
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Localized AzureAutomationPack.Resource.psd1

ConvertFrom-StringData @'
        AzureAccountIsNotLoggedIn=Your Azure account is not logged-in, it is required to validate and get the dependent resource details. Use Login-AzureRmAccount cmdlet to login to your account.
        FailedToAcquireJWTToken=Failed to obtain the JWT token.
        PathNotFound=Cannot find the path '{0}' because it does not exist.
        UpdateToValidateTheTemplateFile=Unable to validate the root template file.
        TemplateFileNameAndAutomationPackFolderNameShouldBeSame=Template file name '{0}' and Azure Automation Pack folder name '{1}' is not same, ensure that both are same.
        TemplateFileIsMissing='{0}' file is missing, ensure that your Azure Automation Pack folder contains '{0}' file.
        TemplateParameterFileIsMissing='{0}' file is missing, ensure that your Azure Automation Pack folder contains '{0}' file.
        ExistingAutomationPackManifest=Azure Automation Pack manifest file '{0}' already exists. Use Update-AzureAutomationPackManifest cmdlet to update the Azure Automation Pack manifest file.
        MissingAutomationPackManifestFile=Azure Automation pack manifest file '{0}' is missing. Use New-AzureAutomationPackManifest cmdlet to create the Azure Automation Pack manifest file.
        AcquiringAccessToken=Acquiring the access token.
        VatidatingTheRootTemplate=Validating the root template file '{0}'.