
<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.AddApplicationOwner(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add an owner to an application
            Add an owner to an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.AddApplicationOwnerWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add an owner to an application
            Add an owner to an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.GetApplication(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get an application by objectId
            Get an application by objectId from Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.GetApplicationWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get an application by objectId
            Get an application by objectId from Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Application</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.GetApplicationExtensionProperties(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get group extension properties
            Get group extension properties
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.GetApplicationExtensionPropertiesWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get group extension properties
            Get group extension properties
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetExtensionPropertiesResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.GetApplicationMainLogo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get logo of an application.
            Get the logo of an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.GetApplicationMainLogoWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get logo of an application.
            Get the logo of an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of System.IO.Stream</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.GetApplicationOwners(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get owners of an application.
            Get the owners of an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.GetApplicationOwnersWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get owners of an application.
            Get the owners of an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.GetApplicationServiceEndpoints(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get service endpoint of an application.
            Get service endpoint of an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.GetApplicationServiceEndpointsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get service endpoint of an application.
            Get service endpoint of an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetServiceEndpointsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.GetApplications(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of applications within the directory.
            Get a list of applications within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.GetApplicationsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of applications within the directory.
            Get a list of applications within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetApplicationsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.GetDeletedApplications(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of deleted applications within the directory.
            Get a list of deleted applications within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.GetDeletedApplicationsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of deleted applications within the directory.
            Get a list of deleted applications within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetApplicationsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.NewApplication(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application)">
            Create a new application in Azure Active Directory
            Create a new application in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="application">New application</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.NewApplicationWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application)">
            Create a new application in Azure Active Directory
            Create a new application in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="application">New application</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Application</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.NewApplicationExtensionProperty(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ExtensionProperty)">
            Create application extension property
            Get application extension property
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="extensionProperty">New extension property</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.NewApplicationExtensionPropertyWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ExtensionProperty)">
            Create application extension property
            Get application extension property
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="extensionProperty">New extension property</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of ExtensionProperty</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.RemoveApplication(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an application by objectId.
            Delete an application by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.RemoveApplicationWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an application by objectId.
            Delete an application by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.RemoveApplicationExtensionProperty(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an application extension property.
            Delete an application extension property.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="extensionPropertyId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory extensionProperty</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.RemoveApplicationExtensionPropertyWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an application extension property.
            Delete an application extension property.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="extensionPropertyId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory extensionProperty</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.RemoveApplicationOwner(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes an owner from an application.
            Removes an owner from an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="ownerId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory owner</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.RemoveApplicationOwnerWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes an owner from an application.
            Removes an owner from an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="ownerId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory owner</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.RestoreDeletedApplication(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RestoreDeletedApplicationBody)">
            Restores the deleted application in the directory
            Restores the deleted application in the directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of deleted application in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="restoreDeletedApplicationBody">The collection of identifier URIs for the application. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.RestoreDeletedApplicationWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RestoreDeletedApplicationBody)">
            Restores the deleted application in the directory
            Restores the deleted application in the directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of deleted application in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="restoreDeletedApplicationBody">The collection of identifier URIs for the application. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Application</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.SetApplication(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application)">
            Updates a specific application in Azure Active Directory
            Updates an application (application object) identified by objectId in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="application">application with updated fields</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.SetApplicationWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application)">
            Updates a specific application in Azure Active Directory
            Updates an application (application object) identified by objectId in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="application">application with updated fields</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.SetApplicationMainLogo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Byte[])">
            Set logo of an application.
            Set logo of an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="content">Application logo</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.SetApplicationMainLogoWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Byte[])">
            Set logo of an application.
            Set logo of an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="content">Application logo</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.AddApplicationOwnerAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add an owner to an application
            Add an owner to an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.AddApplicationOwnerAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add an owner to an application
            Add an owner to an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.GetApplicationAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get an application by objectId
            Get an application by objectId from Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of Application</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.GetApplicationAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get an application by objectId
            Get an application by objectId from Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (Application)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.GetApplicationExtensionPropertiesAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get group extension properties
            Get group extension properties
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of GetExtensionPropertiesResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.GetApplicationExtensionPropertiesAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get group extension properties
            Get group extension properties
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetExtensionPropertiesResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.GetApplicationMainLogoAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get logo of an application.
            Get the logo of an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of System.IO.Stream</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.GetApplicationMainLogoAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get logo of an application.
            Get the logo of an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (System.IO.Stream)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.GetApplicationOwnersAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get owners of an application.
            Get the owners of an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.GetApplicationOwnersAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get owners of an application.
            Get the owners of an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.GetApplicationServiceEndpointsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get service endpoint of an application.
            Get service endpoint of an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetServiceEndpointsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.GetApplicationServiceEndpointsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get service endpoint of an application.
            Get service endpoint of an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetServiceEndpointsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.GetApplicationsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of applications within the directory.
            Get a list of applications within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetApplicationsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.GetApplicationsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of applications within the directory.
            Get a list of applications within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetApplicationsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.GetDeletedApplicationsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of deleted applications within the directory.
            Get a list of deleted applications within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetApplicationsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.GetDeletedApplicationsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of deleted applications within the directory.
            Get a list of deleted applications within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetApplicationsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.NewApplicationAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application)">
            Create a new application in Azure Active Directory
            Create a new application in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="application">New application</param>
            <returns>Task of Application</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.NewApplicationAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application)">
            Create a new application in Azure Active Directory
            Create a new application in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="application">New application</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (Application)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.NewApplicationExtensionPropertyAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ExtensionProperty)">
            Create application extension property
            Get application extension property
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="extensionProperty">New extension property</param>
            <returns>Task of ExtensionProperty</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.NewApplicationExtensionPropertyAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ExtensionProperty)">
            Create application extension property
            Get application extension property
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="extensionProperty">New extension property</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (ExtensionProperty)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.RemoveApplicationAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an application by objectId.
            Delete an application by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.RemoveApplicationAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an application by objectId.
            Delete an application by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.RemoveApplicationExtensionPropertyAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an application extension property.
            Delete an application extension property.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="extensionPropertyId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory extensionProperty</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.RemoveApplicationExtensionPropertyAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an application extension property.
            Delete an application extension property.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="extensionPropertyId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory extensionProperty</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.RemoveApplicationOwnerAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes an owner from an application.
            Removes an owner from an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="ownerId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory owner</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.RemoveApplicationOwnerAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes an owner from an application.
            Removes an owner from an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="ownerId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory owner</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.RestoreDeletedApplicationAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RestoreDeletedApplicationBody)">
            Restores the deleted application in the directory
            Restores the deleted application in the directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of deleted application in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="restoreDeletedApplicationBody">The collection of identifier URIs for the application. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of Application</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.RestoreDeletedApplicationAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RestoreDeletedApplicationBody)">
            Restores the deleted application in the directory
            Restores the deleted application in the directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of deleted application in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="restoreDeletedApplicationBody">The collection of identifier URIs for the application. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (Application)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.SetApplicationAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application)">
            Updates a specific application in Azure Active Directory
            Updates an application (application object) identified by objectId in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="application">application with updated fields</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.SetApplicationAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application)">
            Updates a specific application in Azure Active Directory
            Updates an application (application object) identified by objectId in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="application">application with updated fields</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.SetApplicationMainLogoAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Byte[])">
            Set logo of an application.
            Set logo of an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="content">Application logo</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IApplicationApi.SetApplicationMainLogoAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Byte[])">
            Set logo of an application.
            Set logo of an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="content">Application logo</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.#ctor(System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi"/> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.#ctor(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi"/> class
            using Configuration object
            <param name="configuration">An instance of Configuration</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.GetBasePath">
            Gets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.SetBasePath(System.String)">
            Sets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.Configuration">
            Gets or sets the configuration object
            <value>An instance of the Configuration</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.ExceptionFactory">
            Provides a factory method hook for the creation of exceptions.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.DefaultHeader">
            Gets the default header.
            <returns>Dictionary of HTTP header</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.AddDefaultHeader(System.String,System.String)">
            Add default header.
            <param name="key">Header field name.</param>
            <param name="value">Header field value.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.AddApplicationOwner(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add an owner to an application Add an owner to an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.AddApplicationOwnerWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add an owner to an application Add an owner to an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.AddApplicationOwnerAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add an owner to an application Add an owner to an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.AddApplicationOwnerAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add an owner to an application Add an owner to an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.GetApplication(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get an application by objectId Get an application by objectId from Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.GetApplicationWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get an application by objectId Get an application by objectId from Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Application</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.GetApplicationAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get an application by objectId Get an application by objectId from Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of Application</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.GetApplicationAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get an application by objectId Get an application by objectId from Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (Application)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.GetApplicationExtensionProperties(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get group extension properties Get group extension properties
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.GetApplicationExtensionPropertiesWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get group extension properties Get group extension properties
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetExtensionPropertiesResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.GetApplicationExtensionPropertiesAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get group extension properties Get group extension properties
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of GetExtensionPropertiesResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.GetApplicationExtensionPropertiesAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get group extension properties Get group extension properties
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetExtensionPropertiesResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.GetApplicationMainLogo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get logo of an application. Get the logo of an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.GetApplicationMainLogoWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get logo of an application. Get the logo of an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of System.IO.Stream</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.GetApplicationMainLogoAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get logo of an application. Get the logo of an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of System.IO.Stream</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.GetApplicationMainLogoAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get logo of an application. Get the logo of an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (System.IO.Stream)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.GetApplicationOwners(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get owners of an application. Get the owners of an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.GetApplicationOwnersWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get owners of an application. Get the owners of an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.GetApplicationOwnersAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get owners of an application. Get the owners of an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.GetApplicationOwnersAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get owners of an application. Get the owners of an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.GetApplicationServiceEndpoints(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get service endpoint of an application. Get service endpoint of an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.GetApplicationServiceEndpointsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get service endpoint of an application. Get service endpoint of an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetServiceEndpointsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.GetApplicationServiceEndpointsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get service endpoint of an application. Get service endpoint of an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetServiceEndpointsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.GetApplicationServiceEndpointsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get service endpoint of an application. Get service endpoint of an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetServiceEndpointsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.GetApplications(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of applications within the directory. Get a list of applications within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.GetApplicationsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of applications within the directory. Get a list of applications within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetApplicationsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.GetApplicationsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of applications within the directory. Get a list of applications within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetApplicationsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.GetApplicationsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of applications within the directory. Get a list of applications within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetApplicationsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.GetDeletedApplications(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of deleted applications within the directory. Get a list of deleted applications within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.GetDeletedApplicationsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of deleted applications within the directory. Get a list of deleted applications within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetApplicationsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.GetDeletedApplicationsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of deleted applications within the directory. Get a list of deleted applications within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetApplicationsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.GetDeletedApplicationsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of deleted applications within the directory. Get a list of deleted applications within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetApplicationsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.NewApplication(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application)">
            Create a new application in Azure Active Directory Create a new application in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="application">New application</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.NewApplicationWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application)">
            Create a new application in Azure Active Directory Create a new application in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="application">New application</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Application</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.NewApplicationAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application)">
            Create a new application in Azure Active Directory Create a new application in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="application">New application</param>
            <returns>Task of Application</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.NewApplicationAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application)">
            Create a new application in Azure Active Directory Create a new application in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="application">New application</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (Application)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.NewApplicationExtensionProperty(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ExtensionProperty)">
            Create application extension property Get application extension property
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="extensionProperty">New extension property</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.NewApplicationExtensionPropertyWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ExtensionProperty)">
            Create application extension property Get application extension property
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="extensionProperty">New extension property</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of ExtensionProperty</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.NewApplicationExtensionPropertyAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ExtensionProperty)">
            Create application extension property Get application extension property
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="extensionProperty">New extension property</param>
            <returns>Task of ExtensionProperty</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.NewApplicationExtensionPropertyAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ExtensionProperty)">
            Create application extension property Get application extension property
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="extensionProperty">New extension property</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (ExtensionProperty)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.RemoveApplication(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an application by objectId. Delete an application by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.RemoveApplicationWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an application by objectId. Delete an application by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.RemoveApplicationAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an application by objectId. Delete an application by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.RemoveApplicationAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an application by objectId. Delete an application by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.RemoveApplicationExtensionProperty(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an application extension property. Delete an application extension property.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="extensionPropertyId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory extensionProperty</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.RemoveApplicationExtensionPropertyWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an application extension property. Delete an application extension property.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="extensionPropertyId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory extensionProperty</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.RemoveApplicationExtensionPropertyAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an application extension property. Delete an application extension property.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="extensionPropertyId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory extensionProperty</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.RemoveApplicationExtensionPropertyAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an application extension property. Delete an application extension property.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="extensionPropertyId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory extensionProperty</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.RemoveApplicationOwner(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes an owner from an application. Removes an owner from an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="ownerId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory owner</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.RemoveApplicationOwnerWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes an owner from an application. Removes an owner from an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="ownerId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory owner</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.RemoveApplicationOwnerAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes an owner from an application. Removes an owner from an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="ownerId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory owner</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.RemoveApplicationOwnerAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes an owner from an application. Removes an owner from an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="ownerId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory owner</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.RestoreDeletedApplication(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RestoreDeletedApplicationBody)">
            Restores the deleted application in the directory Restores the deleted application in the directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of deleted application in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="restoreDeletedApplicationBody">The collection of identifier URIs for the application. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.RestoreDeletedApplicationWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RestoreDeletedApplicationBody)">
            Restores the deleted application in the directory Restores the deleted application in the directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of deleted application in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="restoreDeletedApplicationBody">The collection of identifier URIs for the application. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Application</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.RestoreDeletedApplicationAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RestoreDeletedApplicationBody)">
            Restores the deleted application in the directory Restores the deleted application in the directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of deleted application in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="restoreDeletedApplicationBody">The collection of identifier URIs for the application. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of Application</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.RestoreDeletedApplicationAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RestoreDeletedApplicationBody)">
            Restores the deleted application in the directory Restores the deleted application in the directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of deleted application in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="restoreDeletedApplicationBody">The collection of identifier URIs for the application. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (Application)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.SetApplication(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application)">
            Updates a specific application in Azure Active Directory Updates an application (application object) identified by objectId in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="application">application with updated fields</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.SetApplicationWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application)">
            Updates a specific application in Azure Active Directory Updates an application (application object) identified by objectId in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="application">application with updated fields</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.SetApplicationAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application)">
            Updates a specific application in Azure Active Directory Updates an application (application object) identified by objectId in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="application">application with updated fields</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.SetApplicationAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application)">
            Updates a specific application in Azure Active Directory Updates an application (application object) identified by objectId in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="application">application with updated fields</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.SetApplicationMainLogo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Byte[])">
            Set logo of an application. Set logo of an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="content">Application logo</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.SetApplicationMainLogoWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Byte[])">
            Set logo of an application. Set logo of an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="content">Application logo</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.SetApplicationMainLogoAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Byte[])">
            Set logo of an application. Set logo of an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="content">Application logo</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ApplicationApi.SetApplicationMainLogoAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Byte[])">
            Set logo of an application. Set logo of an application.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="content">Application logo</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.GetAzureADContactThumbnailPhoto(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get thumbnail photo of a contact.
            Get thumbnail photo of a contact.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.GetAzureADContactThumbnailPhotoWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get thumbnail photo of a contact.
            Get thumbnail photo of a contact.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of System.IO.Stream</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.GetContact(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific contact from Azure Active Directory
            Retreives a specific contact (contact object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a contact in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.GetContactWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific contact from Azure Active Directory
            Retreives a specific contact (contact object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a contact in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Contact</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.GetContactDirectReports(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get the contact&#39;s direct reports.
            Get the contact&#39;s direct reports. Direct reports are users who have their manager attribute set to the current contact.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.GetContactDirectReportsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get the contact&#39;s direct reports.
            Get the contact&#39;s direct reports. Direct reports are users who have their manager attribute set to the current contact.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.GetContactManager(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves the manager of a contact from Azure Active Directory
            Retrieves the manager of a contact from Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.GetContactManagerWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves the manager of a contact from Azure Active Directory
            Retrieves the manager of a contact from Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of DirectoryObject</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.GetContactMemberships(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get contact memberships.
            Get a list of groups and directory roles that the contact is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.GetContactMembershipsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get contact memberships.
            Get a list of groups and directory roles that the contact is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.GetContacts(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of contacts in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters
            Retrieves a list of contacts in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a contact in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.GetContactsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of contacts in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters
            Retrieves a list of contacts in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a contact in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetContactsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.RemoveContact(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes a specific contact in Azure Active Directory
            Deletes a contact (contact object) identified by objectId
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.RemoveContactWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes a specific contact in Azure Active Directory
            Deletes a contact (contact object) identified by objectId
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.RemoveContactManager(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes the contact&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory
            Deletes the contact&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.RemoveContactManagerWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes the contact&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory
            Deletes the contact&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.SelectAzureADGroupIdsContactIsMemberOf(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the contact is a member of.
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the contact is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="groupIdsForMembershipCheck">A list of groups object ids.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.SelectAzureADGroupIdsContactIsMemberOfWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the contact is a member of.
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the contact is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="groupIdsForMembershipCheck">A list of groups object ids.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of CheckMemberGroupsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.GetAzureADContactThumbnailPhotoAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get thumbnail photo of a contact.
            Get thumbnail photo of a contact.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of System.IO.Stream</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.GetAzureADContactThumbnailPhotoAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get thumbnail photo of a contact.
            Get thumbnail photo of a contact.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (System.IO.Stream)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.GetContactAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific contact from Azure Active Directory
            Retreives a specific contact (contact object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a contact in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of Contact</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.GetContactAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific contact from Azure Active Directory
            Retreives a specific contact (contact object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a contact in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (Contact)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.GetContactDirectReportsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get the contact&#39;s direct reports.
            Get the contact&#39;s direct reports. Direct reports are users who have their manager attribute set to the current contact.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.GetContactDirectReportsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get the contact&#39;s direct reports.
            Get the contact&#39;s direct reports. Direct reports are users who have their manager attribute set to the current contact.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.GetContactManagerAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves the manager of a contact from Azure Active Directory
            Retrieves the manager of a contact from Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of DirectoryObject</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.GetContactManagerAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves the manager of a contact from Azure Active Directory
            Retrieves the manager of a contact from Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (DirectoryObject)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.GetContactMembershipsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get contact memberships.
            Get a list of groups and directory roles that the contact is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.GetContactMembershipsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get contact memberships.
            Get a list of groups and directory roles that the contact is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.GetContactsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of contacts in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters
            Retrieves a list of contacts in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a contact in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetContactsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.GetContactsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of contacts in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters
            Retrieves a list of contacts in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a contact in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetContactsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.RemoveContactAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes a specific contact in Azure Active Directory
            Deletes a contact (contact object) identified by objectId
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.RemoveContactAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes a specific contact in Azure Active Directory
            Deletes a contact (contact object) identified by objectId
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.RemoveContactManagerAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes the contact&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory
            Deletes the contact&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.RemoveContactManagerAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes the contact&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory
            Deletes the contact&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.SelectAzureADGroupIdsContactIsMemberOfAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the contact is a member of.
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the contact is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="groupIdsForMembershipCheck">A list of groups object ids.</param>
            <returns>Task of CheckMemberGroupsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContactApi.SelectAzureADGroupIdsContactIsMemberOfAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the contact is a member of.
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the contact is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="groupIdsForMembershipCheck">A list of groups object ids.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (CheckMemberGroupsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.#ctor(System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi"/> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.#ctor(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi"/> class
            using Configuration object
            <param name="configuration">An instance of Configuration</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.GetBasePath">
            Gets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.SetBasePath(System.String)">
            Sets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.Configuration">
            Gets or sets the configuration object
            <value>An instance of the Configuration</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.ExceptionFactory">
            Provides a factory method hook for the creation of exceptions.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.DefaultHeader">
            Gets the default header.
            <returns>Dictionary of HTTP header</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.AddDefaultHeader(System.String,System.String)">
            Add default header.
            <param name="key">Header field name.</param>
            <param name="value">Header field value.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.GetAzureADContactThumbnailPhoto(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get thumbnail photo of a contact. Get thumbnail photo of a contact.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.GetAzureADContactThumbnailPhotoWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get thumbnail photo of a contact. Get thumbnail photo of a contact.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of System.IO.Stream</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.GetAzureADContactThumbnailPhotoAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get thumbnail photo of a contact. Get thumbnail photo of a contact.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of System.IO.Stream</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.GetAzureADContactThumbnailPhotoAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get thumbnail photo of a contact. Get thumbnail photo of a contact.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (System.IO.Stream)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.GetContact(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific contact from Azure Active Directory Retreives a specific contact (contact object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a contact in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.GetContactWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific contact from Azure Active Directory Retreives a specific contact (contact object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a contact in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Contact</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.GetContactAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific contact from Azure Active Directory Retreives a specific contact (contact object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a contact in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of Contact</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.GetContactAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific contact from Azure Active Directory Retreives a specific contact (contact object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a contact in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (Contact)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.GetContactDirectReports(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get the contact&#39;s direct reports. Get the contact&#39;s direct reports. Direct reports are users who have their manager attribute set to the current contact.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.GetContactDirectReportsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get the contact&#39;s direct reports. Get the contact&#39;s direct reports. Direct reports are users who have their manager attribute set to the current contact.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.GetContactDirectReportsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get the contact&#39;s direct reports. Get the contact&#39;s direct reports. Direct reports are users who have their manager attribute set to the current contact.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.GetContactDirectReportsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get the contact&#39;s direct reports. Get the contact&#39;s direct reports. Direct reports are users who have their manager attribute set to the current contact.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.GetContactManager(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves the manager of a contact from Azure Active Directory Retrieves the manager of a contact from Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.GetContactManagerWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves the manager of a contact from Azure Active Directory Retrieves the manager of a contact from Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of DirectoryObject</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.GetContactManagerAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves the manager of a contact from Azure Active Directory Retrieves the manager of a contact from Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of DirectoryObject</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.GetContactManagerAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves the manager of a contact from Azure Active Directory Retrieves the manager of a contact from Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (DirectoryObject)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.GetContactMemberships(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get contact memberships. Get a list of groups and directory roles that the contact is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.GetContactMembershipsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get contact memberships. Get a list of groups and directory roles that the contact is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.GetContactMembershipsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get contact memberships. Get a list of groups and directory roles that the contact is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.GetContactMembershipsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get contact memberships. Get a list of groups and directory roles that the contact is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.GetContacts(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of contacts in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters Retrieves a list of contacts in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a contact in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.GetContactsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of contacts in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters Retrieves a list of contacts in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a contact in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetContactsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.GetContactsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of contacts in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters Retrieves a list of contacts in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a contact in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetContactsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.GetContactsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of contacts in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters Retrieves a list of contacts in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a contact in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetContactsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.RemoveContact(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes a specific contact in Azure Active Directory Deletes a contact (contact object) identified by objectId
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.RemoveContactWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes a specific contact in Azure Active Directory Deletes a contact (contact object) identified by objectId
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.RemoveContactAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes a specific contact in Azure Active Directory Deletes a contact (contact object) identified by objectId
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.RemoveContactAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes a specific contact in Azure Active Directory Deletes a contact (contact object) identified by objectId
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.RemoveContactManager(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes the contact&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory Deletes the contact&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.RemoveContactManagerWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes the contact&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory Deletes the contact&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.RemoveContactManagerAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes the contact&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory Deletes the contact&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.RemoveContactManagerAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes the contact&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory Deletes the contact&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.SelectAzureADGroupIdsContactIsMemberOf(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the contact is a member of. From a list of groups Ids select those that the contact is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="groupIdsForMembershipCheck">A list of groups object ids.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.SelectAzureADGroupIdsContactIsMemberOfWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the contact is a member of. From a list of groups Ids select those that the contact is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="groupIdsForMembershipCheck">A list of groups object ids.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of CheckMemberGroupsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.SelectAzureADGroupIdsContactIsMemberOfAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the contact is a member of. From a list of groups Ids select those that the contact is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="groupIdsForMembershipCheck">A list of groups object ids.</param>
            <returns>Task of CheckMemberGroupsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContactApi.SelectAzureADGroupIdsContactIsMemberOfAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the contact is a member of. From a list of groups Ids select those that the contact is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="groupIdsForMembershipCheck">A list of groups object ids.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (CheckMemberGroupsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContractApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContractApi.GetContract(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific contract from Azure Active Directory
            Retreives a specific contract (contact object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a contract in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContractApi.GetContractWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific contract from Azure Active Directory
            Retreives a specific contract (contact object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a contract in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Contract</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContractApi.GetContracts(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of contracts in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters
            Retrieves a list of contracts in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a contract in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContractApi.GetContractsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of contracts in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters
            Retrieves a list of contracts in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a contract in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetContractsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContractApi.GetContractAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific contract from Azure Active Directory
            Retreives a specific contract (contact object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a contract in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of Contract</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContractApi.GetContractAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific contract from Azure Active Directory
            Retreives a specific contract (contact object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a contract in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (Contract)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContractApi.GetContractsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of contracts in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters
            Retrieves a list of contracts in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a contract in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetContractsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IContractApi.GetContractsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of contracts in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters
            Retrieves a list of contracts in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a contract in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetContractsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContractApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContractApi.#ctor(System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContractApi"/> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContractApi.#ctor(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContractApi"/> class
            using Configuration object
            <param name="configuration">An instance of Configuration</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContractApi.GetBasePath">
            Gets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContractApi.SetBasePath(System.String)">
            Sets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContractApi.Configuration">
            Gets or sets the configuration object
            <value>An instance of the Configuration</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContractApi.ExceptionFactory">
            Provides a factory method hook for the creation of exceptions.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContractApi.DefaultHeader">
            Gets the default header.
            <returns>Dictionary of HTTP header</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContractApi.AddDefaultHeader(System.String,System.String)">
            Add default header.
            <param name="key">Header field name.</param>
            <param name="value">Header field value.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContractApi.GetContract(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific contract from Azure Active Directory Retreives a specific contract (contact object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a contract in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContractApi.GetContractWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific contract from Azure Active Directory Retreives a specific contract (contact object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a contract in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Contract</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContractApi.GetContractAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific contract from Azure Active Directory Retreives a specific contract (contact object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a contract in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of Contract</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContractApi.GetContractAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific contract from Azure Active Directory Retreives a specific contract (contact object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a contract in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (Contract)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContractApi.GetContracts(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of contracts in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters Retrieves a list of contracts in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a contract in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContractApi.GetContractsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of contracts in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters Retrieves a list of contracts in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a contract in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetContractsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContractApi.GetContractsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of contracts in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters Retrieves a list of contracts in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a contract in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetContractsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ContractApi.GetContractsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of contracts in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters Retrieves a list of contracts in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a contract in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetContractsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.AddDeviceRegisteredOwner(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add an owner to a device
            Add an owner to a device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.AddDeviceRegisteredOwnerWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add an owner to a device
            Add an owner to a device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.AddDeviceRegisteredUser(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add a user to a device.
            Add a user to a device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.AddDeviceRegisteredUserWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add a user to a device.
            Add a user to a device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.DeviceRegisteredOwner(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes an owner from a device.
            Removes an owner from a device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="ownerId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory owner</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.DeviceRegisteredOwnerWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes an owner from a device.
            Removes an owner from a device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="ownerId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory owner</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.GetDevice(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific device from Azure Active Directory
            Retreives a specific device (device object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a device in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.GetDeviceWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific device from Azure Active Directory
            Retreives a specific device (device object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a device in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Device</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.GetDeviceRegisteredOwners(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get users that are registered as owner on the device.
            Get users that are registered as owner on the device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.GetDeviceRegisteredOwnersWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get users that are registered as owner on the device.
            Get users that are registered as owner on the device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetUsersResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.GetDeviceRegisteredUsers(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get users that are marked as users on the device.
            Get users that are marked as users on the device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.GetDeviceRegisteredUsersWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get users that are marked as users on the device.
            Get users that are marked as users on the device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetUsersResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.GetDevices(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of devices in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters
            Retrieves a list of devices in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a device in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.GetDevicesWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of devices in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters
            Retrieves a list of devices in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a device in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDevicesResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.NewDevice(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device)">
            Create a new device in Azure Active Directory
            Creates a new device in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="device">New device</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.NewDeviceWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device)">
            Create a new device in Azure Active Directory
            Creates a new device in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="device">New device</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Device</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.RemoveDevice(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes a specific device in Azure Active Directory
            Deletes a device (device object) identified by objectId
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.RemoveDeviceWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes a specific device in Azure Active Directory
            Deletes a device (device object) identified by objectId
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.RemoveDeviceRegisteredUser(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes a user from a device.
            Removes a user from a device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="userId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory user</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.RemoveDeviceRegisteredUserWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes a user from a device.
            Removes a user from a device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="userId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory user</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.SetDevice(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device)">
            Updates a specific device in Azure Active Directory
            Updates a device (device object) identified by objectId
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="device">device with updated fields</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.SetDeviceWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device)">
            Updates a specific device in Azure Active Directory
            Updates a device (device object) identified by objectId
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="device">device with updated fields</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.AddDeviceRegisteredOwnerAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add an owner to a device
            Add an owner to a device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.AddDeviceRegisteredOwnerAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add an owner to a device
            Add an owner to a device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.AddDeviceRegisteredUserAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add a user to a device.
            Add a user to a device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.AddDeviceRegisteredUserAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add a user to a device.
            Add a user to a device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.DeviceRegisteredOwnerAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes an owner from a device.
            Removes an owner from a device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="ownerId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory owner</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.DeviceRegisteredOwnerAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes an owner from a device.
            Removes an owner from a device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="ownerId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory owner</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.GetDeviceAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific device from Azure Active Directory
            Retreives a specific device (device object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a device in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of Device</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.GetDeviceAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific device from Azure Active Directory
            Retreives a specific device (device object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a device in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (Device)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.GetDeviceRegisteredOwnersAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get users that are registered as owner on the device.
            Get users that are registered as owner on the device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetUsersResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.GetDeviceRegisteredOwnersAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get users that are registered as owner on the device.
            Get users that are registered as owner on the device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetUsersResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.GetDeviceRegisteredUsersAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get users that are marked as users on the device.
            Get users that are marked as users on the device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetUsersResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.GetDeviceRegisteredUsersAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get users that are marked as users on the device.
            Get users that are marked as users on the device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetUsersResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.GetDevicesAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of devices in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters
            Retrieves a list of devices in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a device in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDevicesResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.GetDevicesAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of devices in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters
            Retrieves a list of devices in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a device in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDevicesResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.NewDeviceAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device)">
            Create a new device in Azure Active Directory
            Creates a new device in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="device">New device</param>
            <returns>Task of Device</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.NewDeviceAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device)">
            Create a new device in Azure Active Directory
            Creates a new device in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="device">New device</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (Device)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.RemoveDeviceAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes a specific device in Azure Active Directory
            Deletes a device (device object) identified by objectId
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.RemoveDeviceAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes a specific device in Azure Active Directory
            Deletes a device (device object) identified by objectId
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.RemoveDeviceRegisteredUserAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes a user from a device.
