variables to export from this module
# VariablesToExport = @()

# Aliases to export from this module
AliasesToExport = 'Install-AzureRM'

# DSC resources to export from this module
# DscResourcesToExport = @()

# List of all modules packaged with this module
# ModuleList = @()

# List of all files packaged with this module
# FileList = @()

# Private data to pass to the module specified in RootModule/ModuleToProcess. This may also contain a PSData hashtable with additional module metadata used by PowerShell.
PrivateData = @{

    PSData = @{

        # Tags applied to this module. These help with module discovery in online galleries.
        # Tags = @()

        # A URL to the license for this module.
        LicenseUri = ''

        # A URL to the main website for this project.
        ProjectUri = ''

        # A URL to an icon representing this module.
        # IconUri = ''

        # ReleaseNotes of this module
        ReleaseNotes = '## 2017.04.05 - Version 3.8.0
* Compute
    * Fix bug in Get-* cmdlets, to allow retrieving multiple pages of data (more than 120 items)
* DataLakeAnalytics
    * Fix help for some commands to have the proper verbage and examples.
* DataLakeStore
    * Add support for head and tail to the `Get-AzureRMDataLakeStoreItemContent` cmdlet. This enables returning the top N or last N new line delimited rows to be displayed.
* HDInsight
    * Added support for RServer cluster type
        - Edgenode VM size can be specified for RServer cluster in New-AzureRmHDInsightCluster or New-AzureRmHDInsightClusterConfig
        - RServer is now a configuration option in Add-AzureRmHDInsightConfigValues. It allows for RStudio flag to be set to indicate that R Studio installation should be done.
* LogicApp
    * Set-AzureRmIntegrationAccountSchema and Set-AzureRmIntegrationAccountMap cmdlets are fixed for the contentlink issue(Both content and contentlink were set resulting in update failure).
* Network
    * Added support for new web application firewall features to Application Gateways
        - Added New-AzureRmApplicationGatewayFirewallDisabledRuleGroupConfig
        - Added Get-AzureRmApplicationGatewayAvailableWafRuleSets (Alias: List-AzureRmApplicationGatewayAvailableWafRuleSets)
        - Updated New-AzureRmApplicationGatewayWebApplicationFirewallConfiguration: Added parameter -RuleSetType -RuleSetVersion and -DisabledRuleGroups
        - Updated Set-AzureRmApplicationGatewayWebApplicationFirewallConfiguration: Added parameter -RuleSetType -RuleSetVersion and -DisabledRuleGroups
    * Added support for IPSec policies to Virtual Network Gateway Connections
        - Added New-AzureRmIpsecPolicy
        - Updated New-AzureRmVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection: Added parameter -IpsecPolicies and -UsePolicyBasedTrafficSelectors
* Profile
    * *Obsolete*: Save-AzureRmProfile is renamed to Save-AzureRmContext, there is an alias to the old cmdlet name, the alias will be removed in the next release.
    * *Obsolete*: Select-AzureRmProfile is renamed to Import-AzureRmContext, there is an alias to the old cmdlet name, the alias will be removed in the next release.
    * The PSAzureContext and PSAzureProfile output types of profile cmdlets will be changed in the next release.
    * The Save-AzureRmContext cmdlet will have no OutputType in the next release.
    * Fix bug in cmdlet common code to use FIPS-compliant algorithm for data hashes:
* Sql
    * Bug fixes on Azure Failover Group Cmdlets
        - Fix for operation polling
        - Fix GracePeriodWithDataLossHour value when setting FailoverPolicy to Manual
* TrafficManager
    * Support for the Geographic traffic routing method
        - New value ''Geographic'' for the TrafficRoutingMethod parameter of New-AzureRmTrafficManagerProfile
        - New parameter ''GeoMapping'' for the New-AzureRmTrafficManagerEndpoint and Add-AzureRmTrafficManagerEndpointConfig
        - Fix piping for Get-AzureRmTrafficManagerProfile when it returns a collection of profiles
* ServiceManagement
    * Add initiate maintenance PowerShell cmdlet.
    * Add Maintenance Status field to Get-AzureVM response.
    * Added new cmdlets to support Recovery Services vault upgrade
        - Test-AzureRecoveryServicesVaultUpgrade
        - Invoke-AzureRecoveryServicesVaultUpgrade'

        # External dependent modules of this module
        # ExternalModuleDependencies = ''

    } # End of PSData hashtable
 } # End of PrivateData hashtable

# HelpInfo URI of this module
# HelpInfoURI = ''

# Default prefix for commands exported from this module. Override the default prefix using Import-Module -Prefix.
# DefaultCommandPrefix = ''
