
using namespace Microsoft.PowerShell.SHiPS

# Get-AzWebApp cmdlet has nested write-progress. We can fix the tab completion issue in PSReadline and PSCore for not nested
# progress. See discussion and issue
# By suppressing the progress for Get-AzWebApp below will close the line gap but it does not affect the command line ProgressPreference setting.
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
class WebApps : SHiPSDirectory
    WebApps() : base ($this.GetType())

    WebApps([string]$name): base($name)

    [object[]] GetChildItem()
        # Will be removed when the Azure issue get fixed:
        # Issue:"New-Alias : The alias is not allowed, because an alias with the name 'Swap-AzWebAppSlot' already exists..."
        if(Get-Variable -Name IsCoreCLR -ErrorAction Ignore)
            Import-Module Az.Websites

        return @(Az.Websites\Get-AzWebApp | %{ $_.psobject.typenames.Insert(0, "AzurePSDriveWebApp"); $_ })