            Removes a user from a device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="userId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory user</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.RemoveDeviceRegisteredUserAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes a user from a device.
            Removes a user from a device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="userId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory user</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.SetDeviceAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device)">
            Updates a specific device in Azure Active Directory
            Updates a device (device object) identified by objectId
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="device">device with updated fields</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceApi.SetDeviceAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device)">
            Updates a specific device in Azure Active Directory
            Updates a device (device object) identified by objectId
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="device">device with updated fields</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.#ctor(System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi"/> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.#ctor(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi"/> class
            using Configuration object
            <param name="configuration">An instance of Configuration</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.GetBasePath">
            Gets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.SetBasePath(System.String)">
            Sets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.Configuration">
            Gets or sets the configuration object
            <value>An instance of the Configuration</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.ExceptionFactory">
            Provides a factory method hook for the creation of exceptions.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.DefaultHeader">
            Gets the default header.
            <returns>Dictionary of HTTP header</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.AddDefaultHeader(System.String,System.String)">
            Add default header.
            <param name="key">Header field name.</param>
            <param name="value">Header field value.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.AddDeviceRegisteredOwner(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add an owner to a device Add an owner to a device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.AddDeviceRegisteredOwnerWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add an owner to a device Add an owner to a device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.AddDeviceRegisteredOwnerAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add an owner to a device Add an owner to a device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.AddDeviceRegisteredOwnerAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add an owner to a device Add an owner to a device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.AddDeviceRegisteredUser(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add a user to a device. Add a user to a device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.AddDeviceRegisteredUserWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add a user to a device. Add a user to a device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.AddDeviceRegisteredUserAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add a user to a device. Add a user to a device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.AddDeviceRegisteredUserAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add a user to a device. Add a user to a device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.DeviceRegisteredOwner(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes an owner from a device. Removes an owner from a device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="ownerId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory owner</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.DeviceRegisteredOwnerWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes an owner from a device. Removes an owner from a device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="ownerId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory owner</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.DeviceRegisteredOwnerAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes an owner from a device. Removes an owner from a device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="ownerId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory owner</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.DeviceRegisteredOwnerAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes an owner from a device. Removes an owner from a device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="ownerId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory owner</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.GetDevice(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific device from Azure Active Directory Retreives a specific device (device object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a device in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.GetDeviceWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific device from Azure Active Directory Retreives a specific device (device object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a device in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Device</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.GetDeviceAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific device from Azure Active Directory Retreives a specific device (device object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a device in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of Device</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.GetDeviceAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific device from Azure Active Directory Retreives a specific device (device object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a device in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (Device)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.GetDeviceRegisteredOwners(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get users that are registered as owner on the device. Get users that are registered as owner on the device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.GetDeviceRegisteredOwnersWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get users that are registered as owner on the device. Get users that are registered as owner on the device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetUsersResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.GetDeviceRegisteredOwnersAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get users that are registered as owner on the device. Get users that are registered as owner on the device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetUsersResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.GetDeviceRegisteredOwnersAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get users that are registered as owner on the device. Get users that are registered as owner on the device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetUsersResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.GetDeviceRegisteredUsers(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get users that are marked as users on the device. Get users that are marked as users on the device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.GetDeviceRegisteredUsersWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get users that are marked as users on the device. Get users that are marked as users on the device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetUsersResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.GetDeviceRegisteredUsersAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get users that are marked as users on the device. Get users that are marked as users on the device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetUsersResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.GetDeviceRegisteredUsersAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get users that are marked as users on the device. Get users that are marked as users on the device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetUsersResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.GetDevices(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of devices in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters Retrieves a list of devices in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a device in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.GetDevicesWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of devices in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters Retrieves a list of devices in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a device in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDevicesResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.GetDevicesAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of devices in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters Retrieves a list of devices in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a device in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDevicesResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.GetDevicesAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of devices in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters Retrieves a list of devices in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a device in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDevicesResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.NewDevice(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device)">
            Create a new device in Azure Active Directory Creates a new device in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="device">New device</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.NewDeviceWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device)">
            Create a new device in Azure Active Directory Creates a new device in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="device">New device</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Device</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.NewDeviceAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device)">
            Create a new device in Azure Active Directory Creates a new device in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="device">New device</param>
            <returns>Task of Device</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.NewDeviceAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device)">
            Create a new device in Azure Active Directory Creates a new device in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="device">New device</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (Device)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.RemoveDevice(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes a specific device in Azure Active Directory Deletes a device (device object) identified by objectId
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.RemoveDeviceWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes a specific device in Azure Active Directory Deletes a device (device object) identified by objectId
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.RemoveDeviceAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes a specific device in Azure Active Directory Deletes a device (device object) identified by objectId
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.RemoveDeviceAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes a specific device in Azure Active Directory Deletes a device (device object) identified by objectId
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.RemoveDeviceRegisteredUser(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes a user from a device. Removes a user from a device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="userId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory user</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.RemoveDeviceRegisteredUserWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes a user from a device. Removes a user from a device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="userId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory user</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.RemoveDeviceRegisteredUserAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes a user from a device. Removes a user from a device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="userId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory user</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.RemoveDeviceRegisteredUserAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes a user from a device. Removes a user from a device.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="userId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory user</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.SetDevice(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device)">
            Updates a specific device in Azure Active Directory Updates a device (device object) identified by objectId
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="device">device with updated fields</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.SetDeviceWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device)">
            Updates a specific device in Azure Active Directory Updates a device (device object) identified by objectId
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="device">device with updated fields</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.SetDeviceAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device)">
            Updates a specific device in Azure Active Directory Updates a device (device object) identified by objectId
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="device">device with updated fields</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceApi.SetDeviceAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device)">
            Updates a specific device in Azure Active Directory Updates a device (device object) identified by objectId
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="device">device with updated fields</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceConfigurationApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceConfigurationApi.GetDeviceConfiguration(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves device configuration in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters
            Retrieves device configuration in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceConfigurationApi.GetDeviceConfigurationWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves device configuration in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters
            Retrieves device configuration in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDeviceConfigurationResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceConfigurationApi.GetDeviceConfigurationAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves device configuration in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters
            Retrieves device configuration in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDeviceConfigurationResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDeviceConfigurationApi.GetDeviceConfigurationAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves device configuration in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters
            Retrieves device configuration in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDeviceConfigurationResponse)</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceConfigurationApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceConfigurationApi.#ctor(System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceConfigurationApi"/> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceConfigurationApi.#ctor(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceConfigurationApi"/> class
            using Configuration object
            <param name="configuration">An instance of Configuration</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceConfigurationApi.GetBasePath">
            Gets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceConfigurationApi.SetBasePath(System.String)">
            Sets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceConfigurationApi.Configuration">
            Gets or sets the configuration object
            <value>An instance of the Configuration</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceConfigurationApi.ExceptionFactory">
            Provides a factory method hook for the creation of exceptions.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceConfigurationApi.DefaultHeader">
            Gets the default header.
            <returns>Dictionary of HTTP header</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceConfigurationApi.AddDefaultHeader(System.String,System.String)">
            Add default header.
            <param name="key">Header field name.</param>
            <param name="value">Header field value.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceConfigurationApi.GetDeviceConfiguration(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves device configuration in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters Retrieves device configuration in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceConfigurationApi.GetDeviceConfigurationWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves device configuration in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters Retrieves device configuration in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDeviceConfigurationResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceConfigurationApi.GetDeviceConfigurationAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves device configuration in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters Retrieves device configuration in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDeviceConfigurationResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DeviceConfigurationApi.GetDeviceConfigurationAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves device configuration in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters Retrieves device configuration in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDeviceConfigurationResponse)</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryObjectApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryObjectApi.GetObjectsByObjectIds(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetObjectsByObjectIdsBody)">
            A collection that contains the extension properties registered with the directory.
            A collection that contains the extension properties registered with the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="getObjectsByObjectIdsBody">List of objectIds you want to retrieve objects for. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryObjectApi.GetObjectsByObjectIdsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetObjectsByObjectIdsBody)">
            A collection that contains the extension properties registered with the directory.
            A collection that contains the extension properties registered with the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="getObjectsByObjectIdsBody">List of objectIds you want to retrieve objects for. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryObjectApi.GetObjectsByObjectIdsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetObjectsByObjectIdsBody)">
            A collection that contains the extension properties registered with the directory.
            A collection that contains the extension properties registered with the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="getObjectsByObjectIdsBody">List of objectIds you want to retrieve objects for. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryObjectApi.GetObjectsByObjectIdsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetObjectsByObjectIdsBody)">
            A collection that contains the extension properties registered with the directory.
            A collection that contains the extension properties registered with the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="getObjectsByObjectIdsBody">List of objectIds you want to retrieve objects for. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryObjectApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryObjectApi.#ctor(System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryObjectApi"/> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryObjectApi.#ctor(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryObjectApi"/> class
            using Configuration object
            <param name="configuration">An instance of Configuration</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryObjectApi.GetBasePath">
            Gets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryObjectApi.SetBasePath(System.String)">
            Sets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryObjectApi.Configuration">
            Gets or sets the configuration object
            <value>An instance of the Configuration</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryObjectApi.ExceptionFactory">
            Provides a factory method hook for the creation of exceptions.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryObjectApi.DefaultHeader">
            Gets the default header.
            <returns>Dictionary of HTTP header</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryObjectApi.AddDefaultHeader(System.String,System.String)">
            Add default header.
            <param name="key">Header field name.</param>
            <param name="value">Header field value.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryObjectApi.GetObjectsByObjectIds(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetObjectsByObjectIdsBody)">
            A collection that contains the extension properties registered with the directory. A collection that contains the extension properties registered with the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="getObjectsByObjectIdsBody">List of objectIds you want to retrieve objects for. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryObjectApi.GetObjectsByObjectIdsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetObjectsByObjectIdsBody)">
            A collection that contains the extension properties registered with the directory. A collection that contains the extension properties registered with the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="getObjectsByObjectIdsBody">List of objectIds you want to retrieve objects for. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryObjectApi.GetObjectsByObjectIdsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetObjectsByObjectIdsBody)">
            A collection that contains the extension properties registered with the directory. A collection that contains the extension properties registered with the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="getObjectsByObjectIdsBody">List of objectIds you want to retrieve objects for. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryObjectApi.GetObjectsByObjectIdsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetObjectsByObjectIdsBody)">
            A collection that contains the extension properties registered with the directory. A collection that contains the extension properties registered with the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="getObjectsByObjectIdsBody">List of objectIds you want to retrieve objects for. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryRoleApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryRoleApi.ActivateDirectoryRole(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.EnableDirectoryRole)">
            Activates an existing directory role in Azure Active Directory
            Activates an existing directory role in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="enableDirectoryRole">Azure active directory roleTemplateId for which role needs to be activated.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryRoleApi.ActivateDirectoryRoleWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.EnableDirectoryRole)">
            Activates an existing directory role in Azure Active Directory
            Activates an existing directory role in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="enableDirectoryRole">Azure active directory roleTemplateId for which role needs to be activated.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of DirectoryRole</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryRoleApi.AddDirectoryRoleMember(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add a member to a group
            Add a member to a directory role. (User, Group, Contact)
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryRoleApi.AddDirectoryRoleMemberWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add a member to a group
            Add a member to a directory role. (User, Group, Contact)
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryRoleApi.GetAzureADDirectoryRoleMembers(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get the members of a directory role.
            Get the members of a directory role.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryRoleApi.GetAzureADDirectoryRoleMembersWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get the members of a directory role.
            Get the members of a directory role.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryRoleApi.GetDirectoryRole(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific directory role from Azure Active Directory
            Retreives a specific directory role (directory role object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a directory role in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryRoleApi.GetDirectoryRoleWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific directory role from Azure Active Directory
            Retreives a specific directory role (directory role object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a directory role in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of DirectoryRole</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryRoleApi.GetDirectoryRoles(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of directory roles in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters
            Retrieves a list of director roles in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a directory role in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryRoleApi.GetDirectoryRolesWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of directory roles in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters
            Retrieves a list of director roles in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a directory role in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryRolesResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryRoleApi.RemoveDirectoryMember(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes a specific member of a directory role.
            Removes a specific member of a directory role.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="memberId">The unique identifier of a member in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryRoleApi.RemoveDirectoryMemberWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes a specific member of a directory role.
            Removes a specific member of a directory role.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="memberId">The unique identifier of a member in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryRoleApi.ActivateDirectoryRoleAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.EnableDirectoryRole)">
            Activates an existing directory role in Azure Active Directory
            Activates an existing directory role in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="enableDirectoryRole">Azure active directory roleTemplateId for which role needs to be activated.</param>
            <returns>Task of DirectoryRole</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryRoleApi.ActivateDirectoryRoleAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.EnableDirectoryRole)">
            Activates an existing directory role in Azure Active Directory
            Activates an existing directory role in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="enableDirectoryRole">Azure active directory roleTemplateId for which role needs to be activated.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (DirectoryRole)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryRoleApi.AddDirectoryRoleMemberAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add a member to a group
            Add a member to a directory role. (User, Group, Contact)
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryRoleApi.AddDirectoryRoleMemberAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add a member to a group
            Add a member to a directory role. (User, Group, Contact)
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryRoleApi.GetAzureADDirectoryRoleMembersAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get the members of a directory role.
            Get the members of a directory role.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryRoleApi.GetAzureADDirectoryRoleMembersAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get the members of a directory role.
            Get the members of a directory role.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryRoleApi.GetDirectoryRoleAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific directory role from Azure Active Directory
            Retreives a specific directory role (directory role object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a directory role in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of DirectoryRole</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryRoleApi.GetDirectoryRoleAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific directory role from Azure Active Directory
            Retreives a specific directory role (directory role object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a directory role in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (DirectoryRole)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryRoleApi.GetDirectoryRolesAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of directory roles in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters
            Retrieves a list of director roles in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a directory role in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryRolesResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryRoleApi.GetDirectoryRolesAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of directory roles in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters
            Retrieves a list of director roles in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a directory role in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryRolesResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryRoleApi.RemoveDirectoryMemberAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes a specific member of a directory role.
            Removes a specific member of a directory role.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="memberId">The unique identifier of a member in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryRoleApi.RemoveDirectoryMemberAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes a specific member of a directory role.
            Removes a specific member of a directory role.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="memberId">The unique identifier of a member in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi.#ctor(System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi"/> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi.#ctor(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi"/> class
            using Configuration object
            <param name="configuration">An instance of Configuration</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi.GetBasePath">
            Gets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi.SetBasePath(System.String)">
            Sets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi.Configuration">
            Gets or sets the configuration object
            <value>An instance of the Configuration</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi.ExceptionFactory">
            Provides a factory method hook for the creation of exceptions.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi.DefaultHeader">
            Gets the default header.
            <returns>Dictionary of HTTP header</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi.AddDefaultHeader(System.String,System.String)">
            Add default header.
            <param name="key">Header field name.</param>
            <param name="value">Header field value.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi.ActivateDirectoryRole(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.EnableDirectoryRole)">
            Activates an existing directory role in Azure Active Directory Activates an existing directory role in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="enableDirectoryRole">Azure active directory roleTemplateId for which role needs to be activated.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi.ActivateDirectoryRoleWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.EnableDirectoryRole)">
            Activates an existing directory role in Azure Active Directory Activates an existing directory role in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="enableDirectoryRole">Azure active directory roleTemplateId for which role needs to be activated.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of DirectoryRole</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi.ActivateDirectoryRoleAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.EnableDirectoryRole)">
            Activates an existing directory role in Azure Active Directory Activates an existing directory role in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="enableDirectoryRole">Azure active directory roleTemplateId for which role needs to be activated.</param>
            <returns>Task of DirectoryRole</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi.ActivateDirectoryRoleAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.EnableDirectoryRole)">
            Activates an existing directory role in Azure Active Directory Activates an existing directory role in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="enableDirectoryRole">Azure active directory roleTemplateId for which role needs to be activated.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (DirectoryRole)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi.AddDirectoryRoleMember(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add a member to a group Add a member to a directory role. (User, Group, Contact)
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi.AddDirectoryRoleMemberWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add a member to a group Add a member to a directory role. (User, Group, Contact)
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi.AddDirectoryRoleMemberAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add a member to a group Add a member to a directory role. (User, Group, Contact)
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi.AddDirectoryRoleMemberAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add a member to a group Add a member to a directory role. (User, Group, Contact)
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi.GetAzureADDirectoryRoleMembers(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get the members of a directory role. Get the members of a directory role.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi.GetAzureADDirectoryRoleMembersWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get the members of a directory role. Get the members of a directory role.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi.GetAzureADDirectoryRoleMembersAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get the members of a directory role. Get the members of a directory role.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi.GetAzureADDirectoryRoleMembersAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get the members of a directory role. Get the members of a directory role.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi.GetDirectoryRole(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific directory role from Azure Active Directory Retreives a specific directory role (directory role object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a directory role in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi.GetDirectoryRoleWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific directory role from Azure Active Directory Retreives a specific directory role (directory role object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a directory role in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of DirectoryRole</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi.GetDirectoryRoleAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific directory role from Azure Active Directory Retreives a specific directory role (directory role object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a directory role in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of DirectoryRole</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi.GetDirectoryRoleAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific directory role from Azure Active Directory Retreives a specific directory role (directory role object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a directory role in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (DirectoryRole)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi.GetDirectoryRoles(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of directory roles in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters Retrieves a list of director roles in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a directory role in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi.GetDirectoryRolesWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of directory roles in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters Retrieves a list of director roles in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a directory role in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryRolesResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi.GetDirectoryRolesAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of directory roles in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters Retrieves a list of director roles in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a directory role in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryRolesResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi.GetDirectoryRolesAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of directory roles in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters Retrieves a list of director roles in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a directory role in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryRolesResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi.RemoveDirectoryMember(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes a specific member of a directory role. Removes a specific member of a directory role.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="memberId">The unique identifier of a member in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi.RemoveDirectoryMemberWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes a specific member of a directory role. Removes a specific member of a directory role.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="memberId">The unique identifier of a member in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi.RemoveDirectoryMemberAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes a specific member of a directory role. Removes a specific member of a directory role.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="memberId">The unique identifier of a member in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleApi.RemoveDirectoryMemberAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes a specific member of a directory role. Removes a specific member of a directory role.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="memberId">The unique identifier of a member in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryRoleTemplateApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryRoleTemplateApi.GetDirectoryRoleTemplates(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of directory role templates in Azure Active Directory
            Retrieves a list of directory role templates in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryRoleTemplateApi.GetDirectoryRoleTemplatesWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of directory role templates in Azure Active Directory
            Retrieves a list of directory role templates in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryRoleTemplateResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryRoleTemplateApi.GetDirectoryRoleTemplatesAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of directory role templates in Azure Active Directory
            Retrieves a list of directory role templates in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryRoleTemplateResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDirectoryRoleTemplateApi.GetDirectoryRoleTemplatesAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of directory role templates in Azure Active Directory
            Retrieves a list of directory role templates in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryRoleTemplateResponse)</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleTemplateApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleTemplateApi.#ctor(System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleTemplateApi"/> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleTemplateApi.#ctor(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleTemplateApi"/> class
            using Configuration object
            <param name="configuration">An instance of Configuration</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleTemplateApi.GetBasePath">
            Gets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleTemplateApi.SetBasePath(System.String)">
            Sets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleTemplateApi.Configuration">
            Gets or sets the configuration object
            <value>An instance of the Configuration</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleTemplateApi.ExceptionFactory">
            Provides a factory method hook for the creation of exceptions.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleTemplateApi.DefaultHeader">
            Gets the default header.
            <returns>Dictionary of HTTP header</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleTemplateApi.AddDefaultHeader(System.String,System.String)">
            Add default header.
            <param name="key">Header field name.</param>
            <param name="value">Header field value.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleTemplateApi.GetDirectoryRoleTemplates(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of directory role templates in Azure Active Directory Retrieves a list of directory role templates in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleTemplateApi.GetDirectoryRoleTemplatesWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of directory role templates in Azure Active Directory Retrieves a list of directory role templates in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryRoleTemplateResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleTemplateApi.GetDirectoryRoleTemplatesAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of directory role templates in Azure Active Directory Retrieves a list of directory role templates in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryRoleTemplateResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DirectoryRoleTemplateApi.GetDirectoryRoleTemplatesAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of directory role templates in Azure Active Directory Retrieves a list of directory role templates in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryRoleTemplateResponse)</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.ConfirmDomain(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Validate the ownership of the domain.
            Validate the ownership of the domain.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.ConfirmDomainWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Validate the ownership of the domain.
            Validate the ownership of the domain.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Domain</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.GetDomain(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get an domain by objectId
            Get an domain by objectId from Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of an domain in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.GetDomainWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get an domain by objectId
            Get an domain by objectId from Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of an domain in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Domain</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.GetDomainNameReferences(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get domainNameReferences
            Get domainNameReferences of a domain
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.GetDomainNameReferencesWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get domainNameReferences
            Get domainNameReferences of a domain
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.GetDomainServiceConfigurationRecord(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get DomainserviceConfigurationRecords
            Get DomainserviceConfigurationRecords of a domain
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.GetDomainServiceConfigurationRecordWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get DomainserviceConfigurationRecords
            Get DomainserviceConfigurationRecords of a domain
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDomainDnsRecordsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.GetDomainVerificationDnsRecord(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get DomainverificationDnsRecords
            Get DomainverificationDnsRecords of a domain
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.GetDomainVerificationDnsRecordWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get DomainverificationDnsRecords
            Get DomainverificationDnsRecords of a domain
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDomainDnsRecordsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.GetDomains(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of domains within the directory.
            Get a list of domains within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="name">The name of an domain in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.GetDomainsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of domains within the directory.
            Get a list of domains within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="name">The name of an domain in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDomainsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.NewDomain(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain)">
            Create a new domain in Azure Active Directory
            Create a new domain in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="domain">New domain</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.NewDomainWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain)">
            Create a new domain in Azure Active Directory
            Create a new domain in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="domain">New domain</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Domain</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.RemoveDomain(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an domain by objectId.
            Delete an domain by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.RemoveDomainWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an domain by objectId.
            Delete an domain by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.SetDomain(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain)">
            Updates a specific domain in Azure Active Directory
            Updates an domain identified by objectId in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="domain">Domain with updated fields</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.SetDomainWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain)">
            Updates a specific domain in Azure Active Directory
            Updates an domain identified by objectId in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="domain">Domain with updated fields</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.ConfirmDomainAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Validate the ownership of the domain.
            Validate the ownership of the domain.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of Domain</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.ConfirmDomainAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Validate the ownership of the domain.
            Validate the ownership of the domain.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (Domain)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.GetDomainAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get an domain by objectId
            Get an domain by objectId from Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of an domain in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of Domain</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.GetDomainAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get an domain by objectId
            Get an domain by objectId from Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of an domain in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (Domain)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.GetDomainNameReferencesAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get domainNameReferences
            Get domainNameReferences of a domain
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.GetDomainNameReferencesAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get domainNameReferences
            Get domainNameReferences of a domain
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.GetDomainServiceConfigurationRecordAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get DomainserviceConfigurationRecords
            Get DomainserviceConfigurationRecords of a domain
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDomainDnsRecordsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.GetDomainServiceConfigurationRecordAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get DomainserviceConfigurationRecords
            Get DomainserviceConfigurationRecords of a domain
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDomainDnsRecordsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.GetDomainVerificationDnsRecordAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get DomainverificationDnsRecords
            Get DomainverificationDnsRecords of a domain
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDomainDnsRecordsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.GetDomainVerificationDnsRecordAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get DomainverificationDnsRecords
            Get DomainverificationDnsRecords of a domain
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDomainDnsRecordsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.GetDomainsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of domains within the directory.
            Get a list of domains within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="name">The name of an domain in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDomainsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.GetDomainsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of domains within the directory.
            Get a list of domains within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="name">The name of an domain in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDomainsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.NewDomainAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain)">
            Create a new domain in Azure Active Directory
            Create a new domain in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="domain">New domain</param>
            <returns>Task of Domain</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.NewDomainAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain)">
            Create a new domain in Azure Active Directory
            Create a new domain in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="domain">New domain</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (Domain)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.RemoveDomainAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an domain by objectId.
            Delete an domain by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.RemoveDomainAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an domain by objectId.
            Delete an domain by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.SetDomainAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain)">
            Updates a specific domain in Azure Active Directory
            Updates an domain identified by objectId in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="domain">Domain with updated fields</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IDomainApi.SetDomainAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain)">
            Updates a specific domain in Azure Active Directory
            Updates an domain identified by objectId in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="domain">Domain with updated fields</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.#ctor(System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi"/> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.#ctor(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi"/> class
            using Configuration object
            <param name="configuration">An instance of Configuration</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.GetBasePath">
            Gets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.SetBasePath(System.String)">
            Sets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.Configuration">
            Gets or sets the configuration object
            <value>An instance of the Configuration</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.ExceptionFactory">
            Provides a factory method hook for the creation of exceptions.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.DefaultHeader">
            Gets the default header.
            <returns>Dictionary of HTTP header</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.AddDefaultHeader(System.String,System.String)">
            Add default header.
            <param name="key">Header field name.</param>
            <param name="value">Header field value.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.ConfirmDomain(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Validate the ownership of the domain. Validate the ownership of the domain.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.ConfirmDomainWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Validate the ownership of the domain. Validate the ownership of the domain.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Domain</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.ConfirmDomainAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Validate the ownership of the domain. Validate the ownership of the domain.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of Domain</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.ConfirmDomainAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Validate the ownership of the domain. Validate the ownership of the domain.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (Domain)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.GetDomain(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get an domain by objectId Get an domain by objectId from Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of an domain in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.GetDomainWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get an domain by objectId Get an domain by objectId from Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of an domain in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Domain</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.GetDomainAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get an domain by objectId Get an domain by objectId from Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of an domain in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of Domain</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.GetDomainAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get an domain by objectId Get an domain by objectId from Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of an domain in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (Domain)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.GetDomainNameReferences(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get domainNameReferences Get domainNameReferences of a domain
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.GetDomainNameReferencesWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get domainNameReferences Get domainNameReferences of a domain
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.GetDomainNameReferencesAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get domainNameReferences Get domainNameReferences of a domain
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.GetDomainNameReferencesAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get domainNameReferences Get domainNameReferences of a domain
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.GetDomainServiceConfigurationRecord(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get DomainserviceConfigurationRecords Get DomainserviceConfigurationRecords of a domain
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.GetDomainServiceConfigurationRecordWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get DomainserviceConfigurationRecords Get DomainserviceConfigurationRecords of a domain
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDomainDnsRecordsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.GetDomainServiceConfigurationRecordAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get DomainserviceConfigurationRecords Get DomainserviceConfigurationRecords of a domain
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDomainDnsRecordsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.GetDomainServiceConfigurationRecordAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get DomainserviceConfigurationRecords Get DomainserviceConfigurationRecords of a domain
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDomainDnsRecordsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.GetDomainVerificationDnsRecord(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get DomainverificationDnsRecords Get DomainverificationDnsRecords of a domain
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.GetDomainVerificationDnsRecordWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get DomainverificationDnsRecords Get DomainverificationDnsRecords of a domain
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDomainDnsRecordsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.GetDomainVerificationDnsRecordAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get DomainverificationDnsRecords Get DomainverificationDnsRecords of a domain
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDomainDnsRecordsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.GetDomainVerificationDnsRecordAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get DomainverificationDnsRecords Get DomainverificationDnsRecords of a domain
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDomainDnsRecordsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.GetDomains(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of domains within the directory. Get a list of domains within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="name">The name of an domain in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.GetDomainsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of domains within the directory. Get a list of domains within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="name">The name of an domain in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDomainsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.GetDomainsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of domains within the directory. Get a list of domains within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="name">The name of an domain in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDomainsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.GetDomainsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of domains within the directory. Get a list of domains within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="name">The name of an domain in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDomainsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.NewDomain(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain)">
            Create a new domain in Azure Active Directory Create a new domain in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="domain">New domain</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.NewDomainWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain)">
            Create a new domain in Azure Active Directory Create a new domain in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="domain">New domain</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Domain</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.NewDomainAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain)">
            Create a new domain in Azure Active Directory Create a new domain in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="domain">New domain</param>
            <returns>Task of Domain</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.NewDomainAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain)">
            Create a new domain in Azure Active Directory Create a new domain in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="domain">New domain</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (Domain)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.RemoveDomain(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an domain by objectId. Delete an domain by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.RemoveDomainWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an domain by objectId. Delete an domain by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.RemoveDomainAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an domain by objectId. Delete an domain by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.RemoveDomainAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an domain by objectId. Delete an domain by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.SetDomain(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain)">
            Updates a specific domain in Azure Active Directory Updates an domain identified by objectId in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="domain">Domain with updated fields</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.SetDomainWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain)">
            Updates a specific domain in Azure Active Directory Updates an domain identified by objectId in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="domain">Domain with updated fields</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.SetDomainAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain)">
            Updates a specific domain in Azure Active Directory Updates an domain identified by objectId in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="domain">Domain with updated fields</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.DomainApi.SetDomainAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain)">
            Updates a specific domain in Azure Active Directory Updates an domain identified by objectId in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the object specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="domain">Domain with updated fields</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IExtensionPropertyApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IExtensionPropertyApi.GetExtensionProperties(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAvailableExtensionPropertiesBody)">
            A collection that contains the extension properties registered with the directory.
            A collection that contains the extension properties registered with the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="getAvailableExtensionPropertiesBody">true to specify that only extension properties that are synced from the on-premises directory should be returned; false to specify that only extension properties that are not synced from the on-premises directory should be returned. If the parameter is omitted then all extension properties (both synced and non-synced) are returned. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IExtensionPropertyApi.GetExtensionPropertiesWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAvailableExtensionPropertiesBody)">
            A collection that contains the extension properties registered with the directory.
            A collection that contains the extension properties registered with the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="getAvailableExtensionPropertiesBody">true to specify that only extension properties that are synced from the on-premises directory should be returned; false to specify that only extension properties that are not synced from the on-premises directory should be returned. If the parameter is omitted then all extension properties (both synced and non-synced) are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetExtensionPropertiesResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IExtensionPropertyApi.GetExtensionPropertiesAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAvailableExtensionPropertiesBody)">
            A collection that contains the extension properties registered with the directory.
