

RootModule = 'AzureAutomationPack.psm1'

ModuleVersion = ''

GUID = '72313b11-c36e-46b6-8f40-9641ecd2e42f'

Author = 'Microsoft Corporation'

CompanyName = 'Microsoft Corporation'

Copyright = '© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.'

Description = @'
Cmdlets for publishing, discovering and saving the Azure Automation Packs to target gallery.
The Publish-AzureAutomationPack cmdlet with validate your ARM root template to ensure it is syntactically correct, as well as ensuring it will deploy properly when deployed to Azure Automation.
An Azure Automation Pack is a special type of module. It consists of a metadata file and an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template file which contains a collection of Azure Automation resources, such as runbooks, configurations, modules, credentials, schedules, variables, connections, certificates, jobs, compilation jobs, and nodes. These ARM resources will be deployed to Azure Automation when a user clicks the 'Deploy to Azure Automation' button on PowerShell Gallery.
To publish an Azure Automation Pack to the PowerShell Gallery, download the AzureAutomationPack module and run the Publish-AzureAutomationPack cmdlet, specifying your NuGetAPIKey the same way you use Publish-Module. The Publish-AzureAutomationPack cmdlet will validate your ARM root template to ensure it is syntactically correct, as well as ensuring it will deploy properly when deployed to Azure Automation.
An Azure Automation Pack requires:
- A valid ARM template file name with the same name as the module name (i.e., <ModuleName>.json)
- A <ModuleName>-parameters.json file
- Automation resources specified in the root template should be valid and recognized by the Azure Automation service
- Scripts and modules in the ARM template should be published to publically accessible URLs.

PowerShellVersion = '3.0'

NestedModules = @('Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll', 'Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.WindowsForms.dll')

FunctionsToExport = @('Publish-AzureAutomationPack',

VariablesToExport = @()

AliasesToExport = @()

FileList = @('AzureAutomationPack.psm1'

RequiredModules = @('PowerShellGet')