            A collection that contains the extension properties registered with the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="getAvailableExtensionPropertiesBody">true to specify that only extension properties that are synced from the on-premises directory should be returned; false to specify that only extension properties that are not synced from the on-premises directory should be returned. If the parameter is omitted then all extension properties (both synced and non-synced) are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetExtensionPropertiesResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IExtensionPropertyApi.GetExtensionPropertiesAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAvailableExtensionPropertiesBody)">
            A collection that contains the extension properties registered with the directory.
            A collection that contains the extension properties registered with the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="getAvailableExtensionPropertiesBody">true to specify that only extension properties that are synced from the on-premises directory should be returned; false to specify that only extension properties that are not synced from the on-premises directory should be returned. If the parameter is omitted then all extension properties (both synced and non-synced) are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetExtensionPropertiesResponse)</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ExtensionPropertyApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ExtensionPropertyApi.#ctor(System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ExtensionPropertyApi"/> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ExtensionPropertyApi.#ctor(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ExtensionPropertyApi"/> class
            using Configuration object
            <param name="configuration">An instance of Configuration</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ExtensionPropertyApi.GetBasePath">
            Gets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ExtensionPropertyApi.SetBasePath(System.String)">
            Sets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ExtensionPropertyApi.Configuration">
            Gets or sets the configuration object
            <value>An instance of the Configuration</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ExtensionPropertyApi.ExceptionFactory">
            Provides a factory method hook for the creation of exceptions.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ExtensionPropertyApi.DefaultHeader">
            Gets the default header.
            <returns>Dictionary of HTTP header</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ExtensionPropertyApi.AddDefaultHeader(System.String,System.String)">
            Add default header.
            <param name="key">Header field name.</param>
            <param name="value">Header field value.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ExtensionPropertyApi.GetExtensionProperties(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAvailableExtensionPropertiesBody)">
            A collection that contains the extension properties registered with the directory. A collection that contains the extension properties registered with the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="getAvailableExtensionPropertiesBody">true to specify that only extension properties that are synced from the on-premises directory should be returned; false to specify that only extension properties that are not synced from the on-premises directory should be returned. If the parameter is omitted then all extension properties (both synced and non-synced) are returned. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ExtensionPropertyApi.GetExtensionPropertiesWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAvailableExtensionPropertiesBody)">
            A collection that contains the extension properties registered with the directory. A collection that contains the extension properties registered with the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="getAvailableExtensionPropertiesBody">true to specify that only extension properties that are synced from the on-premises directory should be returned; false to specify that only extension properties that are not synced from the on-premises directory should be returned. If the parameter is omitted then all extension properties (both synced and non-synced) are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetExtensionPropertiesResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ExtensionPropertyApi.GetExtensionPropertiesAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAvailableExtensionPropertiesBody)">
            A collection that contains the extension properties registered with the directory. A collection that contains the extension properties registered with the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="getAvailableExtensionPropertiesBody">true to specify that only extension properties that are synced from the on-premises directory should be returned; false to specify that only extension properties that are not synced from the on-premises directory should be returned. If the parameter is omitted then all extension properties (both synced and non-synced) are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetExtensionPropertiesResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ExtensionPropertyApi.GetExtensionPropertiesAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAvailableExtensionPropertiesBody)">
            A collection that contains the extension properties registered with the directory. A collection that contains the extension properties registered with the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="getAvailableExtensionPropertiesBody">true to specify that only extension properties that are synced from the on-premises directory should be returned; false to specify that only extension properties that are not synced from the on-premises directory should be returned. If the parameter is omitted then all extension properties (both synced and non-synced) are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetExtensionPropertiesResponse)</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.AddGroupMember(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add a member to a group
            Add a member to a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.AddGroupMemberWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add a member to a group
            Add a member to a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.AddGroupOwner(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add an owner to a group
            Add an owner to a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.AddGroupOwnerWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add an owner to a group
            Add an owner to a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.GetGroup(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a group by objectId
            Get a group by objectId from Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a group in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.GetGroupWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a group by objectId
            Get a group by objectId from Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a group in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Group</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.GetGroupAppRoleAssignments(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get group application role assignments.
            Get group application role assignments.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.GetGroupAppRoleAssignmentsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get group application role assignments.
            Get group application role assignments.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.GetGroupMembers(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get members of a group.
            Get members of a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.GetGroupMembersWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get members of a group.
            Get members of a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.GetGroupOwners(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get owners of a group.
            Get the owners of a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.GetGroupOwnersWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get owners of a group.
            Get the owners of a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.GetGroups(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of all groups within the directory.
            Get a list of all groups within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a group in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.GetGroupsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of all groups within the directory.
            Get a list of all groups within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a group in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetGroupsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.NewGroup(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group)">
            Create a new group in Azure Active Directory
            Create a new group in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="group">New group</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.NewGroupWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group)">
            Create a new group in Azure Active Directory
            Create a new group in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="group">New group</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Group</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.NewGroupAppRoleAssignment(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment)">
            Assign a group of users to an application role.
            Assign a groups of users to an application role. If no roles exist use guid.empty (all 0000)
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignment">New app role assignment</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.NewGroupAppRoleAssignmentWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment)">
            Assign a group of users to an application role.
            Assign a groups of users to an application role. If no roles exist use guid.empty (all 0000)
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignment">New app role assignment</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of AppRoleAssignment</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.RemoveGroup(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete a group by objectId.
            Delete a group by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.RemoveGroupWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete a group by objectId.
            Delete a group by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.RemoveGroupAppRoleAssignment(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete a group application role assignment.
            Delete a group application role assignment.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignmentId">The unique identifier of a appRoleAssignment in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.RemoveGroupAppRoleAssignmentWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete a group application role assignment.
            Delete a group application role assignment.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignmentId">The unique identifier of a appRoleAssignment in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.RemoveGroupMember(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes a member from a group.
            Removes a member from a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="memberId">The unique identifier of a member in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.RemoveGroupMemberWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes a member from a group.
            Removes a member from a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="memberId">The unique identifier of a member in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.RemoveGroupOwner(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes an owner from a group.
            Removes an owner from a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="ownerId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory owner</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.RemoveGroupOwnerWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes an owner from a group.
            Removes an owner from a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="ownerId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory owner</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.SelectAzureADGroupIdsGroupIsMemberOf(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the group is a member of.
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the group is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="groupIdsForMembershipCheck">A list of groups object ids.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.SelectAzureADGroupIdsGroupIsMemberOfWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the group is a member of.
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the group is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="groupIdsForMembershipCheck">A list of groups object ids.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of CheckMemberGroupsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.SetGroup(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group)">
            Updates a specific group in Azure Active Directory
            Updates a group (group object) identified by objectId in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="group">group with updated fields</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.SetGroupWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group)">
            Updates a specific group in Azure Active Directory
            Updates a group (group object) identified by objectId in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="group">group with updated fields</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.AddGroupMemberAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add a member to a group
            Add a member to a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.AddGroupMemberAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add a member to a group
            Add a member to a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.AddGroupOwnerAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add an owner to a group
            Add an owner to a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.AddGroupOwnerAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add an owner to a group
            Add an owner to a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.GetGroupAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a group by objectId
            Get a group by objectId from Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a group in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of Group</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.GetGroupAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a group by objectId
            Get a group by objectId from Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a group in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (Group)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.GetGroupAppRoleAssignmentsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get group application role assignments.
            Get group application role assignments.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.GetGroupAppRoleAssignmentsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get group application role assignments.
            Get group application role assignments.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.GetGroupMembersAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get members of a group.
            Get members of a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.GetGroupMembersAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get members of a group.
            Get members of a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.GetGroupOwnersAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get owners of a group.
            Get the owners of a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.GetGroupOwnersAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get owners of a group.
            Get the owners of a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.GetGroupsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of all groups within the directory.
            Get a list of all groups within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a group in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetGroupsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.GetGroupsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of all groups within the directory.
            Get a list of all groups within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a group in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetGroupsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.NewGroupAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group)">
            Create a new group in Azure Active Directory
            Create a new group in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="group">New group</param>
            <returns>Task of Group</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.NewGroupAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group)">
            Create a new group in Azure Active Directory
            Create a new group in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="group">New group</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (Group)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.NewGroupAppRoleAssignmentAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment)">
            Assign a group of users to an application role.
            Assign a groups of users to an application role. If no roles exist use guid.empty (all 0000)
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignment">New app role assignment</param>
            <returns>Task of AppRoleAssignment</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.NewGroupAppRoleAssignmentAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment)">
            Assign a group of users to an application role.
            Assign a groups of users to an application role. If no roles exist use guid.empty (all 0000)
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignment">New app role assignment</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (AppRoleAssignment)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.RemoveGroupAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete a group by objectId.
            Delete a group by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.RemoveGroupAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete a group by objectId.
            Delete a group by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.RemoveGroupAppRoleAssignmentAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete a group application role assignment.
            Delete a group application role assignment.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignmentId">The unique identifier of a appRoleAssignment in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.RemoveGroupAppRoleAssignmentAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete a group application role assignment.
            Delete a group application role assignment.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignmentId">The unique identifier of a appRoleAssignment in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.RemoveGroupMemberAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes a member from a group.
            Removes a member from a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="memberId">The unique identifier of a member in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.RemoveGroupMemberAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes a member from a group.
            Removes a member from a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="memberId">The unique identifier of a member in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.RemoveGroupOwnerAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes an owner from a group.
            Removes an owner from a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="ownerId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory owner</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.RemoveGroupOwnerAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes an owner from a group.
            Removes an owner from a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="ownerId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory owner</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.SelectAzureADGroupIdsGroupIsMemberOfAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the group is a member of.
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the group is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="groupIdsForMembershipCheck">A list of groups object ids.</param>
            <returns>Task of CheckMemberGroupsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.SelectAzureADGroupIdsGroupIsMemberOfAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the group is a member of.
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the group is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="groupIdsForMembershipCheck">A list of groups object ids.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (CheckMemberGroupsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.SetGroupAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group)">
            Updates a specific group in Azure Active Directory
            Updates a group (group object) identified by objectId in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="group">group with updated fields</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IGroupApi.SetGroupAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group)">
            Updates a specific group in Azure Active Directory
            Updates a group (group object) identified by objectId in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="group">group with updated fields</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.#ctor(System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi"/> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.#ctor(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi"/> class
            using Configuration object
            <param name="configuration">An instance of Configuration</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.GetBasePath">
            Gets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.SetBasePath(System.String)">
            Sets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.Configuration">
            Gets or sets the configuration object
            <value>An instance of the Configuration</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.ExceptionFactory">
            Provides a factory method hook for the creation of exceptions.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.DefaultHeader">
            Gets the default header.
            <returns>Dictionary of HTTP header</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.AddDefaultHeader(System.String,System.String)">
            Add default header.
            <param name="key">Header field name.</param>
            <param name="value">Header field value.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.AddGroupMember(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add a member to a group Add a member to a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.AddGroupMemberWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add a member to a group Add a member to a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.AddGroupMemberAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add a member to a group Add a member to a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.AddGroupMemberAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add a member to a group Add a member to a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.AddGroupOwner(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add an owner to a group Add an owner to a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.AddGroupOwnerWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add an owner to a group Add an owner to a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.AddGroupOwnerAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add an owner to a group Add an owner to a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.AddGroupOwnerAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add an owner to a group Add an owner to a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.GetGroup(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a group by objectId Get a group by objectId from Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a group in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.GetGroupWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a group by objectId Get a group by objectId from Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a group in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Group</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.GetGroupAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a group by objectId Get a group by objectId from Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a group in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of Group</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.GetGroupAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a group by objectId Get a group by objectId from Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a group in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (Group)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.GetGroupAppRoleAssignments(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get group application role assignments. Get group application role assignments.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.GetGroupAppRoleAssignmentsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get group application role assignments. Get group application role assignments.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.GetGroupAppRoleAssignmentsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get group application role assignments. Get group application role assignments.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.GetGroupAppRoleAssignmentsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get group application role assignments. Get group application role assignments.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.GetGroupMembers(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get members of a group. Get members of a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.GetGroupMembersWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get members of a group. Get members of a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.GetGroupMembersAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get members of a group. Get members of a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.GetGroupMembersAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get members of a group. Get members of a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.GetGroupOwners(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get owners of a group. Get the owners of a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.GetGroupOwnersWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get owners of a group. Get the owners of a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.GetGroupOwnersAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get owners of a group. Get the owners of a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.GetGroupOwnersAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get owners of a group. Get the owners of a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.GetGroups(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of all groups within the directory. Get a list of all groups within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a group in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.GetGroupsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of all groups within the directory. Get a list of all groups within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a group in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetGroupsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.GetGroupsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of all groups within the directory. Get a list of all groups within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a group in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetGroupsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.GetGroupsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of all groups within the directory. Get a list of all groups within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a group in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId) (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetGroupsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.NewGroup(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group)">
            Create a new group in Azure Active Directory Create a new group in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="group">New group</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.NewGroupWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group)">
            Create a new group in Azure Active Directory Create a new group in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="group">New group</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Group</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.NewGroupAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group)">
            Create a new group in Azure Active Directory Create a new group in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="group">New group</param>
            <returns>Task of Group</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.NewGroupAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group)">
            Create a new group in Azure Active Directory Create a new group in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="group">New group</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (Group)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.NewGroupAppRoleAssignment(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment)">
            Assign a group of users to an application role. Assign a groups of users to an application role. If no roles exist use guid.empty (all 0000)
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignment">New app role assignment</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.NewGroupAppRoleAssignmentWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment)">
            Assign a group of users to an application role. Assign a groups of users to an application role. If no roles exist use guid.empty (all 0000)
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignment">New app role assignment</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of AppRoleAssignment</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.NewGroupAppRoleAssignmentAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment)">
            Assign a group of users to an application role. Assign a groups of users to an application role. If no roles exist use guid.empty (all 0000)
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignment">New app role assignment</param>
            <returns>Task of AppRoleAssignment</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.NewGroupAppRoleAssignmentAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment)">
            Assign a group of users to an application role. Assign a groups of users to an application role. If no roles exist use guid.empty (all 0000)
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignment">New app role assignment</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (AppRoleAssignment)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.RemoveGroup(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete a group by objectId. Delete a group by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.RemoveGroupWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete a group by objectId. Delete a group by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.RemoveGroupAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete a group by objectId. Delete a group by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.RemoveGroupAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete a group by objectId. Delete a group by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.RemoveGroupAppRoleAssignment(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete a group application role assignment. Delete a group application role assignment.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignmentId">The unique identifier of a appRoleAssignment in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.RemoveGroupAppRoleAssignmentWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete a group application role assignment. Delete a group application role assignment.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignmentId">The unique identifier of a appRoleAssignment in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.RemoveGroupAppRoleAssignmentAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete a group application role assignment. Delete a group application role assignment.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignmentId">The unique identifier of a appRoleAssignment in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.RemoveGroupAppRoleAssignmentAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete a group application role assignment. Delete a group application role assignment.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignmentId">The unique identifier of a appRoleAssignment in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.RemoveGroupMember(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes a member from a group. Removes a member from a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="memberId">The unique identifier of a member in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.RemoveGroupMemberWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes a member from a group. Removes a member from a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="memberId">The unique identifier of a member in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.RemoveGroupMemberAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes a member from a group. Removes a member from a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="memberId">The unique identifier of a member in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.RemoveGroupMemberAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes a member from a group. Removes a member from a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="memberId">The unique identifier of a member in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.RemoveGroupOwner(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes an owner from a group. Removes an owner from a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="ownerId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory owner</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.RemoveGroupOwnerWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes an owner from a group. Removes an owner from a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="ownerId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory owner</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.RemoveGroupOwnerAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes an owner from a group. Removes an owner from a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="ownerId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory owner</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.RemoveGroupOwnerAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes an owner from a group. Removes an owner from a group.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="ownerId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory owner</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.SelectAzureADGroupIdsGroupIsMemberOf(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the group is a member of. From a list of groups Ids select those that the group is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="groupIdsForMembershipCheck">A list of groups object ids.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.SelectAzureADGroupIdsGroupIsMemberOfWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the group is a member of. From a list of groups Ids select those that the group is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="groupIdsForMembershipCheck">A list of groups object ids.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of CheckMemberGroupsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.SelectAzureADGroupIdsGroupIsMemberOfAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the group is a member of. From a list of groups Ids select those that the group is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="groupIdsForMembershipCheck">A list of groups object ids.</param>
            <returns>Task of CheckMemberGroupsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.SelectAzureADGroupIdsGroupIsMemberOfAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the group is a member of. From a list of groups Ids select those that the group is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="groupIdsForMembershipCheck">A list of groups object ids.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (CheckMemberGroupsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.SetGroup(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group)">
            Updates a specific group in Azure Active Directory Updates a group (group object) identified by objectId in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="group">group with updated fields</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.SetGroupWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group)">
            Updates a specific group in Azure Active Directory Updates a group (group object) identified by objectId in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="group">group with updated fields</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.SetGroupAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group)">
            Updates a specific group in Azure Active Directory Updates a group (group object) identified by objectId in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="group">group with updated fields</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.GroupApi.SetGroupAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group)">
            Updates a specific group in Azure Active Directory Updates a group (group object) identified by objectId in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="group">group with updated fields</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IOAuthPermissionGrantApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IOAuthPermissionGrantApi.GetOAuth2PermissionGrants(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get a list of all oAuth2PermissionGrants granted by users within the directory.
            Get the list of oAuth2PermissionGrants granted by users within the directory. These permissions are typically granted when an application asked for a specific permission to a resource that the user has discretion over.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IOAuthPermissionGrantApi.GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get a list of all oAuth2PermissionGrants granted by users within the directory.
            Get the list of oAuth2PermissionGrants granted by users within the directory. These permissions are typically granted when an application asked for a specific permission to a resource that the user has discretion over.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IOAuthPermissionGrantApi.RemoveOAuth2PermissionGrant(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an oAuth2PermissionGrant.
            Delete an oAuth2PermissionGrant. These permissions are typically granted when an application asked for a specific permission to a resource that the user has discretion over.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IOAuthPermissionGrantApi.RemoveOAuth2PermissionGrantWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an oAuth2PermissionGrant.
            Delete an oAuth2PermissionGrant. These permissions are typically granted when an application asked for a specific permission to a resource that the user has discretion over.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IOAuthPermissionGrantApi.GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get a list of all oAuth2PermissionGrants granted by users within the directory.
            Get the list of oAuth2PermissionGrants granted by users within the directory. These permissions are typically granted when an application asked for a specific permission to a resource that the user has discretion over.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IOAuthPermissionGrantApi.GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get a list of all oAuth2PermissionGrants granted by users within the directory.
            Get the list of oAuth2PermissionGrants granted by users within the directory. These permissions are typically granted when an application asked for a specific permission to a resource that the user has discretion over.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IOAuthPermissionGrantApi.RemoveOAuth2PermissionGrantAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an oAuth2PermissionGrant.
            Delete an oAuth2PermissionGrant. These permissions are typically granted when an application asked for a specific permission to a resource that the user has discretion over.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IOAuthPermissionGrantApi.RemoveOAuth2PermissionGrantAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an oAuth2PermissionGrant.
            Delete an oAuth2PermissionGrant. These permissions are typically granted when an application asked for a specific permission to a resource that the user has discretion over.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.OAuthPermissionGrantApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.OAuthPermissionGrantApi.#ctor(System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.OAuthPermissionGrantApi"/> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.OAuthPermissionGrantApi.#ctor(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.OAuthPermissionGrantApi"/> class
            using Configuration object
            <param name="configuration">An instance of Configuration</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.OAuthPermissionGrantApi.GetBasePath">
            Gets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.OAuthPermissionGrantApi.SetBasePath(System.String)">
            Sets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.OAuthPermissionGrantApi.Configuration">
            Gets or sets the configuration object
            <value>An instance of the Configuration</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.OAuthPermissionGrantApi.ExceptionFactory">
            Provides a factory method hook for the creation of exceptions.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.OAuthPermissionGrantApi.DefaultHeader">
            Gets the default header.
            <returns>Dictionary of HTTP header</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.OAuthPermissionGrantApi.AddDefaultHeader(System.String,System.String)">
            Add default header.
            <param name="key">Header field name.</param>
            <param name="value">Header field value.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.OAuthPermissionGrantApi.GetOAuth2PermissionGrants(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get a list of all oAuth2PermissionGrants granted by users within the directory. Get the list of oAuth2PermissionGrants granted by users within the directory. These permissions are typically granted when an application asked for a specific permission to a resource that the user has discretion over.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.OAuthPermissionGrantApi.GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get a list of all oAuth2PermissionGrants granted by users within the directory. Get the list of oAuth2PermissionGrants granted by users within the directory. These permissions are typically granted when an application asked for a specific permission to a resource that the user has discretion over.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.OAuthPermissionGrantApi.GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get a list of all oAuth2PermissionGrants granted by users within the directory. Get the list of oAuth2PermissionGrants granted by users within the directory. These permissions are typically granted when an application asked for a specific permission to a resource that the user has discretion over.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.OAuthPermissionGrantApi.GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get a list of all oAuth2PermissionGrants granted by users within the directory. Get the list of oAuth2PermissionGrants granted by users within the directory. These permissions are typically granted when an application asked for a specific permission to a resource that the user has discretion over.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.OAuthPermissionGrantApi.RemoveOAuth2PermissionGrant(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an oAuth2PermissionGrant. Delete an oAuth2PermissionGrant. These permissions are typically granted when an application asked for a specific permission to a resource that the user has discretion over.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.OAuthPermissionGrantApi.RemoveOAuth2PermissionGrantWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an oAuth2PermissionGrant. Delete an oAuth2PermissionGrant. These permissions are typically granted when an application asked for a specific permission to a resource that the user has discretion over.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.OAuthPermissionGrantApi.RemoveOAuth2PermissionGrantAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an oAuth2PermissionGrant. Delete an oAuth2PermissionGrant. These permissions are typically granted when an application asked for a specific permission to a resource that the user has discretion over.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.OAuthPermissionGrantApi.RemoveOAuth2PermissionGrantAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an oAuth2PermissionGrant. Delete an oAuth2PermissionGrant. These permissions are typically granted when an application asked for a specific permission to a resource that the user has discretion over.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.AddServicePrincipalOwner(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add an owner to a service principal
            Add an owner to a service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.AddServicePrincipalOwnerWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add an owner to a service principal
            Add an owner to a service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipal(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a service principal by objectId
            Get a service principal by objectId from Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an service principal in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a service principal by objectId
            Get a service principal by objectId from Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an service principal in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of ServicePrincipal</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignedTo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get Principals (users, groups, and service principals) that are assigned to this service principal.
            Get Principals (users, groups, and service principals) that are assigned to this service principal
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignedToWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get Principals (users, groups, and service principals) that are assigned to this service principal.
            Get Principals (users, groups, and service principals) that are assigned to this service principal
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignments(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get service principal application role assignments.
            Get user application role assignments. Yes service principals can be assigned to application roles.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignmentsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get service principal application role assignments.
            Get user application role assignments. Yes service principals can be assigned to application roles.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalCreatedObjects(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get objects created by the service principal.
            Get objects created by the service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalCreatedObjectsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get objects created by the service principal.
            Get objects created by the service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalMemberships(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get service principal memberships.
            Get a list of groups and directory roles that the service principal is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalMembershipsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get service principal memberships.
            Get a list of groups and directory roles that the service principal is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalOAuth2PermissionGrants(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get the list of the oAuth2PermissionGrants that a user granted this service principal.
            Get the list of the oAuth2PermissionGrants that the user granted this service principal. These permissions are typically granted when an application asked for a specific permission to a resource that the user has discretion over.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalOAuth2PermissionGrantsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get the list of the oAuth2PermissionGrants that a user granted this service principal.
            Get the list of the oAuth2PermissionGrants that the user granted this service principal. These permissions are typically granted when an application asked for a specific permission to a resource that the user has discretion over.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalOwnedObjects(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get objects owned by the service principal.
            Get objects owned by the service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalOwnedObjectsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get objects owned by the service principal.
            Get objects owned by the service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalOwners(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get owners of a service principal.
            Get the owners of a service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalOwnersWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get owners of a service principal.
            Get the owners of a service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipals(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of all applications within the directory.
            Get a list of all applications within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">THe unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of all applications within the directory.
            Get a list of all applications within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">THe unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetServicePrincipalsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.NewServicePrincipal(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal)">
            Create a new application in Azure Active Directory
            Create a new application in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="servicePrincipal">New service principal</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.NewServicePrincipalWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal)">
            Create a new application in Azure Active Directory
            Create a new application in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="servicePrincipal">New service principal</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of ServicePrincipal</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.NewServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignment(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment)">
            Assign a service principal to an application role.
            Assign a service principal to an application role. If no roles exist use guid.empty (all 0000)
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignment">New app role assignment</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.NewServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignmentWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment)">
            Assign a service principal to an application role.
            Assign a service principal to an application role. If no roles exist use guid.empty (all 0000)
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignment">New app role assignment</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of AppRoleAssignment</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.RemoveServicePrincipal(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an application by objectId.
            Delete an application by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.RemoveServicePrincipalWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an application by objectId.
            Delete an application by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.RemoveServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignment(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete a service principal application role assignment.
            Delete a service principal application role assignment.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignmentId">The unique identifier of a appRoleAssignment in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.RemoveServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignmentWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete a service principal application role assignment.
            Delete a service principal application role assignment.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignmentId">The unique identifier of a appRoleAssignment in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.RemoveServicePrincipalOwner(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes an owner from a service principal.
            Removes an owner from a service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="ownerId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory owner</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.RemoveServicePrincipalOwnerWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes an owner from a service principal.
            Removes an owner from a service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="ownerId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory owner</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.SelectAzureADGroupIdsServicePrincipalIsMemberOf(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the service principal is a member of.
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the service principal is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="groupIdsForMembershipCheck">A list of groups object ids.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.SelectAzureADGroupIdsServicePrincipalIsMemberOfWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the service principal is a member of.
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the service principal is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="groupIdsForMembershipCheck">A list of groups object ids.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of CheckMemberGroupsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.SetServicePrincipal(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal)">
            Updates a service principal in Azure Active Directory
            Updates a service principal (service principal object) identified by objectId in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="servicePrincipal">service principal with updated fields</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.SetServicePrincipalWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal)">
            Updates a service principal in Azure Active Directory
            Updates a service principal (service principal object) identified by objectId in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="servicePrincipal">service principal with updated fields</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.AddServicePrincipalOwnerAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add an owner to a service principal
            Add an owner to a service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.AddServicePrincipalOwnerAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add an owner to a service principal
            Add an owner to a service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a service principal by objectId
            Get a service principal by objectId from Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an service principal in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ServicePrincipal</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a service principal by objectId
            Get a service principal by objectId from Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an service principal in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (ServicePrincipal)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignedToAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get Principals (users, groups, and service principals) that are assigned to this service principal.
            Get Principals (users, groups, and service principals) that are assigned to this service principal
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignedToAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get Principals (users, groups, and service principals) that are assigned to this service principal.
            Get Principals (users, groups, and service principals) that are assigned to this service principal
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignmentsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get service principal application role assignments.
            Get user application role assignments. Yes service principals can be assigned to application roles.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignmentsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get service principal application role assignments.
            Get user application role assignments. Yes service principals can be assigned to application roles.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalCreatedObjectsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get objects created by the service principal.
            Get objects created by the service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalCreatedObjectsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get objects created by the service principal.
            Get objects created by the service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalMembershipsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get service principal memberships.
            Get a list of groups and directory roles that the service principal is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalMembershipsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get service principal memberships.
            Get a list of groups and directory roles that the service principal is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalOAuth2PermissionGrantsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get the list of the oAuth2PermissionGrants that a user granted this service principal.
            Get the list of the oAuth2PermissionGrants that the user granted this service principal. These permissions are typically granted when an application asked for a specific permission to a resource that the user has discretion over.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalOAuth2PermissionGrantsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get the list of the oAuth2PermissionGrants that a user granted this service principal.
            Get the list of the oAuth2PermissionGrants that the user granted this service principal. These permissions are typically granted when an application asked for a specific permission to a resource that the user has discretion over.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalOwnedObjectsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get objects owned by the service principal.
            Get objects owned by the service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalOwnedObjectsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get objects owned by the service principal.
            Get objects owned by the service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalOwnersAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get owners of a service principal.
            Get the owners of a service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalOwnersAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get owners of a service principal.
            Get the owners of a service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of all applications within the directory.
            Get a list of all applications within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">THe unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetServicePrincipalsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of all applications within the directory.
            Get a list of all applications within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">THe unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetServicePrincipalsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.NewServicePrincipalAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal)">
            Create a new application in Azure Active Directory
            Create a new application in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="servicePrincipal">New service principal</param>
            <returns>Task of ServicePrincipal</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.NewServicePrincipalAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal)">
            Create a new application in Azure Active Directory
            Create a new application in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="servicePrincipal">New service principal</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (ServicePrincipal)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.NewServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignmentAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment)">
            Assign a service principal to an application role.
            Assign a service principal to an application role. If no roles exist use guid.empty (all 0000)
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignment">New app role assignment</param>
            <returns>Task of AppRoleAssignment</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.NewServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignmentAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment)">
            Assign a service principal to an application role.
            Assign a service principal to an application role. If no roles exist use guid.empty (all 0000)
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignment">New app role assignment</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (AppRoleAssignment)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.RemoveServicePrincipalAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an application by objectId.
            Delete an application by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.RemoveServicePrincipalAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an application by objectId.
            Delete an application by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.RemoveServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignmentAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete a service principal application role assignment.
            Delete a service principal application role assignment.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignmentId">The unique identifier of a appRoleAssignment in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.RemoveServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignmentAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete a service principal application role assignment.
            Delete a service principal application role assignment.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignmentId">The unique identifier of a appRoleAssignment in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.RemoveServicePrincipalOwnerAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes an owner from a service principal.
            Removes an owner from a service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="ownerId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory owner</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.RemoveServicePrincipalOwnerAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes an owner from a service principal.
            Removes an owner from a service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="ownerId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory owner</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.SelectAzureADGroupIdsServicePrincipalIsMemberOfAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the service principal is a member of.
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the service principal is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="groupIdsForMembershipCheck">A list of groups object ids.</param>
            <returns>Task of CheckMemberGroupsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.SelectAzureADGroupIdsServicePrincipalIsMemberOfAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the service principal is a member of.
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the service principal is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="groupIdsForMembershipCheck">A list of groups object ids.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (CheckMemberGroupsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.SetServicePrincipalAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal)">
            Updates a service principal in Azure Active Directory
            Updates a service principal (service principal object) identified by objectId in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="servicePrincipal">service principal with updated fields</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IServicePrincipalApi.SetServicePrincipalAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal)">
            Updates a service principal in Azure Active Directory
            Updates a service principal (service principal object) identified by objectId in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="servicePrincipal">service principal with updated fields</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.#ctor(System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi"/> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.#ctor(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi"/> class
            using Configuration object
            <param name="configuration">An instance of Configuration</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetBasePath">
            Gets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.SetBasePath(System.String)">
            Sets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.Configuration">
            Gets or sets the configuration object
            <value>An instance of the Configuration</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.ExceptionFactory">
            Provides a factory method hook for the creation of exceptions.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.DefaultHeader">
            Gets the default header.
            <returns>Dictionary of HTTP header</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.AddDefaultHeader(System.String,System.String)">
            Add default header.
            <param name="key">Header field name.</param>
            <param name="value">Header field value.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.AddServicePrincipalOwner(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add an owner to a service principal Add an owner to a service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.AddServicePrincipalOwnerWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add an owner to a service principal Add an owner to a service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.AddServicePrincipalOwnerAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add an owner to a service principal Add an owner to a service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.AddServicePrincipalOwnerAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Add an owner to a service principal Add an owner to a service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipal(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a service principal by objectId Get a service principal by objectId from Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an service principal in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a service principal by objectId Get a service principal by objectId from Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an service principal in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of ServicePrincipal</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a service principal by objectId Get a service principal by objectId from Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an service principal in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ServicePrincipal</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a service principal by objectId Get a service principal by objectId from Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an service principal in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (ServicePrincipal)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignedTo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get Principals (users, groups, and service principals) that are assigned to this service principal. Get Principals (users, groups, and service principals) that are assigned to this service principal
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignedToWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get Principals (users, groups, and service principals) that are assigned to this service principal. Get Principals (users, groups, and service principals) that are assigned to this service principal
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignedToAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get Principals (users, groups, and service principals) that are assigned to this service principal. Get Principals (users, groups, and service principals) that are assigned to this service principal
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignedToAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get Principals (users, groups, and service principals) that are assigned to this service principal. Get Principals (users, groups, and service principals) that are assigned to this service principal
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignments(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get service principal application role assignments. Get user application role assignments. Yes service principals can be assigned to application roles.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignmentsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get service principal application role assignments. Get user application role assignments. Yes service principals can be assigned to application roles.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignmentsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get service principal application role assignments. Get user application role assignments. Yes service principals can be assigned to application roles.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignmentsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get service principal application role assignments. Get user application role assignments. Yes service principals can be assigned to application roles.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalCreatedObjects(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get objects created by the service principal. Get objects created by the service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalCreatedObjectsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get objects created by the service principal. Get objects created by the service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalCreatedObjectsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get objects created by the service principal. Get objects created by the service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalCreatedObjectsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get objects created by the service principal. Get objects created by the service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalMemberships(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get service principal memberships. Get a list of groups and directory roles that the service principal is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalMembershipsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get service principal memberships. Get a list of groups and directory roles that the service principal is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalMembershipsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get service principal memberships. Get a list of groups and directory roles that the service principal is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalMembershipsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get service principal memberships. Get a list of groups and directory roles that the service principal is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalOAuth2PermissionGrants(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get the list of the oAuth2PermissionGrants that a user granted this service principal. Get the list of the oAuth2PermissionGrants that the user granted this service principal. These permissions are typically granted when an application asked for a specific permission to a resource that the user has discretion over.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalOAuth2PermissionGrantsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get the list of the oAuth2PermissionGrants that a user granted this service principal. Get the list of the oAuth2PermissionGrants that the user granted this service principal. These permissions are typically granted when an application asked for a specific permission to a resource that the user has discretion over.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalOAuth2PermissionGrantsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get the list of the oAuth2PermissionGrants that a user granted this service principal. Get the list of the oAuth2PermissionGrants that the user granted this service principal. These permissions are typically granted when an application asked for a specific permission to a resource that the user has discretion over.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalOAuth2PermissionGrantsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get the list of the oAuth2PermissionGrants that a user granted this service principal. Get the list of the oAuth2PermissionGrants that the user granted this service principal. These permissions are typically granted when an application asked for a specific permission to a resource that the user has discretion over.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalOwnedObjects(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get objects owned by the service principal. Get objects owned by the service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalOwnedObjectsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get objects owned by the service principal. Get objects owned by the service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalOwnedObjectsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get objects owned by the service principal. Get objects owned by the service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalOwnedObjectsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get objects owned by the service principal. Get objects owned by the service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalOwners(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get owners of a service principal. Get the owners of a service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalOwnersWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get owners of a service principal. Get the owners of a service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalOwnersAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get owners of a service principal. Get the owners of a service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalOwnersAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get owners of a service principal. Get the owners of a service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipals(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of all applications within the directory. Get a list of all applications within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">THe unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of all applications within the directory. Get a list of all applications within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">THe unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetServicePrincipalsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of all applications within the directory. Get a list of all applications within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">THe unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetServicePrincipalsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.GetServicePrincipalsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get a list of all applications within the directory. Get a list of all applications within the directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">THe unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetServicePrincipalsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.NewServicePrincipal(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal)">
            Create a new application in Azure Active Directory Create a new application in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="servicePrincipal">New service principal</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.NewServicePrincipalWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal)">
            Create a new application in Azure Active Directory Create a new application in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="servicePrincipal">New service principal</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of ServicePrincipal</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.NewServicePrincipalAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal)">
            Create a new application in Azure Active Directory Create a new application in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="servicePrincipal">New service principal</param>
            <returns>Task of ServicePrincipal</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.NewServicePrincipalAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal)">
            Create a new application in Azure Active Directory Create a new application in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="servicePrincipal">New service principal</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (ServicePrincipal)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.NewServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignment(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment)">
            Assign a service principal to an application role. Assign a service principal to an application role. If no roles exist use guid.empty (all 0000)
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignment">New app role assignment</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.NewServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignmentWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment)">
            Assign a service principal to an application role. Assign a service principal to an application role. If no roles exist use guid.empty (all 0000)
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignment">New app role assignment</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of AppRoleAssignment</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.NewServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignmentAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment)">
            Assign a service principal to an application role. Assign a service principal to an application role. If no roles exist use guid.empty (all 0000)
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignment">New app role assignment</param>
            <returns>Task of AppRoleAssignment</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.NewServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignmentAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment)">
            Assign a service principal to an application role. Assign a service principal to an application role. If no roles exist use guid.empty (all 0000)
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignment">New app role assignment</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (AppRoleAssignment)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.RemoveServicePrincipal(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an application by objectId. Delete an application by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.RemoveServicePrincipalWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an application by objectId. Delete an application by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.RemoveServicePrincipalAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an application by objectId. Delete an application by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.RemoveServicePrincipalAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete an application by objectId. Delete an application by objectId.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.RemoveServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignment(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete a service principal application role assignment. Delete a service principal application role assignment.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignmentId">The unique identifier of a appRoleAssignment in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.RemoveServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignmentWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete a service principal application role assignment. Delete a service principal application role assignment.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignmentId">The unique identifier of a appRoleAssignment in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.RemoveServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignmentAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete a service principal application role assignment. Delete a service principal application role assignment.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignmentId">The unique identifier of a appRoleAssignment in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.RemoveServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignmentAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete a service principal application role assignment. Delete a service principal application role assignment.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignmentId">The unique identifier of a appRoleAssignment in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.RemoveServicePrincipalOwner(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes an owner from a service principal. Removes an owner from a service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="ownerId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory owner</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.RemoveServicePrincipalOwnerWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes an owner from a service principal. Removes an owner from a service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="ownerId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory owner</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.RemoveServicePrincipalOwnerAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes an owner from a service principal. Removes an owner from a service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="ownerId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory owner</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.RemoveServicePrincipalOwnerAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Removes an owner from a service principal. Removes an owner from a service principal.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="ownerId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory owner</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.SelectAzureADGroupIdsServicePrincipalIsMemberOf(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the service principal is a member of. From a list of groups Ids select those that the service principal is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="groupIdsForMembershipCheck">A list of groups object ids.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.SelectAzureADGroupIdsServicePrincipalIsMemberOfWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the service principal is a member of. From a list of groups Ids select those that the service principal is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="groupIdsForMembershipCheck">A list of groups object ids.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of CheckMemberGroupsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.SelectAzureADGroupIdsServicePrincipalIsMemberOfAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the service principal is a member of. From a list of groups Ids select those that the service principal is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="groupIdsForMembershipCheck">A list of groups object ids.</param>
            <returns>Task of CheckMemberGroupsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.SelectAzureADGroupIdsServicePrincipalIsMemberOfAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the service principal is a member of. From a list of groups Ids select those that the service principal is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="groupIdsForMembershipCheck">A list of groups object ids.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (CheckMemberGroupsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.SetServicePrincipal(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal)">
            Updates a service principal in Azure Active Directory Updates a service principal (service principal object) identified by objectId in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="servicePrincipal">service principal with updated fields</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.SetServicePrincipalWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal)">
            Updates a service principal in Azure Active Directory Updates a service principal (service principal object) identified by objectId in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="servicePrincipal">service principal with updated fields</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.SetServicePrincipalAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal)">
            Updates a service principal in Azure Active Directory Updates a service principal (service principal object) identified by objectId in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="servicePrincipal">service principal with updated fields</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ServicePrincipalApi.SetServicePrincipalAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal)">
            Updates a service principal in Azure Active Directory Updates a service principal (service principal object) identified by objectId in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="servicePrincipal">service principal with updated fields</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ISignedInUserApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ISignedInUserApi.RevokeSignedInUserAllRefreshTokens(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Invalidates all of the user&#39;s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user&#39;s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time
            Invalidates all of the user&#39;s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user&#39;s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ISignedInUserApi.RevokeSignedInUserAllRefreshTokensWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Invalidates all of the user&#39;s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user&#39;s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time
            Invalidates all of the user&#39;s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user&#39;s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ISignedInUserApi.UpdateSignedInUserPassword(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordContent)">
            Update password of current signed in user.
            Update password of current signed in user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="passwordContent">password description</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ISignedInUserApi.UpdateSignedInUserPasswordWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordContent)">
            Update password of current signed in user.
            Update password of current signed in user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="passwordContent">password description</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ISignedInUserApi.RevokeSignedInUserAllRefreshTokensAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Invalidates all of the user&#39;s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user&#39;s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time
            Invalidates all of the user&#39;s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user&#39;s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ISignedInUserApi.RevokeSignedInUserAllRefreshTokensAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Invalidates all of the user&#39;s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user&#39;s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time
            Invalidates all of the user&#39;s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user&#39;s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ISignedInUserApi.UpdateSignedInUserPasswordAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordContent)">
            Update password of current signed in user.
            Update password of current signed in user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="passwordContent">password description</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ISignedInUserApi.UpdateSignedInUserPasswordAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordContent)">
            Update password of current signed in user.
            Update password of current signed in user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="passwordContent">password description</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SignedInUserApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SignedInUserApi.#ctor(System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SignedInUserApi"/> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SignedInUserApi.#ctor(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SignedInUserApi"/> class
            using Configuration object
            <param name="configuration">An instance of Configuration</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SignedInUserApi.GetBasePath">
            Gets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SignedInUserApi.SetBasePath(System.String)">
            Sets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SignedInUserApi.Configuration">
            Gets or sets the configuration object
            <value>An instance of the Configuration</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SignedInUserApi.ExceptionFactory">
            Provides a factory method hook for the creation of exceptions.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SignedInUserApi.DefaultHeader">
            Gets the default header.
            <returns>Dictionary of HTTP header</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SignedInUserApi.AddDefaultHeader(System.String,System.String)">
            Add default header.
            <param name="key">Header field name.</param>
            <param name="value">Header field value.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SignedInUserApi.RevokeSignedInUserAllRefreshTokens(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Invalidates all of the user&#39;s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user&#39;s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time Invalidates all of the user&#39;s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user&#39;s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SignedInUserApi.RevokeSignedInUserAllRefreshTokensWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Invalidates all of the user&#39;s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user&#39;s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time Invalidates all of the user&#39;s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user&#39;s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SignedInUserApi.RevokeSignedInUserAllRefreshTokensAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Invalidates all of the user&#39;s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user&#39;s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time Invalidates all of the user&#39;s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user&#39;s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SignedInUserApi.RevokeSignedInUserAllRefreshTokensAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Invalidates all of the user&#39;s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user&#39;s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time Invalidates all of the user&#39;s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user&#39;s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SignedInUserApi.UpdateSignedInUserPassword(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordContent)">
            Update password of current signed in user. Update password of current signed in user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="passwordContent">password description</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SignedInUserApi.UpdateSignedInUserPasswordWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordContent)">
            Update password of current signed in user. Update password of current signed in user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="passwordContent">password description</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SignedInUserApi.UpdateSignedInUserPasswordAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordContent)">
            Update password of current signed in user. Update password of current signed in user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="passwordContent">password description</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SignedInUserApi.UpdateSignedInUserPasswordAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordContent)">
            Update password of current signed in user. Update password of current signed in user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="passwordContent">password description</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ISubscribedSkuApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ISubscribedSkuApi.GetSubscribedSku(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specified subscribedskus (subscriptions) to Microsoft services.
            Retrieves a specified subscribedskus (subscriptions) to Microsoft services.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an service principal in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ISubscribedSkuApi.GetSubscribedSkuWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specified subscribedskus (subscriptions) to Microsoft services.
            Retrieves a specified subscribedskus (subscriptions) to Microsoft services.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an service principal in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of SubscribedSku</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ISubscribedSkuApi.GetSubscribedSkus(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of subscribed skus (subscriptions) to Microsoft services.
            Retrieves a list of subscribed skus (subscriptions) to Microsoft services.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">THe unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ISubscribedSkuApi.GetSubscribedSkusWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of subscribed skus (subscriptions) to Microsoft services.
            Retrieves a list of subscribed skus (subscriptions) to Microsoft services.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">THe unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetSubscribedSkuResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ISubscribedSkuApi.GetSubscribedSkuAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specified subscribedskus (subscriptions) to Microsoft services.
            Retrieves a specified subscribedskus (subscriptions) to Microsoft services.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an service principal in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of SubscribedSku</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ISubscribedSkuApi.GetSubscribedSkuAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specified subscribedskus (subscriptions) to Microsoft services.
            Retrieves a specified subscribedskus (subscriptions) to Microsoft services.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an service principal in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (SubscribedSku)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ISubscribedSkuApi.GetSubscribedSkusAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of subscribed skus (subscriptions) to Microsoft services.
            Retrieves a list of subscribed skus (subscriptions) to Microsoft services.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">THe unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetSubscribedSkuResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ISubscribedSkuApi.GetSubscribedSkusAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of subscribed skus (subscriptions) to Microsoft services.
            Retrieves a list of subscribed skus (subscriptions) to Microsoft services.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">THe unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetSubscribedSkuResponse)</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SubscribedSkuApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SubscribedSkuApi.#ctor(System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SubscribedSkuApi"/> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SubscribedSkuApi.#ctor(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SubscribedSkuApi"/> class
            using Configuration object
            <param name="configuration">An instance of Configuration</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SubscribedSkuApi.GetBasePath">
            Gets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SubscribedSkuApi.SetBasePath(System.String)">
            Sets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SubscribedSkuApi.Configuration">
            Gets or sets the configuration object
            <value>An instance of the Configuration</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SubscribedSkuApi.ExceptionFactory">
            Provides a factory method hook for the creation of exceptions.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SubscribedSkuApi.DefaultHeader">
            Gets the default header.
            <returns>Dictionary of HTTP header</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SubscribedSkuApi.AddDefaultHeader(System.String,System.String)">
            Add default header.
            <param name="key">Header field name.</param>
            <param name="value">Header field value.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SubscribedSkuApi.GetSubscribedSku(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specified subscribedskus (subscriptions) to Microsoft services. Retrieves a specified subscribedskus (subscriptions) to Microsoft services.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an service principal in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SubscribedSkuApi.GetSubscribedSkuWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specified subscribedskus (subscriptions) to Microsoft services. Retrieves a specified subscribedskus (subscriptions) to Microsoft services.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an service principal in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of SubscribedSku</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SubscribedSkuApi.GetSubscribedSkuAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specified subscribedskus (subscriptions) to Microsoft services. Retrieves a specified subscribedskus (subscriptions) to Microsoft services.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an service principal in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of SubscribedSku</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SubscribedSkuApi.GetSubscribedSkuAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specified subscribedskus (subscriptions) to Microsoft services. Retrieves a specified subscribedskus (subscriptions) to Microsoft services.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique idenfier of an service principal in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (SubscribedSku)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SubscribedSkuApi.GetSubscribedSkus(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of subscribed skus (subscriptions) to Microsoft services. Retrieves a list of subscribed skus (subscriptions) to Microsoft services.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">THe unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SubscribedSkuApi.GetSubscribedSkusWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of subscribed skus (subscriptions) to Microsoft services. Retrieves a list of subscribed skus (subscriptions) to Microsoft services.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">THe unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetSubscribedSkuResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SubscribedSkuApi.GetSubscribedSkusAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of subscribed skus (subscriptions) to Microsoft services. Retrieves a list of subscribed skus (subscriptions) to Microsoft services.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">THe unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetSubscribedSkuResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.SubscribedSkuApi.GetSubscribedSkusAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of subscribed skus (subscriptions) to Microsoft services. Retrieves a list of subscribed skus (subscriptions) to Microsoft services.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">THe unique idenfier of an application in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetSubscribedSkuResponse)</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ITenantDetailApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ITenantDetailApi.GetTenantDetails(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Retrieves the details of a tenant in Azure Active Directory
            Retrieves the details of a tenant in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ITenantDetailApi.GetTenantDetailsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Retrieves the details of a tenant in Azure Active Directory
            Retrieves the details of a tenant in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetTenantDetailsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ITenantDetailApi.SetTenantDetail(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail)">
            Updates a tenant detail in Azure Active Directory
            Updates tenant detail object in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="tenantDetail">tenant detail with updated fields</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ITenantDetailApi.SetTenantDetailWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail)">
            Updates a tenant detail in Azure Active Directory
            Updates tenant detail object in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="tenantDetail">tenant detail with updated fields</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ITenantDetailApi.GetTenantDetailsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Retrieves the details of a tenant in Azure Active Directory
            Retrieves the details of a tenant in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetTenantDetailsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ITenantDetailApi.GetTenantDetailsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Retrieves the details of a tenant in Azure Active Directory
            Retrieves the details of a tenant in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetTenantDetailsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ITenantDetailApi.SetTenantDetailAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail)">
            Updates a tenant detail in Azure Active Directory
            Updates tenant detail object in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="tenantDetail">tenant detail with updated fields</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ITenantDetailApi.SetTenantDetailAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail)">
            Updates a tenant detail in Azure Active Directory
            Updates tenant detail object in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="tenantDetail">tenant detail with updated fields</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TenantDetailApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TenantDetailApi.#ctor(System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TenantDetailApi"/> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TenantDetailApi.#ctor(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TenantDetailApi"/> class
            using Configuration object
            <param name="configuration">An instance of Configuration</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TenantDetailApi.GetBasePath">
            Gets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TenantDetailApi.SetBasePath(System.String)">
            Sets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TenantDetailApi.Configuration">
            Gets or sets the configuration object
            <value>An instance of the Configuration</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TenantDetailApi.ExceptionFactory">
            Provides a factory method hook for the creation of exceptions.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TenantDetailApi.DefaultHeader">
            Gets the default header.
            <returns>Dictionary of HTTP header</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TenantDetailApi.AddDefaultHeader(System.String,System.String)">
            Add default header.
            <param name="key">Header field name.</param>
            <param name="value">Header field value.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TenantDetailApi.GetTenantDetails(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Retrieves the details of a tenant in Azure Active Directory Retrieves the details of a tenant in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TenantDetailApi.GetTenantDetailsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Retrieves the details of a tenant in Azure Active Directory Retrieves the details of a tenant in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetTenantDetailsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TenantDetailApi.GetTenantDetailsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Retrieves the details of a tenant in Azure Active Directory Retrieves the details of a tenant in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetTenantDetailsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TenantDetailApi.GetTenantDetailsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Retrieves the details of a tenant in Azure Active Directory Retrieves the details of a tenant in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetTenantDetailsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TenantDetailApi.SetTenantDetail(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail)">
            Updates a tenant detail in Azure Active Directory Updates tenant detail object in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="tenantDetail">tenant detail with updated fields</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TenantDetailApi.SetTenantDetailWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail)">
            Updates a tenant detail in Azure Active Directory Updates tenant detail object in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="tenantDetail">tenant detail with updated fields</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TenantDetailApi.SetTenantDetailAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail)">
            Updates a tenant detail in Azure Active Directory Updates tenant detail object in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="tenantDetail">tenant detail with updated fields</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TenantDetailApi.SetTenantDetailAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail)">
            Updates a tenant detail in Azure Active Directory Updates tenant detail object in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="tenantDetail">tenant detail with updated fields</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ITrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ITrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi.GetTrustedCertificateAuthorities(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Retrieves the list of trusted certificate authorities for a tenant in Azure Active Directory
            Retrieves the list of trusted certificate authorities for a tenant in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ITrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi.GetTrustedCertificateAuthoritiesWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Retrieves the list of trusted certificate authorities for a tenant in Azure Active Directory
            Retrieves the list of trusted certificate authorities for a tenant in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetTrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuthResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ITrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi.RemoveTrustedCertificateAuthorities(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes a specific trusted Certificate Authority in Azure Active Directory
            Deletes a specific trusted Certificate Authority in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="trustedCAsForPasswordlessAuthId">The unique identifier of an trustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ITrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi.RemoveTrustedCertificateAuthoritiesWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes a specific trusted Certificate Authority in Azure Active Directory
            Deletes a specific trusted Certificate Authority in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="trustedCAsForPasswordlessAuthId">The unique identifier of an trustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ITrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi.SetAzureADTrustedCertificateAuthorities(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth)">
            Creates or updates trusted certificate authorities in Azure Active Directory
            Creates or updates trusted certificate authorities in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="trustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth">Trusted certificate authoritys for password less authorization object</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ITrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi.SetAzureADTrustedCertificateAuthoritiesWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth)">
            Creates or updates trusted certificate authorities in Azure Active Directory
            Creates or updates trusted certificate authorities in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="trustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth">Trusted certificate authoritys for password less authorization object</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of TrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ITrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi.GetTrustedCertificateAuthoritiesAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Retrieves the list of trusted certificate authorities for a tenant in Azure Active Directory
            Retrieves the list of trusted certificate authorities for a tenant in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetTrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuthResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ITrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi.GetTrustedCertificateAuthoritiesAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Retrieves the list of trusted certificate authorities for a tenant in Azure Active Directory
            Retrieves the list of trusted certificate authorities for a tenant in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetTrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuthResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ITrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi.RemoveTrustedCertificateAuthoritiesAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes a specific trusted Certificate Authority in Azure Active Directory
            Deletes a specific trusted Certificate Authority in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="trustedCAsForPasswordlessAuthId">The unique identifier of an trustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ITrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi.RemoveTrustedCertificateAuthoritiesAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes a specific trusted Certificate Authority in Azure Active Directory
            Deletes a specific trusted Certificate Authority in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="trustedCAsForPasswordlessAuthId">The unique identifier of an trustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ITrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi.SetAzureADTrustedCertificateAuthoritiesAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth)">
            Creates or updates trusted certificate authorities in Azure Active Directory
            Creates or updates trusted certificate authorities in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="trustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth">Trusted certificate authoritys for password less authorization object</param>
            <returns>Task of TrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.ITrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi.SetAzureADTrustedCertificateAuthoritiesAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth)">
            Creates or updates trusted certificate authorities in Azure Active Directory
            Creates or updates trusted certificate authorities in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="trustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth">Trusted certificate authoritys for password less authorization object</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (TrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth)</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi.#ctor(System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi"/> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi.#ctor(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi"/> class
            using Configuration object
            <param name="configuration">An instance of Configuration</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi.GetBasePath">
            Gets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi.SetBasePath(System.String)">
            Sets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi.Configuration">
            Gets or sets the configuration object
            <value>An instance of the Configuration</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi.ExceptionFactory">
            Provides a factory method hook for the creation of exceptions.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi.DefaultHeader">
            Gets the default header.
            <returns>Dictionary of HTTP header</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi.AddDefaultHeader(System.String,System.String)">
            Add default header.
            <param name="key">Header field name.</param>
            <param name="value">Header field value.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi.GetTrustedCertificateAuthorities(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Retrieves the list of trusted certificate authorities for a tenant in Azure Active Directory Retrieves the list of trusted certificate authorities for a tenant in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi.GetTrustedCertificateAuthoritiesWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Retrieves the list of trusted certificate authorities for a tenant in Azure Active Directory Retrieves the list of trusted certificate authorities for a tenant in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetTrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuthResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi.GetTrustedCertificateAuthoritiesAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Retrieves the list of trusted certificate authorities for a tenant in Azure Active Directory Retrieves the list of trusted certificate authorities for a tenant in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetTrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuthResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi.GetTrustedCertificateAuthoritiesAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Retrieves the list of trusted certificate authorities for a tenant in Azure Active Directory Retrieves the list of trusted certificate authorities for a tenant in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetTrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuthResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi.RemoveTrustedCertificateAuthorities(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes a specific trusted Certificate Authority in Azure Active Directory Deletes a specific trusted Certificate Authority in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="trustedCAsForPasswordlessAuthId">The unique identifier of an trustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi.RemoveTrustedCertificateAuthoritiesWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes a specific trusted Certificate Authority in Azure Active Directory Deletes a specific trusted Certificate Authority in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="trustedCAsForPasswordlessAuthId">The unique identifier of an trustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi.RemoveTrustedCertificateAuthoritiesAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes a specific trusted Certificate Authority in Azure Active Directory Deletes a specific trusted Certificate Authority in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="trustedCAsForPasswordlessAuthId">The unique identifier of an trustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi.RemoveTrustedCertificateAuthoritiesAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes a specific trusted Certificate Authority in Azure Active Directory Deletes a specific trusted Certificate Authority in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="trustedCAsForPasswordlessAuthId">The unique identifier of an trustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth in Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi.SetAzureADTrustedCertificateAuthorities(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth)">
            Creates or updates trusted certificate authorities in Azure Active Directory Creates or updates trusted certificate authorities in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="trustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth">Trusted certificate authoritys for password less authorization object</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi.SetAzureADTrustedCertificateAuthoritiesWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth)">
            Creates or updates trusted certificate authorities in Azure Active Directory Creates or updates trusted certificate authorities in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="trustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth">Trusted certificate authoritys for password less authorization object</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of TrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi.SetAzureADTrustedCertificateAuthoritiesAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth)">
            Creates or updates trusted certificate authorities in Azure Active Directory Creates or updates trusted certificate authorities in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="trustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth">Trusted certificate authoritys for password less authorization object</param>
            <returns>Task of TrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.TrustedCertificateAuthoritiesApi.SetAzureADTrustedCertificateAuthoritiesAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth)">
            Creates or updates trusted certificate authorities in Azure Active Directory Creates or updates trusted certificate authorities in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="trustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth">Trusted certificate authoritys for password less authorization object</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (TrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth)</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetAzureADUserThumbnailPhoto(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get thumbnail photo of a user.
            Get thumbnail photo of a user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetAzureADUserThumbnailPhotoWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get thumbnail photo of a user.
            Get thumbnail photo of a user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of System.IO.Stream</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUser(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific user from Azure Active Directory
            Retreives a specific user (user object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId or UPN.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a user in Azure Active Directory (UPN or ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific user from Azure Active Directory
            Retreives a specific user (user object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId or UPN.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a user in Azure Active Directory (UPN or ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of User</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserAppRoleAssignments(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get user application role assignments.
            Get user application role assignments.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserAppRoleAssignmentsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get user application role assignments.
            Get user application role assignments.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserCreatedObjects(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get objects created by the user.
            Get objects created by the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserCreatedObjectsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get objects created by the user.
            Get objects created by the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserDirectReports(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get the user&#39;s direct reports.
            Get the user&#39;s direct reports. Direct reports are users who have their manager attribute set to the current user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserDirectReportsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get the user&#39;s direct reports.
            Get the user&#39;s direct reports. Direct reports are users who have their manager attribute set to the current user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserLicenseDetails(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves the license details of a user from Azure Active Directory
            Retrieves the license details of a user from Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserLicenseDetailsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves the license details of a user from Azure Active Directory
            Retrieves the license details of a user from Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetLicenseDetailsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserManager(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves the manager of a user from Azure Active Directory
            Retrieves the manager of a user from Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserManagerWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves the manager of a user from Azure Active Directory
            Retrieves the manager of a user from Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of DirectoryObject</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserMemberships(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get user memberships.
            Get a list of groups and directory roles that the user is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserMembershipsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get user memberships.
            Get a list of groups and directory roles that the user is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserOAuth2PermissionGrants(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get the list of the oAuth2PermissionGrants that the user granted applications.
            Get the list of the oAuth2PermissionGrants that the user granted applications. These permissions are typically granted when an application asked for a specific permission to a resource that the user has discretion over.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserOAuth2PermissionGrantsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get the list of the oAuth2PermissionGrants that the user granted applications.
            Get the list of the oAuth2PermissionGrants that the user granted applications. These permissions are typically granted when an application asked for a specific permission to a resource that the user has discretion over.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserOwnedDevices(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get registered devices owned by the user.
            Get registered devices owned by the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserOwnedDevicesWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get registered devices owned by the user.
            Get registered devices owned by the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDevicesResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserOwnedObjects(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get objects owned by the user.
            Get objects owned by the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserOwnedObjectsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get objects owned by the user.
            Get objects owned by the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserRegisteredDevices(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get registered devices registered by the user.
            Get registered devices registered by the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserRegisteredDevicesWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get registered devices registered by the user.
            Get registered devices registered by the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDevicesResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUsers(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of users in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters
            Retrieves a list of users in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a user (UPN or ObjectId) in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUsersWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of users in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters
            Retrieves a list of users in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a user (UPN or ObjectId) in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetUsersResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.NewUser(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User)">
            Create a new user in Azure Active Directory
            Creates a new user in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="user">New user</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.NewUserWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User)">
            Create a new user in Azure Active Directory
            Creates a new user in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="user">New user</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of User</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.NewUserAppRoleAssignment(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment)">
            Assign a user to an application role.
            Assign a user to an application role. If no roles exist use guid.empty (all 0000)
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignment">New app role assignment</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.NewUserAppRoleAssignmentWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment)">
            Assign a user to an application role.
            Assign a user to an application role. If no roles exist use guid.empty (all 0000)
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignment">New app role assignment</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of AppRoleAssignment</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.RemoveUser(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes a specific user in Azure Active Directory
            Deletes a user (user object) identified by objectId or UPN in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.RemoveUserWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes a specific user in Azure Active Directory
            Deletes a user (user object) identified by objectId or UPN in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.RemoveUserAppRoleAssignment(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete a user application role assignment.
            Delete a user application role assignment.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignmentId">The unique identifier of a appRoleAssignment in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.RemoveUserAppRoleAssignmentWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete a user application role assignment.
            Delete a user application role assignment.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignmentId">The unique identifier of a appRoleAssignment in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.RemoveUserManager(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes the user&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory
            Deletes the user&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.RemoveUserManagerWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes the user&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory
            Deletes the user&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.RevokeUserAllRefreshTokens(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Invalidates all of the user&#39;s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user&#39;s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time
            Invalidates all of the user&#39;s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user&#39;s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.RevokeUserAllRefreshTokensWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Invalidates all of the user&#39;s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user&#39;s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time
            Invalidates all of the user&#39;s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user&#39;s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.SelectAzureADGroupIdsUserIsMemberOf(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the user is a member of.
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the user is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="groupIdsForMembershipCheck">A list of groups object ids.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.SelectAzureADGroupIdsUserIsMemberOfWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the user is a member of.
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the user is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="groupIdsForMembershipCheck">A list of groups object ids.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of CheckMemberGroupsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.SetAzureADUserThumbnailPhoto(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Byte[])">
            Set thumbnail photo of a user.
            Set thumbnail photo of a user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="content">User Thumbnail</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.SetAzureADUserThumbnailPhotoWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Byte[])">
            Set thumbnail photo of a user.
            Set thumbnail photo of a user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="content">User Thumbnail</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.SetUser(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User)">
            Updates a specific user in Azure Active Directory
            Updates a user (user object) identified by objectId or UPN in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="user">user with updated fields</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.SetUserWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User)">
            Updates a specific user in Azure Active Directory
            Updates a user (user object) identified by objectId or UPN in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="user">user with updated fields</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.SetUserLicenses(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicenses)">
            Add and remove one or more licenses for a Microsoft online service to the list of assigned licenses for the user.
            Add and remove one or more licenses for a Microsoft online service to the list of assigned licenses for the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="assignedLicenses">A list of licenses to be assigned and those to be removed.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.SetUserLicensesWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicenses)">
            Add and remove one or more licenses for a Microsoft online service to the list of assigned licenses for the user.
            Add and remove one or more licenses for a Microsoft online service to the list of assigned licenses for the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="assignedLicenses">A list of licenses to be assigned and those to be removed.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.SetUserManager(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Updates the user&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory
            Updates the user&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.SetUserManagerWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Updates the user&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory
            Updates the user&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetAzureADUserThumbnailPhotoAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get thumbnail photo of a user.
            Get thumbnail photo of a user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of System.IO.Stream</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetAzureADUserThumbnailPhotoAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get thumbnail photo of a user.
            Get thumbnail photo of a user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (System.IO.Stream)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific user from Azure Active Directory
            Retreives a specific user (user object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId or UPN.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a user in Azure Active Directory (UPN or ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of User</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific user from Azure Active Directory
            Retreives a specific user (user object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId or UPN.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a user in Azure Active Directory (UPN or ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (User)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserAppRoleAssignmentsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get user application role assignments.
            Get user application role assignments.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserAppRoleAssignmentsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get user application role assignments.
            Get user application role assignments.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserCreatedObjectsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get objects created by the user.
            Get objects created by the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserCreatedObjectsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get objects created by the user.
            Get objects created by the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserDirectReportsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get the user&#39;s direct reports.
            Get the user&#39;s direct reports. Direct reports are users who have their manager attribute set to the current user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserDirectReportsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get the user&#39;s direct reports.
            Get the user&#39;s direct reports. Direct reports are users who have their manager attribute set to the current user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserLicenseDetailsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves the license details of a user from Azure Active Directory
            Retrieves the license details of a user from Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of GetLicenseDetailsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserLicenseDetailsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves the license details of a user from Azure Active Directory
            Retrieves the license details of a user from Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetLicenseDetailsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserManagerAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves the manager of a user from Azure Active Directory
            Retrieves the manager of a user from Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of DirectoryObject</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserManagerAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves the manager of a user from Azure Active Directory
            Retrieves the manager of a user from Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (DirectoryObject)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserMembershipsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get user memberships.
            Get a list of groups and directory roles that the user is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserMembershipsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get user memberships.
            Get a list of groups and directory roles that the user is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserOAuth2PermissionGrantsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get the list of the oAuth2PermissionGrants that the user granted applications.
            Get the list of the oAuth2PermissionGrants that the user granted applications. These permissions are typically granted when an application asked for a specific permission to a resource that the user has discretion over.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserOAuth2PermissionGrantsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get the list of the oAuth2PermissionGrants that the user granted applications.
            Get the list of the oAuth2PermissionGrants that the user granted applications. These permissions are typically granted when an application asked for a specific permission to a resource that the user has discretion over.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserOwnedDevicesAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get registered devices owned by the user.
            Get registered devices owned by the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDevicesResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserOwnedDevicesAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get registered devices owned by the user.
            Get registered devices owned by the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDevicesResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserOwnedObjectsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get objects owned by the user.
            Get objects owned by the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserOwnedObjectsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get objects owned by the user.
            Get objects owned by the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserRegisteredDevicesAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get registered devices registered by the user.
            Get registered devices registered by the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDevicesResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUserRegisteredDevicesAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get registered devices registered by the user.
            Get registered devices registered by the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDevicesResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUsersAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of users in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters
            Retrieves a list of users in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a user (UPN or ObjectId) in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetUsersResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.GetUsersAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of users in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters
            Retrieves a list of users in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a user (UPN or ObjectId) in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetUsersResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.NewUserAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User)">
            Create a new user in Azure Active Directory
            Creates a new user in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="user">New user</param>
            <returns>Task of User</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.NewUserAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User)">
            Create a new user in Azure Active Directory
            Creates a new user in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="user">New user</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (User)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.NewUserAppRoleAssignmentAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment)">
            Assign a user to an application role.
            Assign a user to an application role. If no roles exist use guid.empty (all 0000)
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignment">New app role assignment</param>
            <returns>Task of AppRoleAssignment</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.NewUserAppRoleAssignmentAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment)">
            Assign a user to an application role.
            Assign a user to an application role. If no roles exist use guid.empty (all 0000)
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignment">New app role assignment</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (AppRoleAssignment)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.RemoveUserAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes a specific user in Azure Active Directory
            Deletes a user (user object) identified by objectId or UPN in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.RemoveUserAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes a specific user in Azure Active Directory
            Deletes a user (user object) identified by objectId or UPN in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.RemoveUserAppRoleAssignmentAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete a user application role assignment.
            Delete a user application role assignment.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignmentId">The unique identifier of a appRoleAssignment in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.RemoveUserAppRoleAssignmentAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete a user application role assignment.
            Delete a user application role assignment.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignmentId">The unique identifier of a appRoleAssignment in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.RemoveUserManagerAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes the user&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory
            Deletes the user&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.RemoveUserManagerAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes the user&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory
            Deletes the user&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.RevokeUserAllRefreshTokensAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Invalidates all of the user&#39;s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user&#39;s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time
            Invalidates all of the user&#39;s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user&#39;s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.RevokeUserAllRefreshTokensAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Invalidates all of the user&#39;s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user&#39;s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time
            Invalidates all of the user&#39;s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user&#39;s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.SelectAzureADGroupIdsUserIsMemberOfAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the user is a member of.
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the user is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="groupIdsForMembershipCheck">A list of groups object ids.</param>
            <returns>Task of CheckMemberGroupsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.SelectAzureADGroupIdsUserIsMemberOfAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the user is a member of.
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the user is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="groupIdsForMembershipCheck">A list of groups object ids.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (CheckMemberGroupsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.SetAzureADUserThumbnailPhotoAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Byte[])">
            Set thumbnail photo of a user.
            Set thumbnail photo of a user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="content">User Thumbnail</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.SetAzureADUserThumbnailPhotoAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Byte[])">
            Set thumbnail photo of a user.
            Set thumbnail photo of a user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="content">User Thumbnail</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.SetUserAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User)">
            Updates a specific user in Azure Active Directory
            Updates a user (user object) identified by objectId or UPN in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="user">user with updated fields</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.SetUserAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User)">
            Updates a specific user in Azure Active Directory
            Updates a user (user object) identified by objectId or UPN in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="user">user with updated fields</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.SetUserLicensesAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicenses)">
            Add and remove one or more licenses for a Microsoft online service to the list of assigned licenses for the user.
            Add and remove one or more licenses for a Microsoft online service to the list of assigned licenses for the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="assignedLicenses">A list of licenses to be assigned and those to be removed.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.SetUserLicensesAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicenses)">
            Add and remove one or more licenses for a Microsoft online service to the list of assigned licenses for the user.
            Add and remove one or more licenses for a Microsoft online service to the list of assigned licenses for the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="assignedLicenses">A list of licenses to be assigned and those to be removed.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.SetUserManagerAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Updates the user&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory
            Updates the user&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.IUserApi.SetUserManagerAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Updates the user&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory
            Updates the user&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi">
            Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.#ctor(System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi"/> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.#ctor(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi"/> class
            using Configuration object
            <param name="configuration">An instance of Configuration</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetBasePath">
            Gets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.SetBasePath(System.String)">
            Sets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.Configuration">
            Gets or sets the configuration object
            <value>An instance of the Configuration</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.ExceptionFactory">
            Provides a factory method hook for the creation of exceptions.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.DefaultHeader">
            Gets the default header.
            <returns>Dictionary of HTTP header</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.AddDefaultHeader(System.String,System.String)">
            Add default header.
            <param name="key">Header field name.</param>
            <param name="value">Header field value.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetAzureADUserThumbnailPhoto(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get thumbnail photo of a user. Get thumbnail photo of a user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetAzureADUserThumbnailPhotoWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get thumbnail photo of a user. Get thumbnail photo of a user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of System.IO.Stream</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetAzureADUserThumbnailPhotoAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get thumbnail photo of a user. Get thumbnail photo of a user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of System.IO.Stream</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetAzureADUserThumbnailPhotoAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Get thumbnail photo of a user. Get thumbnail photo of a user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (System.IO.Stream)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUser(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific user from Azure Active Directory Retreives a specific user (user object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId or UPN.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a user in Azure Active Directory (UPN or ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific user from Azure Active Directory Retreives a specific user (user object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId or UPN.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a user in Azure Active Directory (UPN or ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of User</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific user from Azure Active Directory Retreives a specific user (user object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId or UPN.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a user in Azure Active Directory (UPN or ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of User</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a specific user from Azure Active Directory Retreives a specific user (user object) from Azure Active Directory by objectId or UPN.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a user in Azure Active Directory (UPN or ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (User)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserAppRoleAssignments(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get user application role assignments. Get user application role assignments.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserAppRoleAssignmentsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get user application role assignments. Get user application role assignments.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserAppRoleAssignmentsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get user application role assignments. Get user application role assignments.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserAppRoleAssignmentsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get user application role assignments. Get user application role assignments.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserCreatedObjects(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get objects created by the user. Get objects created by the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserCreatedObjectsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get objects created by the user. Get objects created by the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserCreatedObjectsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get objects created by the user. Get objects created by the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserCreatedObjectsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get objects created by the user. Get objects created by the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserDirectReports(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get the user&#39;s direct reports. Get the user&#39;s direct reports. Direct reports are users who have their manager attribute set to the current user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserDirectReportsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get the user&#39;s direct reports. Get the user&#39;s direct reports. Direct reports are users who have their manager attribute set to the current user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserDirectReportsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get the user&#39;s direct reports. Get the user&#39;s direct reports. Direct reports are users who have their manager attribute set to the current user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserDirectReportsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get the user&#39;s direct reports. Get the user&#39;s direct reports. Direct reports are users who have their manager attribute set to the current user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserLicenseDetails(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves the license details of a user from Azure Active Directory Retrieves the license details of a user from Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserLicenseDetailsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves the license details of a user from Azure Active Directory Retrieves the license details of a user from Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetLicenseDetailsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserLicenseDetailsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves the license details of a user from Azure Active Directory Retrieves the license details of a user from Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of GetLicenseDetailsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserLicenseDetailsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves the license details of a user from Azure Active Directory Retrieves the license details of a user from Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetLicenseDetailsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserManager(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves the manager of a user from Azure Active Directory Retrieves the manager of a user from Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserManagerWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves the manager of a user from Azure Active Directory Retrieves the manager of a user from Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of DirectoryObject</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserManagerAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves the manager of a user from Azure Active Directory Retrieves the manager of a user from Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of DirectoryObject</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserManagerAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves the manager of a user from Azure Active Directory Retrieves the manager of a user from Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (DirectoryObject)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserMemberships(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get user memberships. Get a list of groups and directory roles that the user is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserMembershipsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get user memberships. Get a list of groups and directory roles that the user is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserMembershipsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get user memberships. Get a list of groups and directory roles that the user is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserMembershipsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get user memberships. Get a list of groups and directory roles that the user is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserOAuth2PermissionGrants(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get the list of the oAuth2PermissionGrants that the user granted applications. Get the list of the oAuth2PermissionGrants that the user granted applications. These permissions are typically granted when an application asked for a specific permission to a resource that the user has discretion over.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserOAuth2PermissionGrantsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get the list of the oAuth2PermissionGrants that the user granted applications. Get the list of the oAuth2PermissionGrants that the user granted applications. These permissions are typically granted when an application asked for a specific permission to a resource that the user has discretion over.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserOAuth2PermissionGrantsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get the list of the oAuth2PermissionGrants that the user granted applications. Get the list of the oAuth2PermissionGrants that the user granted applications. These permissions are typically granted when an application asked for a specific permission to a resource that the user has discretion over.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserOAuth2PermissionGrantsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get the list of the oAuth2PermissionGrants that the user granted applications. Get the list of the oAuth2PermissionGrants that the user granted applications. These permissions are typically granted when an application asked for a specific permission to a resource that the user has discretion over.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserOwnedDevices(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get registered devices owned by the user. Get registered devices owned by the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserOwnedDevicesWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get registered devices owned by the user. Get registered devices owned by the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDevicesResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserOwnedDevicesAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get registered devices owned by the user. Get registered devices owned by the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDevicesResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserOwnedDevicesAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get registered devices owned by the user. Get registered devices owned by the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDevicesResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserOwnedObjects(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get objects owned by the user. Get objects owned by the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserOwnedObjectsWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get objects owned by the user. Get objects owned by the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserOwnedObjectsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get objects owned by the user. Get objects owned by the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserOwnedObjectsAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get objects owned by the user. Get objects owned by the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserRegisteredDevices(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get registered devices registered by the user. Get registered devices registered by the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserRegisteredDevicesWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get registered devices registered by the user. Get registered devices registered by the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetDevicesResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserRegisteredDevicesAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get registered devices registered by the user. Get registered devices registered by the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetDevicesResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUserRegisteredDevicesAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String)">
            Get registered devices registered by the user. Get registered devices registered by the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetDevicesResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUsers(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of users in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters Retrieves a list of users in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a user (UPN or ObjectId) in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUsersWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of users in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters Retrieves a list of users in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a user (UPN or ObjectId) in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of GetUsersResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUsersAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of users in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters Retrieves a list of users in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a user (UPN or ObjectId) in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of GetUsersResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.GetUsersAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of users in Azure Active Directory based on provided query parameters Retrieves a list of users in Azure Active Directory based on provided oData query paramters including: $filter, $orderby, $top
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of a user (UPN or ObjectId) in Azure Active Directory (optional)</param>
            <param name="all">Boolean to express that return all results from the server for the specific query (optional)</param>
            <param name="top">The maximum number of records to return. (optional, default to 100)</param>
            <param name="skiptoken">Skiptoken use to page forward through a large result set.. (optional)</param>
            <param name="filter">The oData v3.0 filter statement. Controls which objects are returned. (optional)</param>
            <param name="orderby">The oData v3.0 orderby statement. Controls the order in which the results are returned. (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetUsersResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.NewUser(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User)">
            Create a new user in Azure Active Directory Creates a new user in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="user">New user</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.NewUserWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User)">
            Create a new user in Azure Active Directory Creates a new user in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="user">New user</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of User</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.NewUserAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User)">
            Create a new user in Azure Active Directory Creates a new user in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="user">New user</param>
            <returns>Task of User</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.NewUserAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User)">
            Create a new user in Azure Active Directory Creates a new user in Azure Active Directory.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="user">New user</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (User)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.NewUserAppRoleAssignment(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment)">
            Assign a user to an application role. Assign a user to an application role. If no roles exist use guid.empty (all 0000)
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignment">New app role assignment</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.NewUserAppRoleAssignmentWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment)">
            Assign a user to an application role. Assign a user to an application role. If no roles exist use guid.empty (all 0000)
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignment">New app role assignment</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of AppRoleAssignment</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.NewUserAppRoleAssignmentAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment)">
            Assign a user to an application role. Assign a user to an application role. If no roles exist use guid.empty (all 0000)
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignment">New app role assignment</param>
            <returns>Task of AppRoleAssignment</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.NewUserAppRoleAssignmentAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment)">
            Assign a user to an application role. Assign a user to an application role. If no roles exist use guid.empty (all 0000)
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignment">New app role assignment</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (AppRoleAssignment)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.RemoveUser(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes a specific user in Azure Active Directory Deletes a user (user object) identified by objectId or UPN in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.RemoveUserWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes a specific user in Azure Active Directory Deletes a user (user object) identified by objectId or UPN in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.RemoveUserAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes a specific user in Azure Active Directory Deletes a user (user object) identified by objectId or UPN in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.RemoveUserAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes a specific user in Azure Active Directory Deletes a user (user object) identified by objectId or UPN in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.RemoveUserAppRoleAssignment(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete a user application role assignment. Delete a user application role assignment.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignmentId">The unique identifier of a appRoleAssignment in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.RemoveUserAppRoleAssignmentWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete a user application role assignment. Delete a user application role assignment.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignmentId">The unique identifier of a appRoleAssignment in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.RemoveUserAppRoleAssignmentAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete a user application role assignment. Delete a user application role assignment.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignmentId">The unique identifier of a appRoleAssignment in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.RemoveUserAppRoleAssignmentAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Delete a user application role assignment. Delete a user application role assignment.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="appRoleAssignmentId">The unique identifier of a appRoleAssignment in Azure Active Directory (ObjectId)</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.RemoveUserManager(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes the user&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory Deletes the user&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.RemoveUserManagerWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes the user&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory Deletes the user&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.RemoveUserManagerAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes the user&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory Deletes the user&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.RemoveUserManagerAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes the user&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory Deletes the user&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.RevokeUserAllRefreshTokens(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Invalidates all of the user&#39;s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user&#39;s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time Invalidates all of the user&#39;s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user&#39;s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.RevokeUserAllRefreshTokensWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Invalidates all of the user&#39;s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user&#39;s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time Invalidates all of the user&#39;s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user&#39;s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.RevokeUserAllRefreshTokensAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Invalidates all of the user&#39;s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user&#39;s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time Invalidates all of the user&#39;s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user&#39;s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.RevokeUserAllRefreshTokensAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Invalidates all of the user&#39;s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user&#39;s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time Invalidates all of the user&#39;s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user&#39;s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.SelectAzureADGroupIdsUserIsMemberOf(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the user is a member of. From a list of groups Ids select those that the user is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="groupIdsForMembershipCheck">A list of groups object ids.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.SelectAzureADGroupIdsUserIsMemberOfWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the user is a member of. From a list of groups Ids select those that the user is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="groupIdsForMembershipCheck">A list of groups object ids.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of CheckMemberGroupsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.SelectAzureADGroupIdsUserIsMemberOfAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the user is a member of. From a list of groups Ids select those that the user is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="groupIdsForMembershipCheck">A list of groups object ids.</param>
            <returns>Task of CheckMemberGroupsResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.SelectAzureADGroupIdsUserIsMemberOfAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            From a list of groups Ids select those that the user is a member of. From a list of groups Ids select those that the user is a member of.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="groupIdsForMembershipCheck">A list of groups object ids.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse (CheckMemberGroupsResponse)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.SetAzureADUserThumbnailPhoto(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Byte[])">
            Set thumbnail photo of a user. Set thumbnail photo of a user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="content">User Thumbnail</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.SetAzureADUserThumbnailPhotoWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Byte[])">
            Set thumbnail photo of a user. Set thumbnail photo of a user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="content">User Thumbnail</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.SetAzureADUserThumbnailPhotoAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Byte[])">
            Set thumbnail photo of a user. Set thumbnail photo of a user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="content">User Thumbnail</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.SetAzureADUserThumbnailPhotoAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Byte[])">
            Set thumbnail photo of a user. Set thumbnail photo of a user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="content">User Thumbnail</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.SetUser(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User)">
            Updates a specific user in Azure Active Directory Updates a user (user object) identified by objectId or UPN in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="user">user with updated fields</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.SetUserWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User)">
            Updates a specific user in Azure Active Directory Updates a user (user object) identified by objectId or UPN in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="user">user with updated fields</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.SetUserAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User)">
            Updates a specific user in Azure Active Directory Updates a user (user object) identified by objectId or UPN in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="user">user with updated fields</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.SetUserAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User)">
            Updates a specific user in Azure Active Directory Updates a user (user object) identified by objectId or UPN in Azure Active Directory
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="user">user with updated fields</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.SetUserLicenses(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicenses)">
            Add and remove one or more licenses for a Microsoft online service to the list of assigned licenses for the user. Add and remove one or more licenses for a Microsoft online service to the list of assigned licenses for the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="assignedLicenses">A list of licenses to be assigned and those to be removed.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.SetUserLicensesWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicenses)">
            Add and remove one or more licenses for a Microsoft online service to the list of assigned licenses for the user. Add and remove one or more licenses for a Microsoft online service to the list of assigned licenses for the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="assignedLicenses">A list of licenses to be assigned and those to be removed.</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.SetUserLicensesAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicenses)">
            Add and remove one or more licenses for a Microsoft online service to the list of assigned licenses for the user. Add and remove one or more licenses for a Microsoft online service to the list of assigned licenses for the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="assignedLicenses">A list of licenses to be assigned and those to be removed.</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.SetUserLicensesAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicenses)">
            Add and remove one or more licenses for a Microsoft online service to the list of assigned licenses for the user. Add and remove one or more licenses for a Microsoft online service to the list of assigned licenses for the user.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="assignedLicenses">A list of licenses to be assigned and those to be removed.</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.SetUserManager(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Updates the user&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory Updates the user&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.SetUserManagerWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Updates the user&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory Updates the user&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>ApiResponse of Object(void)</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.SetUserManagerAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Updates the user&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory Updates the user&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of void</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Api.UserApi.SetUserManagerAsyncWithHttpInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink,System.String)">
            Updates the user&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory Updates the user&#39;s manager in Azure Active Directory. A manager can be a user or contact object.
            <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
            <param name="tenantId">The ID of the tenant of instance of Azure Active Directory</param>
            <param name="objectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="authorization">Contains the bearer token used to authorize access to the API.</param>
            <param name="cmdletName">Contains the cmdlet name.</param>
            <param name="clientRequestId">Contains the correlation id for the operation.</param>
            <param name="apiVersion">Specifies the version of the API that you would like to use.</param>
            <param name="link">a link to a specific Azure Active Directory object</param>
            <param name="refObjectId">The unique identifier of the specific Azure Active Directory object that will be assigned as owner/manager/member (optional)</param>
            <returns>Task of ApiResponse</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiClient">
            API client is mainly responsible for making the HTTP call to the API backend.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiClient.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiClient" /> class
            with default configuration and base path (
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiClient.#ctor(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiClient" /> class
            with default base path (
            <param name="config">An instance of Configuration.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiClient.#ctor(System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiClient" /> class
            with default configuration.
            <param name="basePath">The base path.</param>
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiClient.Default">
            Gets or sets the default API client for making HTTP calls.
            <value>The default API client.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiClient.Configuration">
            Gets or sets the Configuration.
            <value>An instance of the Configuration.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiClient.RestClient">
            Gets or sets the RestClient.
            <value>An instance of the RestClient</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiClient.CallApi(System.String,RestSharp.Method,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},System.Object,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,RestSharp.FileParameter},System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},System.String)">
            Makes the HTTP request (Sync).
            <param name="path">URL path.</param>
            <param name="method">HTTP method.</param>
            <param name="queryParams">Query parameters.</param>
            <param name="postBody">HTTP body (POST request).</param>
            <param name="headerParams">Header parameters.</param>
            <param name="formParams">Form parameters.</param>
            <param name="fileParams">File parameters.</param>
            <param name="pathParams">Path parameters.</param>
            <param name="contentType">Content Type of the request</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiClient.CallApiAsync(System.String,RestSharp.Method,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},System.Object,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,RestSharp.FileParameter},System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},System.String)">
            Makes the asynchronous HTTP request.
            <param name="path">URL path.</param>
            <param name="method">HTTP method.</param>
            <param name="queryParams">Query parameters.</param>
            <param name="postBody">HTTP body (POST request).</param>
            <param name="headerParams">Header parameters.</param>
            <param name="formParams">Form parameters.</param>
            <param name="fileParams">File parameters.</param>
            <param name="pathParams">Path parameters.</param>
            <param name="contentType">Content type.</param>
            <returns>The Task instance.</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiClient.EscapeString(System.String)">
            Escape string (url-encoded).
            <param name="str">String to be escaped.</param>
            <returns>Escaped string.</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiClient.ParameterToFile(System.String,System.IO.Stream)">
            Create FileParameter based on Stream.
            <param name="name">Parameter name.</param>
            <param name="stream">Input stream.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiClient.ParameterToString(System.Object)">
            If parameter is DateTime, output in a formatted string (default ISO 8601), customizable with Configuration.DateTime.
            If parameter is a list, join the list with ",".
            Otherwise just return the string.
            <param name="obj">The parameter (header, path, query, form).</param>
            <returns>Formatted string.</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiClient.Deserialize(RestSharp.IRestResponse,System.Type)">
            Deserialize the JSON string into a proper object.
            <param name="response">The HTTP response.</param>
            <param name="type">Object type.</param>
            <returns>Object representation of the JSON string.</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiClient.Serialize(System.Object)">
            Serialize an input (model) into JSON string
            <param name="obj">Object.</param>
            <returns>JSON string.</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiClient.SelectHeaderContentType(System.String[])">
            Select the Content-Type header's value from the given content-type array:
            if JSON exists in the given array, use it;
            otherwise use the first one defined in 'consumes'
            <param name="contentTypes">The Content-Type array to select from.</param>
            <returns>The Content-Type header to use.</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiClient.SelectHeaderAccept(System.String[])">
            Select the Accept header's value from the given accepts array:
            if JSON exists in the given array, use it;
            otherwise use all of them (joining into a string)
            <param name="accepts">The accepts array to select from.</param>
            <returns>The Accept header to use.</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiClient.Base64Encode(System.String)">
            Encode string in base64 format.
            <param name="text">String to be encoded.</param>
            <returns>Encoded string.</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiClient.ConvertType(System.Object,System.Type)">
            Dynamically cast the object into target type.
            <param name="source">Object to be casted</param>
            <param name="dest">Target type</param>
            <returns>Casted object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiClient.ReadAsBytes(System.IO.Stream)">
            Convert stream to byte array
            <param name="input">Input stream to be converted</param>
            <returns>Byte array</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiClient.UrlEncode(System.String)">
            URL encode a string
            <param name="input">String to be URL encoded</param>
            <returns>Byte array</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiClient.SanitizeFilename(System.String)">
            Sanitize filename by removing the path
            <param name="filename">Filename</param>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException">
            API Exception
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException.ErrorCode">
            Gets or sets the error code (HTTP status code)
            <value>The error code (HTTP status code).</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException.ErrorContent">
            Gets or sets the error content (body json object)
            <value>The error content (Http response body).</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException"/> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException.#ctor(System.Int32,System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException"/> class.
            <param name="errorCode">HTTP status code.</param>
            <param name="message">Error message.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException.#ctor(System.Int32,System.String,System.Object)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiException"/> class.
            <param name="errorCode">HTTP status code.</param>
            <param name="message">Error message.</param>
            <param name="errorContent">Error content.</param>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiResponse`1">
            API Response
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiResponse`1.StatusCode">
            Gets or sets the status code (HTTP status code)
            <value>The status code.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiResponse`1.Headers">
            Gets or sets the HTTP headers
            <value>HTTP headers</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiResponse`1.Data">
            Gets or sets the data (parsed HTTP body)
            <value>The data.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiResponse`1.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.String},`0)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiResponse`1" /> class.
            <param name="statusCode">HTTP status code.</param>
            <param name="headers">HTTP headers.</param>
            <param name="data">Data (parsed HTTP body)</param>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration">
            Represents a set of configuration settings
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration.#ctor(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiClient,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},System.String,System.String,System.Int32,System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the Configuration class with different settings
            <param name="apiClient">Api client</param>
            <param name="defaultHeader">Dictionary of default HTTP header</param>
            <param name="username">Username</param>
            <param name="password">Password</param>
            <param name="accessToken">accessToken</param>
            <param name="apiKey">Dictionary of API key</param>
            <param name="apiKeyPrefix">Dictionary of API key prefix</param>
            <param name="tempFolderPath">Temp folder path</param>
            <param name="dateTimeFormat">DateTime format string</param>
            <param name="timeout">HTTP connection timeout (in milliseconds)</param>
            <param name="userAgent">HTTP user agent</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration.#ctor(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiClient)">
            Initializes a new instance of the Configuration class.
            <param name="apiClient">Api client.</param>
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration.Version">
            Version of the package.
            <value>Version of the package.</value>
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration.Default">
            Gets or sets the default Configuration.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration.DefaultExceptionFactory">
            Default creation of exceptions for a given method name and response object
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration.Timeout">
            Gets or sets the HTTP timeout (milliseconds) of ApiClient. Default to 100000 milliseconds.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration.ApiClient">
            Gets or sets the default API client for making HTTP calls.
            <value>The API client.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration.setApiClientUsingDefault(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ApiClient)">
            Set the ApiClient using Default or ApiClient instance.
            <param name="apiClient">An instance of ApiClient.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration.DefaultHeader">
            Gets or sets the default header.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration.AddDefaultHeader(System.String,System.String)">
            Add default header.
            <param name="key">Header field name.</param>
            <param name="value">Header field value.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration.AddApiKey(System.String,System.String)">
            Add Api Key Header.
            <param name="key">Api Key name.</param>
            <param name="value">Api Key value.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration.AddApiKeyPrefix(System.String,System.String)">
            Sets the API key prefix.
            <param name="key">Api Key name.</param>
            <param name="value">Api Key value.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration.UserAgent">
            Gets or sets the HTTP user agent.
            <value>Http user agent.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration.Username">
            Gets or sets the username (HTTP basic authentication).
            <value>The username.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration.Password">
            Gets or sets the password (HTTP basic authentication).
            <value>The password.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration.AccessToken">
            Gets or sets the access token for OAuth2 authentication.
            <value>The access token.</value>
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration.ApiKey">
            Gets or sets the API key based on the authentication name.
            <value>The API key.</value>
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration.ApiKeyPrefix">
            Gets or sets the prefix (e.g. Token) of the API key based on the authentication name.
            <value>The prefix of the API key.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration.GetApiKeyWithPrefix(System.String)">
            Get the API key with prefix.
            <param name="apiKeyIdentifier">API key identifier (authentication scheme).</param>
            <returns>API key with prefix.</returns>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration.TempFolderPath">
            Gets or sets the temporary folder path to store the files downloaded from the server.
            <value>Folder path.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration.DateTimeFormat">
            Gets or sets the the date time format used when serializing in the ApiClient
            By default, it's set to ISO 8601 - "o", for others see:
            No validation is done to ensure that the string you're providing is valid
            <value>The DateTimeFormat string</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.Configuration.ToDebugReport">
            Returns a string with essential information for debugging.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.ExceptionFactory">
            A delegate to ExceptionFactory method
            <param name="methodName">Method name</param>
            <param name="response">Response</param>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.IApiAccessor">
            Represents configuration aspects required to interact with the API endpoints.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.IApiAccessor.Configuration">
            Gets or sets the configuration object
            <value>An instance of the Configuration</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.IApiAccessor.GetBasePath">
            Gets the base path of the API client.
            <value>The base path</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.IApiAccessor.ExceptionFactory">
            Provides a factory method hook for the creation of exceptions.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.AadGraph16JsonConverter.OdataTypeKey">
            In the JSON response, the OData type of the object being returned is this key.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.AadGraph16JsonConverter.CanConvert(System.Type)">
            Can the current implementation handle this type?
            <param name="objectType">Object type/</param>
            <see langword="true"/> if the converter can handle the type.
            <see langword="false"/> otherwise.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Client.AadGraph16JsonConverter.ReadJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader,System.Type,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">
            Read JSON string to the object.
            <param name="reader">JSON reader.</param>
            <param name="objectType">Object type.</param>
            <param name="existingValue">Existing value.</param>
            <param name="serializer">Json serializer</param>
            <returns>Deserialized object.</returns>
            1. Check if this is an array or a single element.
                If Array, deserialize each element as DirectoryObject and return the list
            2. Deserialize using the default property set
            3. Find the non-deserialized properties and add them to the Dictionary.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Model.GroupObjectIdsForMembershipCheck">
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Model.GroupObjectIdsForMembershipCheck.GroupIds">
            Gets or Sets GroupIds
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Model.GroupObjectIdsForMembershipCheck.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Model.GroupObjectIdsForMembershipCheck.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Model.GroupObjectIdsForMembershipCheck.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Model.GroupObjectIdsForMembershipCheck.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Model.GroupObjectIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            Returns true if GroupObjectIdsForMembershipCheck instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of GroupObjectIdsForMembershipCheck to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Model.GroupObjectIdsForMembershipCheck.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User">
            Represents an Azure AD user account.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.#ctor(System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{System.String},System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordProfile,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.SignInName},System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User" /> class.
            <param name="AccountEnabled">true if the account is enabled; otherwise, false. This property is required when a user is created. (required).</param>
            <param name="AgeGroup">The age group of the User..</param>
            <param name="City">The city in which the user is located.</param>
            <param name="ConsentProvidedForMinor">The consent status for the User..</param>
            <param name="Country">The country in which the user is located.</param>
            <param name="CreationType">The city in which the user is located.</param>
            <param name="Department">The name of the department in which the user works.</param>
            <param name="DisplayName">The name displayed in the address book for the user. This is usually the combination of the user&#39;s first name, middle initial and last name. This property is required when a user is created and it cannot be cleared during updates. (required).</param>
            <param name="FacsimileTelephoneNumber">The telephone number of the user&#39;s business fax machine..</param>
            <param name="GivenName">The given name (first name) of the user..</param>
            <param name="IsCompromised">The given name (first name) of the user..</param>
            <param name="ImmutableId">This property is used to associate a Windows Server Active Directory user account to their Azure AD user object..</param>
            <param name="JobTitle">The user&#39;s job title..</param>
            <param name="MailNickName">The email alias for the user..</param>
            <param name="Mobile">The primary cellular telephone number for the user..</param>
            <param name="OtherMails">A list of additional email addresses for the user..</param>
            <param name="PasswordPolicies">Specifies the password policies for the user. This value is a comma delimited string that may contain one or both of the following strings - DisableStrongPassword, DisablePasswordExpirtation.</param>
            <param name="PasswordProfile">PasswordProfile (required).</param>
            <param name="PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName">The office location in the user&#39;s place of business..</param>
            <param name="PostalCode">The postal code for the user&#39;s postal address..</param>
            <param name="PreferredLanguage">The preferred language of the user. For example - en-us..</param>
            <param name="ShowInAddressList">The given name (first name) of the user..</param>
            <param name="SignInNames">The plans that are provisioned for the user..</param>
            <param name="State">The state or province of the the user&#39;s place of business...</param>
            <param name="StreetAddress">The street address of the user&#39;s place of business..</param>
            <param name="Surname">The user&#39;s surname (family name or last name)..</param>
            <param name="TelephoneNumber">The user&#39;s telephone number at their place of business..</param>
            <param name="UsageLocation">A two letter country code indicating the country from which the user will be using Microsoft services. Related to licensing..</param>
            <param name="UserPrincipalName">The user principal name (UPN) of the user..</param>
            <param name="UserType">A string value that can be used to classify users in your directory, such as Member or Guest..</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.DeletionTimestamp">
            The time at which the directory object was deleted. It only applies to those directory objects which can be restored. Currently it is only supported for deleted Application objects; all other entities return null for this property.
            <value>The time at which the directory object was deleted. It only applies to those directory objects which can be restored. Currently it is only supported for deleted Application objects; all other entities return null for this property.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.ObjectId">
            A Guid that is the unique identifier for the object.
            <value>A Guid that is the unique identifier for the object.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.ObjectType">
            A string that identifies the object type.
            <value>A string that identifies the object type.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.AccountEnabled">
            true if the account is enabled; otherwise, false. This property is required when a user is created.
            <value>true if the account is enabled; otherwise, false. This property is required when a user is created.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.AgeGroup">
            The age group of the User.
            <value>The age group of the User.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.AssignedLicenses">
            The licenses assigned to the user
            <value>The licenses assigned to the user</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.AssignedPlans">
            The license plans assigned to the user
            <value>The license plans assigned to the user</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.City">
            The city in which the user is located
            <value>The city in which the user is located</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.CompanyName">
            The city in which the user is located
            <value>The city in which the user is located</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.ConsentProvidedForMinor">
            The consent status for the User.
            <value>The consent status for the User.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.Country">
            The country in which the user is located
            <value>The country in which the user is located</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.CreationType">
            The city in which the user is located
            <value>The city in which the user is located</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.Department">
            The name of the department in which the user works
            <value>The name of the department in which the user works</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.DirSyncEnabled">
            true if this object is synced from an on-premises directory; false if this object was originally synced from an on-premises directory but is no longer synced; null if this object has never been synced from an on-premises directory (default).
            <value>true if this object is synced from an on-premises directory; false if this object was originally synced from an on-premises directory but is no longer synced; null if this object has never been synced from an on-premises directory (default).</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.DisplayName">
            The name displayed in the address book for the user. This is usually the combination of the user&#39;s first name, middle initial and last name. This property is required when a user is created and it cannot be cleared during updates.
            <value>The name displayed in the address book for the user. This is usually the combination of the user&#39;s first name, middle initial and last name. This property is required when a user is created and it cannot be cleared during updates.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.FacsimileTelephoneNumber">
            The telephone number of the user&#39;s business fax machine.
            <value>The telephone number of the user&#39;s business fax machine.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.GivenName">
            The given name (first name) of the user.
            <value>The given name (first name) of the user.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.IsCompromised">
            The given name (first name) of the user.
            <value>The given name (first name) of the user.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.ImmutableId">
            This property is used to associate a Windows Server Active Directory user account to their Azure AD user object.
            <value>This property is used to associate a Windows Server Active Directory user account to their Azure AD user object.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.JobTitle">
            The user&#39;s job title.
            <value>The user&#39;s job title.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.LastDirSyncTime">
            Indicates the last time at which the object was synced with the on-premises directory.
            <value>Indicates the last time at which the object was synced with the on-premises directory.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.LegalAgeGroupClassification">
            The legal age group classification of the user.
            <value>The legal age group classification of the user.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.Mail">
            The SMTP address for the user.
            <value>The SMTP address for the user.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.MailNickName">
            The email alias for the user.
            <value>The email alias for the user.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.Mobile">
            The primary cellular telephone number for the user.
            <value>The primary cellular telephone number for the user.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.OnPremisesSecurityIdentifier">
            Contains the on-premises security identifier (SID) for the user that was synchronized from on-premises to the cloud.
            <value>Contains the on-premises security identifier (SID) for the user that was synchronized from on-premises to the cloud.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.OtherMails">
            A list of additional email addresses for the user.
            <value>A list of additional email addresses for the user.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.PasswordPolicies">
            Specifies the password policies for the user. This value is a comma delimited string that may contain one or both of the following strings - DisableStrongPassword, DisablePasswordExpirtation
            <value>Specifies the password policies for the user. This value is a comma delimited string that may contain one or both of the following strings - DisableStrongPassword, DisablePasswordExpirtation</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.PasswordProfile">
            Gets or Sets PasswordProfile
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName">
            The office location in the user&#39;s place of business.
            <value>The office location in the user&#39;s place of business.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.PostalCode">
            The postal code for the user&#39;s postal address.
            <value>The postal code for the user&#39;s postal address.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.PreferredLanguage">
            The preferred language of the user. For example - en-us.
            <value>The preferred language of the user. For example - en-us.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.ProvisionedPlans">
            The plans that are provisioned for the user.
            <value>The plans that are provisioned for the user.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.ProvisioningErrors">
            A collection of error details that are preventing this user from being provisioned successfully.
            <value>A collection of error details that are preventing this user from being provisioned successfully.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.ProxyAddresses">
            Gets or Sets ProxyAddresses
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.RefreshTokensValidFromDateTime">
            Indicates the last time at which the object was synced with the on-premises directory.
            <value>Indicates the last time at which the object was synced with the on-premises directory.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.ShowInAddressList">
            The given name (first name) of the user.
            <value>The given name (first name) of the user.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.SignInNames">
            The plans that are provisioned for the user.
            <value>The plans that are provisioned for the user.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.SipProxyAddress">
            Specifies the collection of sign-in names for a local account in an Azure Active Directory B2C tenant. Each sign-in name must be unique across the company/tenant.
            <value>Specifies the collection of sign-in names for a local account in an Azure Active Directory B2C tenant. Each sign-in name must be unique across the company/tenant. </value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.State">
            The state or province of the the user&#39;s place of business..
            <value>The state or province of the the user&#39;s place of business..</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.StreetAddress">
            The street address of the user&#39;s place of business.
            <value>The street address of the user&#39;s place of business.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.Surname">
            The user&#39;s surname (family name or last name).
            <value>The user&#39;s surname (family name or last name).</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.TelephoneNumber">
            The user&#39;s telephone number at their place of business.
            <value>The user&#39;s telephone number at their place of business.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.UsageLocation">
            A two letter country code indicating the country from which the user will be using Microsoft services. Related to licensing.
            <value>A two letter country code indicating the country from which the user will be using Microsoft services. Related to licensing.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.UserPrincipalName">
            The user principal name (UPN) of the user.
            <value>The user principal name (UPN) of the user.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.UserType">
            A string value that can be used to classify users in your directory, such as Member or Guest.
            <value>A string value that can be used to classify users in your directory, such as Member or Guest.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User)">
            Returns true if User instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of User to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AddIn">
            Represents an application role that may be requested by a client application calling another application or that may be used to assign an application to users or groups in a specified application role. The appRoles property of the ServicePrincipal entity and of the Application entity is a collection of AppRole.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AddIn.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AddIn" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AddIn.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyValue})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AddIn" /> class.
            <param name="Id">Unique role identifier inside the appRoles collection..</param>
            <param name="Type">When creating or updating a role definition, this must be set to true (which is the default). To delete a role, this must first be set to false. At that point, in a subsequent call, this role may be removed..</param>
            <param name="Properties">Specifies the value of the roles claim that the application should expect in the authentication and access tokens..</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AddIn.Id">
            Unique role identifier inside the appRoles collection.
            <value>Unique role identifier inside the appRoles collection.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AddIn.Type">
            When creating or updating a role definition, this must be set to true (which is the default). To delete a role, this must first be set to false. At that point, in a subsequent call, this role may be removed.
            <value>When creating or updating a role definition, this must be set to true (which is the default). To delete a role, this must first be set to false. At that point, in a subsequent call, this role may be removed.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AddIn.Properties">
            Specifies the value of the roles claim that the application should expect in the authentication and access tokens.
            <value>Specifies the value of the roles claim that the application should expect in the authentication and access tokens.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AddIn.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AddIn.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AddIn.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AddIn.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AddIn)">
            Returns true if AddIn instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of AddIn to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AddIn.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AlternativeSecurityId">
            Contains an alternative security ID associated with a device. The alternativeSecurityIds property of the Device entity is a collection of AlternativeSecurityId.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AlternativeSecurityId.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AlternativeSecurityId" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AlternativeSecurityId.#ctor(System.String,System.Byte[],System.Nullable{System.Int32})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AlternativeSecurityId" /> class.
            <param name="IdentityProvider">IdentityProvider (required).</param>
            <param name="Key">Key (required).</param>
            <param name="Type">Type (required).</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AlternativeSecurityId.IdentityProvider">
            Gets or Sets IdentityProvider
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AlternativeSecurityId.Key">
            Gets or Sets Key
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AlternativeSecurityId.Type">
            Gets or Sets Type
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AlternativeSecurityId.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AlternativeSecurityId.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AlternativeSecurityId.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AlternativeSecurityId.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AlternativeSecurityId)">
            Returns true if AlternativeSecurityId instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of AlternativeSecurityId to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AlternativeSecurityId.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application">
            Represents an application. Any application that outsources authentication to Azure AD must be registered in a directory.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AddIn},System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRole},System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{System.String},System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyCredential},System.Collections.Generic.List{System.String},System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2Permission},System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordCredential},System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{System.String},System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RequiredResourceAccess},System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application" /> class.
            <param name="AddIns">The collection of application roles that an application may declare. These roles can be assigned to users, groups or service principals..</param>
            <param name="AppRoles">The collection of application roles that an application may declare. These roles can be assigned to users, groups or service principals..</param>
            <param name="AvailableToOtherTenants">true if the application is shared with other tenants; otherwise, false..</param>
            <param name="DisplayName">The display name of the application. (required).</param>
            <param name="ErrorUrl">A URL provided by the author of the application to report errors when using the application..</param>
            <param name="GroupMembershipClaims">A URL provided by the author of the application to report errors when using the application..</param>
            <param name="Homepage">The URL to the application&#39;s homepage..</param>
            <param name="IdentifierUris">The URIs that identify the application. not nullable, the any operator is required for filter expressions on multi-valued properties.</param>
            <param name="KeyCredentials">The collection of credentials associated with the service principal. If linked to an associated application then this collection will be empty..</param>
            <param name="KnownClientApplications">Client applications that are tied to this resource application. Consent to any of the known client applications will result in implicit consent to the resource application through a combined consent dialog (showing the OAuth permission scopes required by the client and the resource)..</param>
            <param name="LogoutUrl">LogoutUrl.</param>
            <param name="Oauth2AllowImplicitFlow">Specifies whether this web application can request tokens using the oAuth 2.0 implicit flow. The default is false..</param>
            <param name="Oauth2AllowUrlPathMatching">Specifies whether during a token Request Azure AD will allow path matching of the redirect URI against the applications collection of replyURLs. The default is false..</param>
            <param name="Oauth2Permissions">The collection of OAuth 2.0 permission scopes that the web API (resource) application exposes to client applications. These permission scopes may be granted to client applications during consent..</param>
            <param name="Oauth2RequirePostResponse">Specifies whether, as part of OAuth 2.0 token requests, Azure AD will allow POST requests, as opposed to GET requests. The default is false, which specifies that only GET requests will be allowed..</param>
            <param name="PasswordCredentials">The collection of password credentials associated with the application..</param>
            <param name="PublicClient">Specifies whether this application is a public client (such as an installed application running on a mobile device). Default is false..</param>
            <param name="RecordConsentConditions">A URL provided by the author of the application to report errors when using the application..</param>
            <param name="ReplyUrls">Specifies the URLs that user tokens are sent to for sign in, or the redirect URIs that OAuth 2.0 authorization codes and access tokens are sent to..</param>
            <param name="RequiredResourceAccess">Specifies resources that this application requires access to and the set of OAuth permission scopes and application roles that it needs under each of those resources. This pre-configuration of required resource access drives the consent experience..</param>
            <param name="SamlMetadataUrl">The URL to the SAML metadata for the application..</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application.DeletionTimestamp">
            The time at which the directory object was deleted. It only applies to those directory objects which can be restored. Currently it is only supported for deleted Application objects; all other entities return null for this property.
            <value>The time at which the directory object was deleted. It only applies to those directory objects which can be restored. Currently it is only supported for deleted Application objects; all other entities return null for this property.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application.ObjectId">
            A Guid that is the unique identifier for the object.
            <value>A Guid that is the unique identifier for the object.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application.ObjectType">
            A string that identifies the object type.
            <value>A string that identifies the object type.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application.AddIns">
            The collection of application roles that an application may declare. These roles can be assigned to users, groups or service principals.
            <value>The collection of application roles that an application may declare. These roles can be assigned to users, groups or service principals.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application.AppId">
            The unique identifier for the application.
            <value>The unique identifier for the application.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application.AppRoles">
            The collection of application roles that an application may declare. These roles can be assigned to users, groups or service principals.
            <value>The collection of application roles that an application may declare. These roles can be assigned to users, groups or service principals.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application.AvailableToOtherTenants">
            true if the application is shared with other tenants; otherwise, false.
            <value>true if the application is shared with other tenants; otherwise, false.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application.DisplayName">
            The display name of the application.
            <value>The display name of the application.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application.ErrorUrl">
            A URL provided by the author of the application to report errors when using the application.
            <value>A URL provided by the author of the application to report errors when using the application.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application.GroupMembershipClaims">
            A URL provided by the author of the application to report errors when using the application.
            <value>A URL provided by the author of the application to report errors when using the application.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application.Homepage">
            The URL to the application&#39;s homepage.
            <value>The URL to the application&#39;s homepage.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application.IdentifierUris">
            The URIs that identify the application. not nullable, the any operator is required for filter expressions on multi-valued properties
            <value>The URIs that identify the application. not nullable, the any operator is required for filter expressions on multi-valued properties</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application.KeyCredentials">
            The collection of credentials associated with the service principal. If linked to an associated application then this collection will be empty.
            <value>The collection of credentials associated with the service principal. If linked to an associated application then this collection will be empty.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application.KnownClientApplications">
            Client applications that are tied to this resource application. Consent to any of the known client applications will result in implicit consent to the resource application through a combined consent dialog (showing the OAuth permission scopes required by the client and the resource).
            <value>Client applications that are tied to this resource application. Consent to any of the known client applications will result in implicit consent to the resource application through a combined consent dialog (showing the OAuth permission scopes required by the client and the resource).</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application.LogoutUrl">
            Gets or Sets LogoutUrl
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application.Oauth2AllowImplicitFlow">
            Specifies whether this web application can request tokens using the oAuth 2.0 implicit flow. The default is false.
            <value>Specifies whether this web application can request tokens using the oAuth 2.0 implicit flow. The default is false.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application.Oauth2AllowUrlPathMatching">
            Specifies whether during a token Request Azure AD will allow path matching of the redirect URI against the applications collection of replyURLs. The default is false.
            <value>Specifies whether during a token Request Azure AD will allow path matching of the redirect URI against the applications collection of replyURLs. The default is false.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application.Oauth2Permissions">
            The collection of OAuth 2.0 permission scopes that the web API (resource) application exposes to client applications. These permission scopes may be granted to client applications during consent.
            <value>The collection of OAuth 2.0 permission scopes that the web API (resource) application exposes to client applications. These permission scopes may be granted to client applications during consent.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application.Oauth2RequirePostResponse">
            Specifies whether, as part of OAuth 2.0 token requests, Azure AD will allow POST requests, as opposed to GET requests. The default is false, which specifies that only GET requests will be allowed.
            <value>Specifies whether, as part of OAuth 2.0 token requests, Azure AD will allow POST requests, as opposed to GET requests. The default is false, which specifies that only GET requests will be allowed.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application.PasswordCredentials">
            The collection of password credentials associated with the application.
            <value>The collection of password credentials associated with the application.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application.PublicClient">
            Specifies whether this application is a public client (such as an installed application running on a mobile device). Default is false.
            <value>Specifies whether this application is a public client (such as an installed application running on a mobile device). Default is false.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application.RecordConsentConditions">
            A URL provided by the author of the application to report errors when using the application.
            <value>A URL provided by the author of the application to report errors when using the application.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application.ReplyUrls">
            Specifies the URLs that user tokens are sent to for sign in, or the redirect URIs that OAuth 2.0 authorization codes and access tokens are sent to.
            <value>Specifies the URLs that user tokens are sent to for sign in, or the redirect URIs that OAuth 2.0 authorization codes and access tokens are sent to.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application.RequiredResourceAccess">
            Specifies resources that this application requires access to and the set of OAuth permission scopes and application roles that it needs under each of those resources. This pre-configuration of required resource access drives the consent experience.
            <value>Specifies resources that this application requires access to and the set of OAuth permission scopes and application roles that it needs under each of those resources. This pre-configuration of required resource access drives the consent experience.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application.SamlMetadataUrl">
            The URL to the SAML metadata for the application.
            <value>The URL to the SAML metadata for the application.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application)">
            Returns true if Application instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of Application to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRole">
            Represents an application role that may be requested by a client application calling another application or that may be used to assign an application to users or groups in a specified application role. The appRoles property of the ServicePrincipal entity and of the Application entity is a collection of AppRole.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRole.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRole" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRole.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.List{System.String},System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRole" /> class.
            <param name="AllowedMemberTypes">Specifies whether this app role definition can be assigned to users and groups by setting to \&quot;User\&quot;, or to other applications (that are accessing this application in daemon service scenarios) by setting to \&quot;Application\&quot;, or to both..</param>
            <param name="Description">Permission help text that appears in the admin app assignment and consent experiences..</param>
            <param name="DisplayName">Display name for the permission that appears in the admin consent and app assignment experiences..</param>
            <param name="Id">Unique role identifier inside the appRoles collection..</param>
            <param name="IsEnabled">When creating or updating a role definition, this must be set to true (which is the default). To delete a role, this must first be set to false. At that point, in a subsequent call, this role may be removed..</param>
            <param name="Value">Specifies the value of the roles claim that the application should expect in the authentication and access tokens..</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRole.AllowedMemberTypes">
            Specifies whether this app role definition can be assigned to users and groups by setting to \&quot;User\&quot;, or to other applications (that are accessing this application in daemon service scenarios) by setting to \&quot;Application\&quot;, or to both.
            <value>Specifies whether this app role definition can be assigned to users and groups by setting to \&quot;User\&quot;, or to other applications (that are accessing this application in daemon service scenarios) by setting to \&quot;Application\&quot;, or to both.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRole.Description">
            Permission help text that appears in the admin app assignment and consent experiences.
            <value>Permission help text that appears in the admin app assignment and consent experiences.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRole.DisplayName">
            Display name for the permission that appears in the admin consent and app assignment experiences.
            <value>Display name for the permission that appears in the admin consent and app assignment experiences.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRole.Id">
            Unique role identifier inside the appRoles collection.
            <value>Unique role identifier inside the appRoles collection.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRole.IsEnabled">
            When creating or updating a role definition, this must be set to true (which is the default). To delete a role, this must first be set to false. At that point, in a subsequent call, this role may be removed.
            <value>When creating or updating a role definition, this must be set to true (which is the default). To delete a role, this must first be set to false. At that point, in a subsequent call, this role may be removed.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRole.Value">
            Specifies the value of the roles claim that the application should expect in the authentication and access tokens.
            <value>Specifies the value of the roles claim that the application should expect in the authentication and access tokens.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRole.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRole.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRole.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRole.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRole)">
            Returns true if AppRole instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of AppRole to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRole.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment">
            Used to record when a user or group is assigned to an application.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment" /> class.
            <param name="Id">The role id that was assigned to the principal. This role must be declared by the target resource application resourceId in its appRoles property. Where the resource does not declare any permissions, a default id (zero GUID) must be specified. (required).</param>
            <param name="PrincipalId">The unique identifier (objectId) for the principal being granted the access. (required).</param>
            <param name="ResourceId">The unique identifier (objectId) for the target resource (service principal) for which the assignment was made. (required).</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment.DeletionTimestamp">
            The time at which the directory object was deleted. It only applies to those directory objects which can be restored. Currently it is only supported for deleted Application objects; all other entities return null for this property.
            <value>The time at which the directory object was deleted. It only applies to those directory objects which can be restored. Currently it is only supported for deleted Application objects; all other entities return null for this property.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment.ObjectId">
            A Guid that is the unique identifier for the object.
            <value>A Guid that is the unique identifier for the object.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment.ObjectType">
            A string that identifies the object type.
            <value>A string that identifies the object type.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment.CreationTimestamp">
            The time when the grant was created.
            <value>The time when the grant was created.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment.Id">
            The role id that was assigned to the principal. This role must be declared by the target resource application resourceId in its appRoles property. Where the resource does not declare any permissions, a default id (zero GUID) must be specified.
            <value>The role id that was assigned to the principal. This role must be declared by the target resource application resourceId in its appRoles property. Where the resource does not declare any permissions, a default id (zero GUID) must be specified.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment.PrincipalDisplayName">
            The display name of the principal that was granted the access.
            <value>The display name of the principal that was granted the access.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment.PrincipalId">
            The unique identifier (objectId) for the principal being granted the access.
            <value>The unique identifier (objectId) for the principal being granted the access.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment.PrincipalType">
            The type of principal. This can either be \&quot;User\&quot;, \&quot;Group\&quot; or \&quot;ServicePrincipal\&quot;.
            <value>The type of principal. This can either be \&quot;User\&quot;, \&quot;Group\&quot; or \&quot;ServicePrincipal\&quot;.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment.ResourceDisplayName">
            The display name of the resource to which the assignment was made.
            <value>The display name of the resource to which the assignment was made.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment.ResourceId">
            The unique identifier (objectId) for the target resource (service principal) for which the assignment was made.
            <value>The unique identifier (objectId) for the target resource (service principal) for which the assignment was made.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment)">
            Returns true if AppRoleAssignment instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of AppRoleAssignment to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicense">
            Represents a license assigned to a user. The assignedLicenses property of the User entity is a collection of AssignedLicense.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicense.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicense" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicense.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.List{System.String},System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicense" /> class.
            <param name="DisabledPlans">A collection of the unique identifiers for plans that have been disabled..</param>
            <param name="SkuId">The unique identifier for the service SKU. Same value as the skuId property of the related SubscribedSku object..</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicense.DisabledPlans">
            A collection of the unique identifiers for plans that have been disabled.
            <value>A collection of the unique identifiers for plans that have been disabled.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicense.SkuId">
            The unique identifier for the service SKU. Same value as the skuId property of the related SubscribedSku object.
            <value>The unique identifier for the service SKU. Same value as the skuId property of the related SubscribedSku object.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicense.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicense.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicense.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicense.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicense)">
            Returns true if AssignedLicense instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of AssignedLicense to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicense.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicenses">
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicenses.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicenses" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicenses.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicense},System.Collections.Generic.List{System.String})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicenses" /> class.
            <param name="AddLicenses">AddLicenses.</param>
            <param name="RemoveLicenses">RemoveLicenses.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicenses.AddLicenses">
            Gets or Sets AddLicenses
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicenses.RemoveLicenses">
            Gets or Sets RemoveLicenses
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicenses.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicenses.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicenses.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicenses.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicenses)">
            Returns true if AssignedLicenses instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of AssignedLicenses to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicenses.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedPlan">
            The assignedPlans property of both the User entity and the TenantDetail entity is a collection of AssignedPlan.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedPlan.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedPlan" /> class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedPlan.AssignedTimestamp">
            The date and time at which the plan was assigned.
            <value>The date and time at which the plan was assigned.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedPlan.CapabilityStatus">
            For example, \&quot;Enabled\&quot;.
            <value>For example, \&quot;Enabled\&quot;.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedPlan.Service">
            The name of the service.
            <value>The name of the service.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedPlan.ServicePlanId">
            A GUID that identifies the service plan.
            <value>A GUID that identifies the service plan.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedPlan.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedPlan.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedPlan.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedPlan.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedPlan)">
            Returns true if AssignedPlan instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of AssignedPlan to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedPlan.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CertificateAuthorityInformation">
            Represents a certificate authority used when validating the trust chain while performing password-less authentication. The certificateAuthorities property of the TrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth entity is a collection of CertificateAuthorityInformation.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CertificateAuthorityInformation.AuthorityTypeEnum">
            Must be set to one of two possible values: �RootAuthority� or �IntermediateAuthority�. It is used while validating certificates during authentication.
            <value>Must be set to one of two possible values: �RootAuthority� or �IntermediateAuthority�. It is used while validating certificates during authentication.</value>
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CertificateAuthorityInformation.AuthorityTypeEnum.RootAuthority">
            Enum RootAuthority for "RootAuthority"
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CertificateAuthorityInformation.AuthorityTypeEnum.IntermediateAuthority">
            Enum IntermediateAuthority for "IntermediateAuthority"
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CertificateAuthorityInformation.AuthorityType">
            Must be set to one of two possible values: �RootAuthority� or �IntermediateAuthority�. It is used while validating certificates during authentication.
            <value>Must be set to one of two possible values: �RootAuthority� or �IntermediateAuthority�. It is used while validating certificates during authentication.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CertificateAuthorityInformation.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CertificateAuthorityInformation" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CertificateAuthorityInformation.#ctor(System.Nullable{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CertificateAuthorityInformation.AuthorityTypeEnum},System.String,System.String,System.Byte[])">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CertificateAuthorityInformation" /> class.
            <param name="AuthorityType">Must be set to one of two possible values: �RootAuthority� or �IntermediateAuthority�. It is used while validating certificates during authentication. (required).</param>
            <param name="CrlDistributionPoint">Certificate Revocation List (CRL) distribution points hold files which store the serial numbers of all certificates that have been revoked. This is typically a URI..</param>
            <param name="DeltaCrlDistributionPoint">A URI that contains the list of all revoked certificates since the last time a full CRL was created..</param>
            <param name="TrustedCertificate">The public certificate in binary form. Binary encoded certificate from a .cer file. To get this value from .cer file run Get-Content -Encoding byte [LOCATION OF THE CER FILE]. (required).</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CertificateAuthorityInformation.CrlDistributionPoint">
            Certificate Revocation List (CRL) distribution points hold files which store the serial numbers of all certificates that have been revoked. This is typically a URI.
            <value>Certificate Revocation List (CRL) distribution points hold files which store the serial numbers of all certificates that have been revoked. This is typically a URI.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CertificateAuthorityInformation.DeltaCrlDistributionPoint">
            A URI that contains the list of all revoked certificates since the last time a full CRL was created.
            <value>A URI that contains the list of all revoked certificates since the last time a full CRL was created.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CertificateAuthorityInformation.TrustedCertificate">
            The public certificate in binary form. Binary encoded certificate from a .cer file. To get this value from .cer file run Get-Content -Encoding byte [LOCATION OF THE CER FILE].
            <value>The public certificate in binary form. Binary encoded certificate from a .cer file. To get this value from .cer file run Get-Content -Encoding byte [LOCATION OF THE CER FILE].</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CertificateAuthorityInformation.TrustedIssuer">
            Calculated from the trustedCertificate value. Issuer field present in the cert. It&#39;s pull out from the certificate provided and can not be set manually by the user.
            <value>Calculated from the trustedCertificate value. Issuer field present in the cert. It&#39;s pull out from the certificate provided and can not be set manually by the user.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CertificateAuthorityInformation.TrustedIssuerSki">
            The subject key identifier is calculated from the trustedCertificate value. Subject Key Identifier field present in the cert. It&#39;s pull out from the certificate provided and can not be set manually by the user.
            <value>The subject key identifier is calculated from the trustedCertificate value. Subject Key Identifier field present in the cert. It&#39;s pull out from the certificate provided and can not be set manually by the user.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CertificateAuthorityInformation.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CertificateAuthorityInformation.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CertificateAuthorityInformation.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CertificateAuthorityInformation.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CertificateAuthorityInformation)">
            Returns true if CertificateAuthorityInformation instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of CertificateAuthorityInformation to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CertificateAuthorityInformation.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CheckMemberGroupsResponse">
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CheckMemberGroupsResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CheckMemberGroupsResponse" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CheckMemberGroupsResponse.#ctor(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{System.String})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CheckMemberGroupsResponse" /> class.
            <param name="OdataMetadata">OdataMetadata.</param>
            <param name="Value">Value.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CheckMemberGroupsResponse.OdataMetadata">
            Gets or Sets OdataMetadata
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CheckMemberGroupsResponse.Value">
            Gets or Sets Value
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CheckMemberGroupsResponse.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CheckMemberGroupsResponse.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CheckMemberGroupsResponse.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CheckMemberGroupsResponse.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CheckMemberGroupsResponse)">
            Returns true if CheckMemberGroupsResponse instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of CheckMemberGroupsResponse to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CheckMemberGroupsResponse.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact">
            Represents an organizational contact. Organizational contacts represent users that are not in your company directory.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ProvisioningError},System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact" /> class.
            <param name="City">The city in which the contact is located..</param>
            <param name="CompanyName">The country/region in which the contact is located..</param>
            <param name="Country">The country/region in which the contact is located..</param>
            <param name="Department">The name for the department in which the contact works..</param>
            <param name="DisplayName">The display name for the contact..</param>
            <param name="FacsimileTelephoneNumber">The telephone number of the contact&#39;s business fax machine..</param>
            <param name="GivenName">The given name (first name) of the contact..</param>
            <param name="JobTitle">The contact&#39;s job title..</param>
            <param name="MailNickName">The email alias for the contact..</param>
            <param name="Mobile">The primary cellular telephone number for the contact..</param>
            <param name="PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName">The office location in the contact&#39;s place of business..</param>
            <param name="PostalCode">The postal code for the user&#39;s postal address..</param>
            <param name="ProvisioningErrors">A collection of error details that are preventing this contact from being provisioned successfully. Not nullable..</param>
            <param name="State">The state or province of the the contact&#39;s place of business...</param>
            <param name="StreetAddress">The street address of the contact&#39;s place of business..</param>
            <param name="Surname">The contact&#39;s surname (family name or last name)..</param>
            <param name="TelephoneNumber">The contact&#39;s primary telephone number at their place of business..</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact.DeletionTimestamp">
            The time at which the directory object was deleted. It only applies to those directory objects which can be restored. Currently it is only supported for deleted Application objects; all other entities return null for this property.
            <value>The time at which the directory object was deleted. It only applies to those directory objects which can be restored. Currently it is only supported for deleted Application objects; all other entities return null for this property.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact.ObjectId">
            A Guid that is the unique identifier for the object.
            <value>A Guid that is the unique identifier for the object.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact.ObjectType">
            A string that identifies the object type.
            <value>A string that identifies the object type.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact.City">
            The city in which the contact is located.
            <value>The city in which the contact is located.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact.CompanyName">
            The country/region in which the contact is located.
            <value>The country/region in which the contact is located.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact.Country">
            The country/region in which the contact is located.
            <value>The country/region in which the contact is located.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact.Department">
            The name for the department in which the contact works.
            <value>The name for the department in which the contact works.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact.DirSyncEnabled">
            true if this object is synced from an on-premises directory; false if this object was originally synced from an on-premises directory but is no longer synced; null if this object has never been synced from an on-premises directory (default).
            <value>true if this object is synced from an on-premises directory; false if this object was originally synced from an on-premises directory but is no longer synced; null if this object has never been synced from an on-premises directory (default).</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact.DisplayName">
            The display name for the contact.
            <value>The display name for the contact.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact.FacsimileTelephoneNumber">
            The telephone number of the contact&#39;s business fax machine.
            <value>The telephone number of the contact&#39;s business fax machine.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact.GivenName">
            The given name (first name) of the contact.
            <value>The given name (first name) of the contact.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact.JobTitle">
            The contact&#39;s job title.
            <value>The contact&#39;s job title.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact.LastDirSyncTime">
            Indicates the last time at which the object was synced with the on-premises directory.
            <value>Indicates the last time at which the object was synced with the on-premises directory.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact.Mail">
            The SMTP address for the contact.
            <value>The SMTP address for the contact.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact.MailNickName">
            The email alias for the contact.
            <value>The email alias for the contact.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact.Mobile">
            The primary cellular telephone number for the contact.
            <value>The primary cellular telephone number for the contact.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact.PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName">
            The office location in the contact&#39;s place of business.
            <value>The office location in the contact&#39;s place of business.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact.PostalCode">
            The postal code for the user&#39;s postal address.
            <value>The postal code for the user&#39;s postal address.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact.ProvisioningErrors">
            A collection of error details that are preventing this contact from being provisioned successfully. Not nullable.
            <value>A collection of error details that are preventing this contact from being provisioned successfully. Not nullable.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact.ProxyAddresses">
            Gets or Sets ProxyAddresses
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact.SipProxyAddress">
            Specifies the voice over IP (VOIP) session initiation protocol (SIP) address for the contact.
            <value>Specifies the voice over IP (VOIP) session initiation protocol (SIP) address for the contact.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact.State">
            The state or province of the the contact&#39;s place of business..
            <value>The state or province of the the contact&#39;s place of business..</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact.StreetAddress">
            The street address of the contact&#39;s place of business.
            <value>The street address of the contact&#39;s place of business.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact.Surname">
            The contact&#39;s surname (family name or last name).
            <value>The contact&#39;s surname (family name or last name).</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact.TelephoneNumber">
            The contact&#39;s primary telephone number at their place of business.
            <value>The contact&#39;s primary telephone number at their place of business.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact)">
            Returns true if Contact instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of Contact to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contract">
            Exists in Partner Tenants only. Read only. Partner Tenants are Azure AD tenants that belong to Microsoft Partners who are either part of Office 365 Syndication, Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider, or Microsoft Advisor partner programs. Represents an existing partnership that the Partner Tenant has with a Customer Tenant.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contract.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contract" /> class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contract.DeletionTimestamp">
            The time at which the directory object was deleted. It only applies to those directory objects which can be restored. Currently it is only supported for deleted Application objects; all other entities return null for this property.
            <value>The time at which the directory object was deleted. It only applies to those directory objects which can be restored. Currently it is only supported for deleted Application objects; all other entities return null for this property.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contract.ObjectId">
            A Guid that is the unique identifier for the object.
            <value>A Guid that is the unique identifier for the object.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contract.ObjectType">
            A string that identifies the object type.
            <value>A string that identifies the object type.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contract.ContractType">
            Type of the contract. Possible values: SyndicationPartner, BreadthPartner, ResellerPartner.
            <value>Type of the contract. Possible values: SyndicationPartner, BreadthPartner, ResellerPartner.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contract.CustomerContextId">
            The unique identifier for the customer tenant referenced by this partnership. Corresponds to the objectId property of the customer tenant&#39;s TenantDetail object.
            <value>The unique identifier for the customer tenant referenced by this partnership. Corresponds to the objectId property of the customer tenant&#39;s TenantDetail object.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contract.DefaultDomainName">
            A copy of the customer tenant&#39;s default domain name. The copy is made when the partnership with the customer is established.
            <value>A copy of the customer tenant&#39;s default domain name. The copy is made when the partnership with the customer is established.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contract.DisplayName">
            A copy of the customer tenant&#39;s display name. The copy is made when the partnership with the customer is established.
            <value>A copy of the customer tenant&#39;s display name. The copy is made when the partnership with the customer is established.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contract.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contract.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contract.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contract.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contract)">
            Returns true if Contract instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of Contract to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contract.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device">
            A device registered in Azure Active Directory
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device.#ctor(System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AlternativeSecurityId},System.Nullable{System.DateTime},System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{System.String},System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Boolean})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device" /> class.
            <param name="AccountEnabled">Indicates if the account is enabled (required).</param>
            <param name="AlternativeSecurityIds">An array of alternative security identifiers for the device. (required).</param>
            <param name="ApproximateLastLogonTimeStamp">ApproximateLastLogonTimeStamp.</param>
            <param name="DeviceId">DeviceId (required).</param>
            <param name="DeviceMetadata">DeviceMetadata.</param>
            <param name="DeviceObjectVersion">DeviceObjectVersion.</param>
            <param name="DeviceOSType">The type of operating system on the device. (required).</param>
            <param name="DeviceOSVersion">The version of the operating system on the device. (required).</param>
            <param name="DevicePhysicalIds">DevicePhysicalIds.</param>
            <param name="DeviceTrustType">DeviceTrustType.</param>
            <param name="DisplayName">The display name for the device. (required).</param>
            <param name="IsCompliant">true if the device complies with Mobile Device Management (MDM) policies; otherwise, false..</param>
            <param name="IsManaged">true if the device is managed by a Mobile Device Management (MDM) app such as Intune; otherwise, false..</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device.DeletionTimestamp">
            The time at which the directory object was deleted. It only applies to those directory objects which can be restored. Currently it is only supported for deleted Application objects; all other entities return null for this property.
            <value>The time at which the directory object was deleted. It only applies to those directory objects which can be restored. Currently it is only supported for deleted Application objects; all other entities return null for this property.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device.ObjectId">
            A Guid that is the unique identifier for the object.
            <value>A Guid that is the unique identifier for the object.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device.ObjectType">
            A string that identifies the object type.
            <value>A string that identifies the object type.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device.AccountEnabled">
            Indicates if the account is enabled
            <value>Indicates if the account is enabled</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device.AlternativeSecurityIds">
            An array of alternative security identifiers for the device.
            <value>An array of alternative security identifiers for the device.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device.ApproximateLastLogonTimeStamp">
            Gets or Sets ApproximateLastLogonTimeStamp
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device.ComplianceExpiryTime">
            Gets or Sets ComplianceExpiryTime
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device.DeviceId">
            Gets or Sets DeviceId
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device.DeviceMetadata">
            Gets or Sets DeviceMetadata
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device.DeviceObjectVersion">
            Gets or Sets DeviceObjectVersion
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device.DeviceOSType">
            The type of operating system on the device.
            <value>The type of operating system on the device.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device.DeviceOSVersion">
            The version of the operating system on the device.
            <value>The version of the operating system on the device.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device.DevicePhysicalIds">
            Gets or Sets DevicePhysicalIds
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device.DeviceTrustType">
            Gets or Sets DeviceTrustType
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device.DirSyncEnabled">
            true if this object is synced from an on-premises directory; false if this object was originally synced from an on-premises directory but is no longer synced; null if this object has never been synced from an on-premises directory (default).
            <value>true if this object is synced from an on-premises directory; false if this object was originally synced from an on-premises directory but is no longer synced; null if this object has never been synced from an on-premises directory (default).</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device.DisplayName">
            The display name for the device.
            <value>The display name for the device.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device.IsCompliant">
            true if the device complies with Mobile Device Management (MDM) policies; otherwise, false.
            <value>true if the device complies with Mobile Device Management (MDM) policies; otherwise, false.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device.IsManaged">
            true if the device is managed by a Mobile Device Management (MDM) app such as Intune; otherwise, false.
            <value>true if the device is managed by a Mobile Device Management (MDM) app such as Intune; otherwise, false.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device.LastDirSyncTime">
            The last time at which the object was synced with the on-premises directory.
            <value>The last time at which the object was synced with the on-premises directory.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device)">
            Returns true if Device instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of Device to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DeviceConfiguration">
            Used to record when a user or group is assigned to an application.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DeviceConfiguration.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DeviceConfiguration" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DeviceConfiguration.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.List{System.Byte[]},System.Collections.Generic.List{System.Byte[]},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.Nullable{System.Int32})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DeviceConfiguration" /> class.
            <param name="PublicIssuerCertificates">The time when the grant was created..</param>
            <param name="CloudPublicIssuerCertificates">The time when the grant was created..</param>
            <param name="RegistrationQuota">RegistrationQuota.</param>
            <param name="MaximumRegistrationInactivityPeriod">MaximumRegistrationInactivityPeriod.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DeviceConfiguration.DeletionTimestamp">
            The time at which the directory object was deleted. It only applies to those directory objects which can be restored. Currently it is only supported for deleted Application objects; all other entities return null for this property.
            <value>The time at which the directory object was deleted. It only applies to those directory objects which can be restored. Currently it is only supported for deleted Application objects; all other entities return null for this property.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DeviceConfiguration.ObjectId">
            A Guid that is the unique identifier for the object.
            <value>A Guid that is the unique identifier for the object.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DeviceConfiguration.ObjectType">
            A string that identifies the object type.
            <value>A string that identifies the object type.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DeviceConfiguration.PublicIssuerCertificates">
            The time when the grant was created.
            <value>The time when the grant was created.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DeviceConfiguration.CloudPublicIssuerCertificates">
            The time when the grant was created.
            <value>The time when the grant was created.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DeviceConfiguration.RegistrationQuota">
            Gets or Sets RegistrationQuota
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DeviceConfiguration.MaximumRegistrationInactivityPeriod">
            Gets or Sets MaximumRegistrationInactivityPeriod
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DeviceConfiguration.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DeviceConfiguration.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DeviceConfiguration.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DeviceConfiguration.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DeviceConfiguration)">
            Returns true if DeviceConfiguration instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of DeviceConfiguration to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DeviceConfiguration.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryObject">
            Represents an Azure Active Directory object. The DirectoryObject type is the base type for most of the other directory entity types.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryObject.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryObject" /> class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryObject.DeletionTimestamp">
            The time at which the directory object was deleted. It only applies to those directory objects which can be restored. Currently it is only supported for deleted Application objects; all other entities return null for this property.
            <value>The time at which the directory object was deleted. It only applies to those directory objects which can be restored. Currently it is only supported for deleted Application objects; all other entities return null for this property.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryObject.ObjectId">
            A Guid that is the unique identifier for the object.
            <value>A Guid that is the unique identifier for the object.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryObject.ObjectType">
            A string that identifies the object type.
            <value>A string that identifies the object type.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryObject.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryObject.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryObject.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryObject.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryObject)">
            Returns true if DirectoryObject instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of DirectoryObject to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryObject.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRole">
            Represents an Azure AD directory role. Azure AD directory roles are also known as administrator roles.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRole.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRole" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRole.#ctor(System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRole" /> class.
            <param name="DisplayName">The display name for the directory role..</param>
            <param name="IsSystem">True if the role is a system role; otherwise, false..</param>
            <param name="RoleTemplateId">The object id of the directory role template that the role is based on. (required).</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRole.DeletionTimestamp">
            The time at which the directory object was deleted. It only applies to those directory objects which can be restored. Currently it is only supported for deleted Application objects; all other entities return null for this property.
            <value>The time at which the directory object was deleted. It only applies to those directory objects which can be restored. Currently it is only supported for deleted Application objects; all other entities return null for this property.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRole.ObjectId">
            A Guid that is the unique identifier for the object.
            <value>A Guid that is the unique identifier for the object.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRole.ObjectType">
            A string that identifies the object type.
            <value>A string that identifies the object type.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRole.Description">
            A description of the directory role
            <value>A description of the directory role</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRole.DisplayName">
            The display name for the directory role.
            <value>The display name for the directory role.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRole.IsSystem">
            True if the role is a system role; otherwise, false.
            <value>True if the role is a system role; otherwise, false.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRole.RoleDisabled">
            True if the directory role is disabled; otherwise, false.
            <value>True if the directory role is disabled; otherwise, false.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRole.RoleTemplateId">
            The object id of the directory role template that the role is based on.
            <value>The object id of the directory role template that the role is based on.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRole.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRole.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRole.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRole.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRole)">
            Returns true if DirectoryRole instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of DirectoryRole to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRole.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRoleTemplate">
            Represents a directory role template. A directory role template specifies the property values of a directory role (DirectoryRole). There is an associated directory role template object for each of the directory roles that may be activated in a tenant.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRoleTemplate.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRoleTemplate" /> class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRoleTemplate.DeletionTimestamp">
            The time at which the directory object was deleted. It only applies to those directory objects which can be restored. Currently it is only supported for deleted Application objects; all other entities return null for this property.
            <value>The time at which the directory object was deleted. It only applies to those directory objects which can be restored. Currently it is only supported for deleted Application objects; all other entities return null for this property.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRoleTemplate.ObjectId">
            A Guid that is the unique identifier for the object.
            <value>A Guid that is the unique identifier for the object.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRoleTemplate.ObjectType">
            A string that identifies the object type.
            <value>A string that identifies the object type.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRoleTemplate.Description">
            The description to set for the directory role.
            <value>The description to set for the directory role.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRoleTemplate.DisplayName">
            The display name to set for the directory role.
            <value>The display name to set for the directory role.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRoleTemplate.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRoleTemplate.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRoleTemplate.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRoleTemplate.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRoleTemplate)">
            Returns true if DirectoryRoleTemplate instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of DirectoryRoleTemplate to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRoleTemplate.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain">
            Represents a domain associated with the tenant.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain.#ctor(System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{System.String})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain" /> class.
            <param name="IsDefault">Indicates whether or not this is the default domain that is used for user creation. There is only one default domain per company..</param>
            <param name="Name">The fully qualified name of the domain. (required).</param>
            <param name="SupportedServices">The capabilities assigned to the domain..</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain.AuthenticationType">
            Indicates what authentication type the domain is configured for.
            <value>Indicates what authentication type the domain is configured for.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain.AvailabilityStatus">
            This property is always null except when the verify action is used. When the verify action is used, a Domain entity is returned in the response.
            <value>This property is always null except when the verify action is used. When the verify action is used, a Domain entity is returned in the response.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain.ForceDeleteState">
            Gets or Sets ForceDeleteState
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain.IsAdminManaged">
            false, if the DNS record management of the domain has been delegated to Office 365. Otherwise, true.
            <value>false, if the DNS record management of the domain has been delegated to Office 365. Otherwise, true.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain.IsDefault">
            Indicates whether or not this is the default domain that is used for user creation. There is only one default domain per company.
            <value>Indicates whether or not this is the default domain that is used for user creation. There is only one default domain per company.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain.IsInitial">
            Indicates whether or not this is the initial domain created by Microsoft Online Services ( There is only one initial domain per company.
            <value>Indicates whether or not this is the initial domain created by Microsoft Online Services ( There is only one initial domain per company.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain.IsRoot">
            For subdomains, this represents the root domain. Only root domains need to be verified, and all subdomains will be automatically verified.
            <value>For subdomains, this represents the root domain. Only root domains need to be verified, and all subdomains will be automatically verified.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain.IsVerified">
            Indicates whether this domain has completed domain ownership verification or not.
            <value>Indicates whether this domain has completed domain ownership verification or not.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain.Name">
            The fully qualified name of the domain.
            <value>The fully qualified name of the domain.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain.State">
            Gets or Sets State
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain.SupportedServices">
            The capabilities assigned to the domain.
            <value>The capabilities assigned to the domain.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain)">
            Returns true if Domain instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of Domain to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsCnameRecord">
            Represents a CNAME record which needs to be added to the DNS zone file of a particular domain in the tenant.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsCnameRecord.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsCnameRecord" /> class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsCnameRecord.DnsRecordId">
            Unique identifier assigned to this entity.
            <value>Unique identifier assigned to this entity.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsCnameRecord.IsOptional">
             Indicates whether this record must be configured by the customer at the DNS host for Microsoft Online Services to operate correctly with the domain.
            <value> Indicates whether this record must be configured by the customer at the DNS host for Microsoft Online Services to operate correctly with the domain.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsCnameRecord.Label">
            Indicates the value to use when configuring the name of the DNS record at the DNS host.
            <value>Indicates the value to use when configuring the name of the DNS record at the DNS host.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsCnameRecord.RecordType">
            Indicates what type of DNS record this entity represents.
            <value>Indicates what type of DNS record this entity represents.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsCnameRecord.SupportedService">
            Indicates which Microsoft Online Service or feature has a dependency on this DNS record.
            <value>Indicates which Microsoft Online Service or feature has a dependency on this DNS record.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsCnameRecord.Ttl">
            Indicates the value to use when configuring the time-to-live (ttl) property of the DNS record at the DNS host.
            <value>Indicates the value to use when configuring the time-to-live (ttl) property of the DNS record at the DNS host.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsCnameRecord.CanonicalName">
            Indicates the value to use when configuring the canonical name of the CNAME record at the DNS host.
            <value>Indicates the value to use when configuring the canonical name of the CNAME record at the DNS host.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsCnameRecord.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsCnameRecord.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsCnameRecord.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsCnameRecord.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsCnameRecord)">
            Returns true if DomainDnsCnameRecord instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of DomainDnsCnameRecord to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsCnameRecord.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsMxRecord">
            Represents an MX record which needs to be added to the DNS zone file of a particular domain in the tenant.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsMxRecord.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsMxRecord" /> class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsMxRecord.DnsRecordId">
            Unique identifier assigned to this entity.
            <value>Unique identifier assigned to this entity.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsMxRecord.IsOptional">
             Indicates whether this record must be configured by the customer at the DNS host for Microsoft Online Services to operate correctly with the domain.
            <value> Indicates whether this record must be configured by the customer at the DNS host for Microsoft Online Services to operate correctly with the domain.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsMxRecord.Label">
            Indicates the value to use when configuring the name of the DNS record at the DNS host.
            <value>Indicates the value to use when configuring the name of the DNS record at the DNS host.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsMxRecord.RecordType">
            Indicates what type of DNS record this entity represents.
            <value>Indicates what type of DNS record this entity represents.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsMxRecord.SupportedService">
            Indicates which Microsoft Online Service or feature has a dependency on this DNS record.
            <value>Indicates which Microsoft Online Service or feature has a dependency on this DNS record.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsMxRecord.Ttl">
            Indicates the value to use when configuring the time-to-live (ttl) property of the DNS record at the DNS host.
            <value>Indicates the value to use when configuring the time-to-live (ttl) property of the DNS record at the DNS host.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsMxRecord.MailExchange">
            Value to use when configuring the Answer/Destination/Value of the MX record at the DNS host.
            <value>Value to use when configuring the Answer/Destination/Value of the MX record at the DNS host.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsMxRecord.Preference">
            Value to use when configuring the Preference/Priority property of the MX record at the DNS host.
            <value>Value to use when configuring the Preference/Priority property of the MX record at the DNS host.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsMxRecord.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsMxRecord.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsMxRecord.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsMxRecord.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsMxRecord)">
            Returns true if DomainDnsMxRecord instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of DomainDnsMxRecord to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsMxRecord.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsRecord">
            For each domain in the tenant, you may be required to add DNS record(s) to the DNS zone file of the domain before the domain can be used by Microsoft Online Services. The DomainDnsRecord entity is used to present such DNS records.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsRecord.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsRecord" /> class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsRecord.DnsRecordId">
            Unique identifier assigned to this entity.
            <value>Unique identifier assigned to this entity.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsRecord.IsOptional">
             Indicates whether this record must be configured by the customer at the DNS host for Microsoft Online Services to operate correctly with the domain.
            <value> Indicates whether this record must be configured by the customer at the DNS host for Microsoft Online Services to operate correctly with the domain.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsRecord.Label">
            Indicates the value to use when configuring the name of the DNS record at the DNS host.
            <value>Indicates the value to use when configuring the name of the DNS record at the DNS host.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsRecord.RecordType">
            Indicates what type of DNS record this entity represents.
            <value>Indicates what type of DNS record this entity represents.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsRecord.SupportedService">
            Indicates which Microsoft Online Service or feature has a dependency on this DNS record.
            <value>Indicates which Microsoft Online Service or feature has a dependency on this DNS record.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsRecord.Ttl">
            Indicates the value to use when configuring the time-to-live (ttl) property of the DNS record at the DNS host.
            <value>Indicates the value to use when configuring the time-to-live (ttl) property of the DNS record at the DNS host.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsRecord.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsRecord.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsRecord.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsRecord.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsRecord)">
            Returns true if DomainDnsRecord instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of DomainDnsRecord to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsRecord.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsSrvRecord">
            Represents an SRV record which needs to be added to the DNS zone file of a particular domain in the tenant.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsSrvRecord.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsSrvRecord" /> class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsSrvRecord.DnsRecordId">
            Unique identifier assigned to this entity.
            <value>Unique identifier assigned to this entity.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsSrvRecord.IsOptional">
             Indicates whether this record must be configured by the customer at the DNS host for Microsoft Online Services to operate correctly with the domain.
            <value> Indicates whether this record must be configured by the customer at the DNS host for Microsoft Online Services to operate correctly with the domain.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsSrvRecord.Label">
            Indicates the value to use when configuring the name of the DNS record at the DNS host.
            <value>Indicates the value to use when configuring the name of the DNS record at the DNS host.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsSrvRecord.RecordType">
            Indicates what type of DNS record this entity represents.
            <value>Indicates what type of DNS record this entity represents.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsSrvRecord.SupportedService">
            Indicates which Microsoft Online Service or feature has a dependency on this DNS record.
            <value>Indicates which Microsoft Online Service or feature has a dependency on this DNS record.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsSrvRecord.Ttl">
            Indicates the value to use when configuring the time-to-live (ttl) property of the DNS record at the DNS host.
            <value>Indicates the value to use when configuring the time-to-live (ttl) property of the DNS record at the DNS host.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsSrvRecord.NameTarget">
            Value to use when configuring the Target property of the SRV record at the DNS host.
            <value>Value to use when configuring the Target property of the SRV record at the DNS host.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsSrvRecord.Port">
            Value to use when configuring the Target property of the SRV record at the DNS host.
            <value>Value to use when configuring the Target property of the SRV record at the DNS host.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsSrvRecord.Priority">
            Value to use when configuring the Target property of the SRV record at the DNS host.
            <value>Value to use when configuring the Target property of the SRV record at the DNS host.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsSrvRecord.Protocol">
            Value to use when configuring the Protocol property of the SRV record at the DNS host
            <value>Value to use when configuring the Protocol property of the SRV record at the DNS host</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsSrvRecord.Service">
            Value to use when configuring the Service property of the SRV record at the DNS host.
            <value>Value to use when configuring the Service property of the SRV record at the DNS host.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsSrvRecord.Weight">
            Value to use when configuring the Weight property of the SRV record at the DNS host.
            <value>Value to use when configuring the Weight property of the SRV record at the DNS host.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsSrvRecord.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsSrvRecord.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsSrvRecord.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsSrvRecord.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsSrvRecord)">
            Returns true if DomainDnsSrvRecord instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of DomainDnsSrvRecord to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsSrvRecord.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsTxtRecord">
            Represents a TXT record which needs to be added to the DNS zone file of a particular domain in the tenant.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsTxtRecord.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsTxtRecord" /> class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsTxtRecord.DnsRecordId">
            Unique identifier assigned to this entity.
            <value>Unique identifier assigned to this entity.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsTxtRecord.IsOptional">
             Indicates whether this record must be configured by the customer at the DNS host for Microsoft Online Services to operate correctly with the domain.
            <value> Indicates whether this record must be configured by the customer at the DNS host for Microsoft Online Services to operate correctly with the domain.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsTxtRecord.Label">
            Indicates the value to use when configuring the name of the DNS record at the DNS host.
            <value>Indicates the value to use when configuring the name of the DNS record at the DNS host.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsTxtRecord.RecordType">
            Indicates what type of DNS record this entity represents.
            <value>Indicates what type of DNS record this entity represents.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsTxtRecord.SupportedService">
            Indicates which Microsoft Online Service or feature has a dependency on this DNS record.
            <value>Indicates which Microsoft Online Service or feature has a dependency on this DNS record.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsTxtRecord.Ttl">
            Indicates the value to use when configuring the time-to-live (ttl) property of the DNS record at the DNS host.
            <value>Indicates the value to use when configuring the time-to-live (ttl) property of the DNS record at the DNS host.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsTxtRecord.Text">
            Text record string
            <value>Text record string</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsTxtRecord.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsTxtRecord.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsTxtRecord.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsTxtRecord.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsTxtRecord)">
            Returns true if DomainDnsTxtRecord instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of DomainDnsTxtRecord to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsTxtRecord.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsUnavailableRecord">
            When you query for the navigation property serviceConfigurationRecords for a Domain entity, you may get back one or more DomainDnsCnameRecord, DomainDnsMxRecord, DomainDnsSrvRecord and/or DomainDnsTxtRecord entities. These entities indicate what DNS records you must add to the zone file of the domain, before the domain can be used by Microsoft Online Services. When it is not possible to generate such entities, a DomainDnsUnavailableRecord Entity is returned instead
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsUnavailableRecord.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsUnavailableRecord" /> class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsUnavailableRecord.DnsRecordId">
            Unique identifier assigned to this entity.
            <value>Unique identifier assigned to this entity.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsUnavailableRecord.IsOptional">
             Indicates whether this record must be configured by the customer at the DNS host for Microsoft Online Services to operate correctly with the domain.
            <value> Indicates whether this record must be configured by the customer at the DNS host for Microsoft Online Services to operate correctly with the domain.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsUnavailableRecord.Label">
            Indicates the value to use when configuring the name of the DNS record at the DNS host.
            <value>Indicates the value to use when configuring the name of the DNS record at the DNS host.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsUnavailableRecord.RecordType">
            Indicates what type of DNS record this entity represents.
            <value>Indicates what type of DNS record this entity represents.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsUnavailableRecord.SupportedService">
            Indicates which Microsoft Online Service or feature has a dependency on this DNS record.
            <value>Indicates which Microsoft Online Service or feature has a dependency on this DNS record.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsUnavailableRecord.Ttl">
            Indicates the value to use when configuring the time-to-live (ttl) property of the DNS record at the DNS host.
            <value>Indicates the value to use when configuring the time-to-live (ttl) property of the DNS record at the DNS host.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsUnavailableRecord.Description">
            Provides the reason why the DomainDnsUnavailableRecord entity is returned.
            <value>Provides the reason why the DomainDnsUnavailableRecord entity is returned.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsUnavailableRecord.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsUnavailableRecord.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsUnavailableRecord.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsUnavailableRecord.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsUnavailableRecord)">
            Returns true if DomainDnsUnavailableRecord instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of DomainDnsUnavailableRecord to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsUnavailableRecord.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainState">
            Represents status of domain.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainState.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainState" /> class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainState.Status">
            Indicates the force delete status of the domain.
            <value>Indicates the force delete status of the domain.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainState.Operation">
            Indicates the last operation performed on the domain.
            <value>Indicates the last operation performed on the domain.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainState.LastActionDateTime">
            DateTime when last force delete was performed.
            <value>DateTime when last force delete was performed.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainState.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainState.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainState.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainState.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainState)">
            Returns true if DomainState instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of DomainState to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainState.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.EnableDirectoryRole">
            Body for enabling a directory role function
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.EnableDirectoryRole.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.EnableDirectoryRole" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.EnableDirectoryRole.#ctor(System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.EnableDirectoryRole" /> class.
            <param name="RoleTemplateId">Template id of the directoryRoleTemplate that needs to be activated.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.EnableDirectoryRole.RoleTemplateId">
            Template id of the directoryRoleTemplate that needs to be activated
            <value>Template id of the directoryRoleTemplate that needs to be activated</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.EnableDirectoryRole.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.EnableDirectoryRole.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.EnableDirectoryRole.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.EnableDirectoryRole.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.EnableDirectoryRole)">
            Returns true if EnableDirectoryRole instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of EnableDirectoryRole to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.EnableDirectoryRole.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ErrorValue">
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ErrorValue.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ErrorValue" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ErrorValue.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ErrorValue" /> class.
            <param name="Item">Item.</param>
            <param name="Value">Value.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ErrorValue.Item">
            Gets or Sets Item
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ErrorValue.Value">
            Gets or Sets Value
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ErrorValue.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ErrorValue.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ErrorValue.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ErrorValue.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ErrorValue)">
            Returns true if ErrorValue instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of ErrorValue to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ErrorValue.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ExtensionProperty">
            Allows an application to define and use a set of additional properties that can be added to directory objects (users, groups, tenant details, devices, applications, and service principals) without the application requiring an external data store.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ExtensionProperty.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ExtensionProperty" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ExtensionProperty.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{System.String})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ExtensionProperty" /> class.
            <param name="Name">Specifies the display name for the directory extension property..</param>
            <param name="DataType">Specifies the type of the directory extension property being added. Supported types are: Integer, LargeInteger, DateTime (must be specified in ISO 8601 - DateTime is stored in UTC), Binary, Boolean, and String..</param>
            <param name="TargetObjects">The directory objects to which the directory extension property is being added. Supported directory entities that can be extended are: \&quot;User\&quot;, \&quot;Group\&quot;, \&quot;TenantDetail\&quot;, \&quot;Device\&quot;, \&quot;Application\&quot; and \&quot;ServicePrincipal.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ExtensionProperty.DeletionTimestamp">
            The time at which the directory object was deleted. It only applies to those directory objects which can be restored. Currently it is only supported for deleted Application objects; all other entities return null for this property.
            <value>The time at which the directory object was deleted. It only applies to those directory objects which can be restored. Currently it is only supported for deleted Application objects; all other entities return null for this property.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ExtensionProperty.ObjectId">
            A Guid that is the unique identifier for the object.
            <value>A Guid that is the unique identifier for the object.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ExtensionProperty.ObjectType">
            A string that identifies the object type.
            <value>A string that identifies the object type.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ExtensionProperty.AppDisplayName">
            Gets or Sets AppDisplayName
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ExtensionProperty.Name">
            Specifies the display name for the directory extension property.
            <value>Specifies the display name for the directory extension property.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ExtensionProperty.DataType">
            Specifies the type of the directory extension property being added. Supported types are: Integer, LargeInteger, DateTime (must be specified in ISO 8601 - DateTime is stored in UTC), Binary, Boolean, and String.
            <value>Specifies the type of the directory extension property being added. Supported types are: Integer, LargeInteger, DateTime (must be specified in ISO 8601 - DateTime is stored in UTC), Binary, Boolean, and String.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ExtensionProperty.IsSyncedFromOnPremises">
            Indicates whether the extension property is synced from the on premises directory. Not nullable.
            <value>Indicates whether the extension property is synced from the on premises directory. Not nullable.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ExtensionProperty.TargetObjects">
            The directory objects to which the directory extension property is being added. Supported directory entities that can be extended are: \&quot;User\&quot;, \&quot;Group\&quot;, \&quot;TenantDetail\&quot;, \&quot;Device\&quot;, \&quot;Application\&quot; and \&quot;ServicePrincipal
            <value>The directory objects to which the directory extension property is being added. Supported directory entities that can be extended are: \&quot;User\&quot;, \&quot;Group\&quot;, \&quot;TenantDetail\&quot;, \&quot;Device\&quot;, \&quot;Application\&quot; and \&quot;ServicePrincipal</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ExtensionProperty.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ExtensionProperty.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ExtensionProperty.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ExtensionProperty.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ExtensionProperty)">
            Returns true if ExtensionProperty instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of ExtensionProperty to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ExtensionProperty.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ForceDeleteState">
            Represents force delete status of domain.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ForceDeleteState.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ForceDeleteState" /> class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ForceDeleteState.Status">
            Indicates the force delete status of the domain.
            <value>Indicates the force delete status of the domain.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ForceDeleteState.LastActionDateTime">
            DateTime when last force delete was performed.
            <value>DateTime when last force delete was performed.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ForceDeleteState.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ForceDeleteState.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ForceDeleteState.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ForceDeleteState.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ForceDeleteState)">
            Returns true if ForceDeleteState instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of ForceDeleteState to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ForceDeleteState.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetApplicationsResponse">
            A list of applications.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetApplicationsResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetApplicationsResponse" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetApplicationsResponse.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Application})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetApplicationsResponse" /> class.
            <param name="OdataNextLink">Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client..</param>
            <param name="OdataMetadata">OdataMetadata.</param>
            <param name="Value">Value.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetApplicationsResponse.OdataNextLink">
            Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.
            <value>Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetApplicationsResponse.OdataMetadata">
            Gets or Sets OdataMetadata
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetApplicationsResponse.Value">
            Gets or Sets Value
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetApplicationsResponse.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetApplicationsResponse.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetApplicationsResponse.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetApplicationsResponse.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetApplicationsResponse)">
            Returns true if GetApplicationsResponse instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of GetApplicationsResponse to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetApplicationsResponse.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse">
            A list of app role assignments.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AppRoleAssignment})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse" /> class.
            <param name="OdataNextLink">Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client..</param>
            <param name="OdataMetadata">OdataMetadata.</param>
            <param name="Value">Value.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse.OdataNextLink">
            Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.
            <value>Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse.OdataMetadata">
            Gets or Sets OdataMetadata
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse.Value">
            Gets or Sets Value
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse)">
            Returns true if GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAppRoleAssignmentsResponse.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAvailableExtensionPropertiesBody">
            Represents the structure of the body for getAvailableExtensionProperties.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAvailableExtensionPropertiesBody.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAvailableExtensionPropertiesBody" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAvailableExtensionPropertiesBody.#ctor(System.Nullable{System.Boolean})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAvailableExtensionPropertiesBody" /> class.
            <param name="IsSyncedFromOnPremises">true to specify that only extension properties that are synced from the on-premises directory should be returned; false to specify that only extension properties that are not synced from the on-premises directory should be returned. If the parameter is omitted then all extension properties (both synced and non-synced) are returned..</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAvailableExtensionPropertiesBody.IsSyncedFromOnPremises">
            true to specify that only extension properties that are synced from the on-premises directory should be returned; false to specify that only extension properties that are not synced from the on-premises directory should be returned. If the parameter is omitted then all extension properties (both synced and non-synced) are returned.
            <value>true to specify that only extension properties that are synced from the on-premises directory should be returned; false to specify that only extension properties that are not synced from the on-premises directory should be returned. If the parameter is omitted then all extension properties (both synced and non-synced) are returned.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAvailableExtensionPropertiesBody.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAvailableExtensionPropertiesBody.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAvailableExtensionPropertiesBody.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAvailableExtensionPropertiesBody.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAvailableExtensionPropertiesBody)">
            Returns true if GetAvailableExtensionPropertiesBody instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of GetAvailableExtensionPropertiesBody to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetAvailableExtensionPropertiesBody.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetCertificateAuthorityInformationsResponse">
            A list of certificate authorities.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetCertificateAuthorityInformationsResponse.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CertificateAuthorityInformation})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetCertificateAuthorityInformationsResponse" /> class.
            <param name="OdataNextLink">Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client..</param>
            <param name="OdataMetadata">OdataMetadata.</param>
            <param name="Value">Value.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetCertificateAuthorityInformationsResponse.OdataNextLink">
            Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.
            <value>Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetCertificateAuthorityInformationsResponse.OdataMetadata">
            Gets or Sets OdataMetadata
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetCertificateAuthorityInformationsResponse.Value">
            Gets or Sets Value
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetCertificateAuthorityInformationsResponse.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetCertificateAuthorityInformationsResponse.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetCertificateAuthorityInformationsResponse.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetCertificateAuthorityInformationsResponse.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetCertificateAuthorityInformationsResponse)">
            Returns true if GetCertificateAuthorityInformationsResponse instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of GetCertificateAuthorityInformationsResponse to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetCertificateAuthorityInformationsResponse.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetContactsResponse">
            A list of contacts.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetContactsResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetContactsResponse" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetContactsResponse.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contact})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetContactsResponse" /> class.
            <param name="OdataNextLink">Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client..</param>
            <param name="OdataMetadata">OdataMetadata.</param>
            <param name="Value">Value.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetContactsResponse.OdataNextLink">
            Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.
            <value>Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetContactsResponse.OdataMetadata">
            Gets or Sets OdataMetadata
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetContactsResponse.Value">
            Gets or Sets Value
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetContactsResponse.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetContactsResponse.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetContactsResponse.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetContactsResponse.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetContactsResponse)">
            Returns true if GetContactsResponse instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of GetContactsResponse to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetContactsResponse.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetContractsResponse">
            A list of contracts.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetContractsResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetContractsResponse" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetContractsResponse.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Contract})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetContractsResponse" /> class.
            <param name="OdataNextLink">Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client..</param>
            <param name="OdataMetadata">OdataMetadata.</param>
            <param name="Value">Value.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetContractsResponse.OdataNextLink">
            Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.
            <value>Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetContractsResponse.OdataMetadata">
            Gets or Sets OdataMetadata
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetContractsResponse.Value">
            Gets or Sets Value
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetContractsResponse.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetContractsResponse.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetContractsResponse.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetContractsResponse.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetContractsResponse)">
            Returns true if GetContractsResponse instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of GetContractsResponse to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetContractsResponse.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDeviceConfigurationResponse">
            A list of device configuration.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDeviceConfigurationResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDeviceConfigurationResponse" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDeviceConfigurationResponse.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DeviceConfiguration})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDeviceConfigurationResponse" /> class.
            <param name="OdataNextLink">Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client..</param>
            <param name="OdataMetadata">OdataMetadata.</param>
            <param name="Value">Value.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDeviceConfigurationResponse.OdataNextLink">
            Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.
            <value>Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDeviceConfigurationResponse.OdataMetadata">
            Gets or Sets OdataMetadata
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDeviceConfigurationResponse.Value">
            Gets or Sets Value
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDeviceConfigurationResponse.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDeviceConfigurationResponse.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDeviceConfigurationResponse.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDeviceConfigurationResponse.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDeviceConfigurationResponse)">
            Returns true if GetDeviceConfigurationResponse instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of GetDeviceConfigurationResponse to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDeviceConfigurationResponse.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDevicesResponse">
            A list of devices.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDevicesResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDevicesResponse" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDevicesResponse.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Device})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDevicesResponse" /> class.
            <param name="OdataNextLink">Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client..</param>
            <param name="OdataMetadata">OdataMetadata.</param>
            <param name="Value">Value.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDevicesResponse.OdataNextLink">
            Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.
            <value>Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDevicesResponse.OdataMetadata">
            Gets or Sets OdataMetadata
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDevicesResponse.Value">
            Gets or Sets Value
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDevicesResponse.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDevicesResponse.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDevicesResponse.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDevicesResponse.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDevicesResponse)">
            Returns true if GetDevicesResponse instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of GetDevicesResponse to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDevicesResponse.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryObjectsResponse">
            A list of directory objects.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryObjectsResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryObjectsResponse" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryObjectsResponse.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryObject})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryObjectsResponse" /> class.
            <param name="OdataNextLink">Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client..</param>
            <param name="OdataMetadata">OdataMetadata.</param>
            <param name="Value">Value.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryObjectsResponse.OdataNextLink">
            Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.
            <value>Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryObjectsResponse.OdataMetadata">
            Gets or Sets OdataMetadata
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryObjectsResponse.Value">
            Gets or Sets Value
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryObjectsResponse.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryObjectsResponse.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryObjectsResponse.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryObjectsResponse.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryObjectsResponse)">
            Returns true if GetDirectoryObjectsResponse instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of GetDirectoryObjectsResponse to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryObjectsResponse.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryRolesResponse">
            A list of directory roles.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryRolesResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryRolesResponse" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryRolesResponse.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRole})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryRolesResponse" /> class.
            <param name="OdataNextLink">Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client..</param>
            <param name="OdataMetadata">OdataMetadata.</param>
            <param name="Value">Value.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryRolesResponse.OdataNextLink">
            Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.
            <value>Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryRolesResponse.OdataMetadata">
            Gets or Sets OdataMetadata
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryRolesResponse.Value">
            Gets or Sets Value
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryRolesResponse.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryRolesResponse.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryRolesResponse.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryRolesResponse.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryRolesResponse)">
            Returns true if GetDirectoryRolesResponse instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of GetDirectoryRolesResponse to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryRolesResponse.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryRoleTemplateResponse">
            A list of directory role templates.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryRoleTemplateResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryRoleTemplateResponse" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryRoleTemplateResponse.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DirectoryRoleTemplate})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryRoleTemplateResponse" /> class.
            <param name="OdataNextLink">Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client..</param>
            <param name="OdataMetadata">OdataMetadata.</param>
            <param name="Value">Value.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryRoleTemplateResponse.OdataNextLink">
            Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.
            <value>Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryRoleTemplateResponse.OdataMetadata">
            Gets or Sets OdataMetadata
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryRoleTemplateResponse.Value">
            Gets or Sets Value
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryRoleTemplateResponse.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryRoleTemplateResponse.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryRoleTemplateResponse.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryRoleTemplateResponse.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryRoleTemplateResponse)">
            Returns true if GetDirectoryRoleTemplateResponse instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of GetDirectoryRoleTemplateResponse to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDirectoryRoleTemplateResponse.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDomainDnsRecordsResponse">
            A list of domainDnsRecord.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDomainDnsRecordsResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDomainDnsRecordsResponse" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDomainDnsRecordsResponse.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.DomainDnsRecord})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDomainDnsRecordsResponse" /> class.
            <param name="OdataNextLink">Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client..</param>
            <param name="OdataMetadata">OdataMetadata.</param>
            <param name="Value">Value.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDomainDnsRecordsResponse.OdataNextLink">
            Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.
            <value>Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDomainDnsRecordsResponse.OdataMetadata">
            Gets or Sets OdataMetadata
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDomainDnsRecordsResponse.Value">
            Gets or Sets Value
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDomainDnsRecordsResponse.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDomainDnsRecordsResponse.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDomainDnsRecordsResponse.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDomainDnsRecordsResponse.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDomainDnsRecordsResponse)">
            Returns true if GetDomainDnsRecordsResponse instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of GetDomainDnsRecordsResponse to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDomainDnsRecordsResponse.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDomainsResponse">
            A list of domain.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDomainsResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDomainsResponse" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDomainsResponse.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Domain})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDomainsResponse" /> class.
            <param name="OdataNextLink">Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client..</param>
            <param name="OdataMetadata">OdataMetadata.</param>
            <param name="Value">Value.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDomainsResponse.OdataNextLink">
            Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.
            <value>Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDomainsResponse.OdataMetadata">
            Gets or Sets OdataMetadata
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDomainsResponse.Value">
            Gets or Sets Value
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDomainsResponse.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDomainsResponse.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDomainsResponse.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDomainsResponse.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDomainsResponse)">
            Returns true if GetDomainsResponse instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of GetDomainsResponse to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetDomainsResponse.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetExtensionPropertiesResponse">
            A list of extension properties.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetExtensionPropertiesResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetExtensionPropertiesResponse" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetExtensionPropertiesResponse.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ExtensionProperty})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetExtensionPropertiesResponse" /> class.
            <param name="OdataNextLink">Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client..</param>
            <param name="OdataMetadata">OdataMetadata.</param>
            <param name="Value">Value.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetExtensionPropertiesResponse.OdataNextLink">
            Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.
            <value>Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetExtensionPropertiesResponse.OdataMetadata">
            Gets or Sets OdataMetadata
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetExtensionPropertiesResponse.Value">
            Gets or Sets Value
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetExtensionPropertiesResponse.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetExtensionPropertiesResponse.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetExtensionPropertiesResponse.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetExtensionPropertiesResponse.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetExtensionPropertiesResponse)">
            Returns true if GetExtensionPropertiesResponse instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of GetExtensionPropertiesResponse to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetExtensionPropertiesResponse.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetGroupsResponse">
            A list of groups.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetGroupsResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetGroupsResponse" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetGroupsResponse.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetGroupsResponse" /> class.
            <param name="OdataNextLink">Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client..</param>
            <param name="OdataMetadata">OdataMetadata.</param>
            <param name="Value">Value.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetGroupsResponse.OdataNextLink">
            Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.
            <value>Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetGroupsResponse.OdataMetadata">
            Gets or Sets OdataMetadata
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetGroupsResponse.Value">
            Gets or Sets Value
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetGroupsResponse.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetGroupsResponse.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetGroupsResponse.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetGroupsResponse.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetGroupsResponse)">
            Returns true if GetGroupsResponse instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of GetGroupsResponse to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetGroupsResponse.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetLicenseDetailsResponse">
            A list of license details
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetLicenseDetailsResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetLicenseDetailsResponse" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetLicenseDetailsResponse.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.LicenseDetail})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetLicenseDetailsResponse" /> class.
            <param name="OdataNextLink">Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client..</param>
            <param name="OdataMetadata">OdataMetadata.</param>
            <param name="Value">Value.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetLicenseDetailsResponse.OdataNextLink">
            Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.
            <value>Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetLicenseDetailsResponse.OdataMetadata">
            Gets or Sets OdataMetadata
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetLicenseDetailsResponse.Value">
            Gets or Sets Value
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetLicenseDetailsResponse.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetLicenseDetailsResponse.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetLicenseDetailsResponse.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetLicenseDetailsResponse.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetLicenseDetailsResponse)">
            Returns true if GetLicenseDetailsResponse instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of GetLicenseDetailsResponse to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetLicenseDetailsResponse.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse">
            A list of oAuth2PermissionGrants.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2PermissionGrant})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse" /> class.
            <param name="OdataNextLink">Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client..</param>
            <param name="OdataMetadata">OdataMetadata.</param>
            <param name="Value">Value.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse.OdataNextLink">
            Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.
            <value>Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse.OdataMetadata">
            Gets or Sets OdataMetadata
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse.Value">
            Gets or Sets Value
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse)">
            Returns true if GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetOAuth2PermissionGrantsResponse.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetObjectsByObjectIdsBody">
             getObjectsByObjectIds function on the directory service to return the directory objects specified in a list of object IDs.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetObjectsByObjectIdsBody.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetObjectsByObjectIdsBody" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetObjectsByObjectIdsBody.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.List{System.String},System.Collections.Generic.List{System.String})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetObjectsByObjectIdsBody" /> class.
            <param name="ObjectIds">The collection of object IDs for which to return objects. You can specify up to 1000 object IDs. (required).</param>
            <param name="Types">A collection of object types that specifies the set of resource collections (entity sets) to search. If not specified, the default is DirectoryObject, which contains all of the objects in the directory. Any object that derives from DirectoryObject may be specified in the collection; for example: User, Group, ServicePrincipal, and so on. The values are not case sensitive..</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetObjectsByObjectIdsBody.ObjectIds">
            The collection of object IDs for which to return objects. You can specify up to 1000 object IDs.
            <value>The collection of object IDs for which to return objects. You can specify up to 1000 object IDs.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetObjectsByObjectIdsBody.Types">
            A collection of object types that specifies the set of resource collections (entity sets) to search. If not specified, the default is DirectoryObject, which contains all of the objects in the directory. Any object that derives from DirectoryObject may be specified in the collection; for example: User, Group, ServicePrincipal, and so on. The values are not case sensitive.
            <value>A collection of object types that specifies the set of resource collections (entity sets) to search. If not specified, the default is DirectoryObject, which contains all of the objects in the directory. Any object that derives from DirectoryObject may be specified in the collection; for example: User, Group, ServicePrincipal, and so on. The values are not case sensitive.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetObjectsByObjectIdsBody.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetObjectsByObjectIdsBody.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetObjectsByObjectIdsBody.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetObjectsByObjectIdsBody.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetObjectsByObjectIdsBody)">
            Returns true if GetObjectsByObjectIdsBody instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of GetObjectsByObjectIdsBody to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetObjectsByObjectIdsBody.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetServiceEndpointsResponse">
            A list of service endpoints.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetServiceEndpointsResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetServiceEndpointsResponse" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetServiceEndpointsResponse.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServiceEndpoint})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetServiceEndpointsResponse" /> class.
            <param name="OdataNextLink">Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client..</param>
            <param name="OdataMetadata">OdataMetadata.</param>
            <param name="Value">Value.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetServiceEndpointsResponse.OdataNextLink">
            Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.
            <value>Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetServiceEndpointsResponse.OdataMetadata">
            Gets or Sets OdataMetadata
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetServiceEndpointsResponse.Value">
            Gets or Sets Value
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetServiceEndpointsResponse.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetServiceEndpointsResponse.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetServiceEndpointsResponse.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetServiceEndpointsResponse.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetServiceEndpointsResponse)">
            Returns true if GetServiceEndpointsResponse instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of GetServiceEndpointsResponse to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetServiceEndpointsResponse.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetServicePrincipalsResponse">
            A list of service principals.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetServicePrincipalsResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetServicePrincipalsResponse" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetServicePrincipalsResponse.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetServicePrincipalsResponse" /> class.
            <param name="OdataNextLink">Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client..</param>
            <param name="OdataMetadata">OdataMetadata.</param>
            <param name="Value">Value.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetServicePrincipalsResponse.OdataNextLink">
            Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.
            <value>Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetServicePrincipalsResponse.OdataMetadata">
            Gets or Sets OdataMetadata
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetServicePrincipalsResponse.Value">
            Gets or Sets Value
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetServicePrincipalsResponse.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetServicePrincipalsResponse.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetServicePrincipalsResponse.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetServicePrincipalsResponse.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetServicePrincipalsResponse)">
            Returns true if GetServicePrincipalsResponse instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of GetServicePrincipalsResponse to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetServicePrincipalsResponse.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetSubscribedSkuResponse">
            A list of subscribed skus
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetSubscribedSkuResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetSubscribedSkuResponse" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetSubscribedSkuResponse.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.SubscribedSku})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetSubscribedSkuResponse" /> class.
            <param name="OdataNextLink">Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client..</param>
            <param name="OdataMetadata">OdataMetadata.</param>
            <param name="Value">Value.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetSubscribedSkuResponse.OdataNextLink">
            Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.
            <value>Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetSubscribedSkuResponse.OdataMetadata">
            Gets or Sets OdataMetadata
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetSubscribedSkuResponse.Value">
            Gets or Sets Value
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetSubscribedSkuResponse.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetSubscribedSkuResponse.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetSubscribedSkuResponse.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetSubscribedSkuResponse.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetSubscribedSkuResponse)">
            Returns true if GetSubscribedSkuResponse instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of GetSubscribedSkuResponse to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetSubscribedSkuResponse.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetTenantDetailsResponse">
            A list of tenant details.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetTenantDetailsResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetTenantDetailsResponse" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetTenantDetailsResponse.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetTenantDetailsResponse" /> class.
            <param name="OdataNextLink">Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client..</param>
            <param name="OdataMetadata">OdataMetadata.</param>
            <param name="Value">Value.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetTenantDetailsResponse.OdataNextLink">
            Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.
            <value>Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetTenantDetailsResponse.OdataMetadata">
            Gets or Sets OdataMetadata
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetTenantDetailsResponse.Value">
            Gets or Sets Value
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetTenantDetailsResponse.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetTenantDetailsResponse.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetTenantDetailsResponse.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetTenantDetailsResponse.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetTenantDetailsResponse)">
            Returns true if GetTenantDetailsResponse instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of GetTenantDetailsResponse to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetTenantDetailsResponse.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetTrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuthResponse">
            A list of trusted CAs for passwordless auth
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetTrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuthResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetTrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuthResponse" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetTrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuthResponse.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetTrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuthResponse" /> class.
            <param name="OdataNextLink">Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client..</param>
            <param name="OdataMetadata">OdataMetadata.</param>
            <param name="Value">Value.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetTrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuthResponse.OdataNextLink">
            Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.
            <value>Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetTrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuthResponse.OdataMetadata">
            Gets or Sets OdataMetadata
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetTrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuthResponse.Value">
            Gets or Sets Value
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetTrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuthResponse.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetTrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuthResponse.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetTrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuthResponse.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetTrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuthResponse.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetTrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuthResponse)">
            Returns true if GetTrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuthResponse instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of GetTrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuthResponse to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetTrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuthResponse.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetUsersResponse">
            A list of users.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetUsersResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetUsersResponse" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetUsersResponse.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.User})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetUsersResponse" /> class.
            <param name="OdataNextLink">Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client..</param>
            <param name="OdataMetadata">OdataMetadata.</param>
            <param name="Value">Value.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetUsersResponse.OdataNextLink">
            Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.
            <value>Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetUsersResponse.OdataMetadata">
            Gets or Sets OdataMetadata
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetUsersResponse.Value">
            Gets or Sets Value
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetUsersResponse.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetUsersResponse.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetUsersResponse.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetUsersResponse.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetUsersResponse)">
            Returns true if GetUsersResponse instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of GetUsersResponse to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GetUsersResponse.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group">
            Represents an Azure Active Directory Group.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group" /> class.
            <param name="Description">An optional description for the group..</param>
            <param name="DisplayName">The display name for the group. This property is required when a group is created and it cannot be cleared during updates. (required).</param>
            <param name="MailEnabled">Specifies whether the group is mail-enabled. If the securityEnabled property is also true, the group is a mail-enabled security group; otherwise, the group is a Microsoft Exchange distribution group. Only (pure) security groups can be created using Azure AD Graph. For this reason, the property must be set false when creating a group and it cannot be updated using Azure AD Graph. (required).</param>
            <param name="MailNickName">The mail alias for the group. This property must be specified when a group is created. (required).</param>
            <param name="SecurityEnabled">Specifies whether the group is a security group. If the mailEnabled property is also true, the group is a mail-enabled security group; otherwise it is a security group. Only (pure) security groups can be created using Azure AD Graph. For this reason, the property must be set true when creating a group. (required).</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group.DeletionTimestamp">
            The time at which the directory object was deleted. It only applies to those directory objects which can be restored. Currently it is only supported for deleted Application objects; all other entities return null for this property.
            <value>The time at which the directory object was deleted. It only applies to those directory objects which can be restored. Currently it is only supported for deleted Application objects; all other entities return null for this property.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group.ObjectId">
            A Guid that is the unique identifier for the object.
            <value>A Guid that is the unique identifier for the object.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group.ObjectType">
            A string that identifies the object type.
            <value>A string that identifies the object type.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group.Description">
            An optional description for the group.
            <value>An optional description for the group.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group.DirSyncEnabled">
            true if this object is synced from an on-premises directory; false if this object was originally synced from an on-premises directory but is no longer synced; null if this object has never been synced from an on-premises directory (default).
            <value>true if this object is synced from an on-premises directory; false if this object was originally synced from an on-premises directory but is no longer synced; null if this object has never been synced from an on-premises directory (default).</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group.DisplayName">
            The display name for the group. This property is required when a group is created and it cannot be cleared during updates.
            <value>The display name for the group. This property is required when a group is created and it cannot be cleared during updates.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group.LastDirSyncTime">
            Indicates the last time at which the object was synced with the on-premises directory.
            <value>Indicates the last time at which the object was synced with the on-premises directory.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group.Mail">
            The SMTP address for the group.
            <value>The SMTP address for the group.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group.MailEnabled">
            Specifies whether the group is mail-enabled. If the securityEnabled property is also true, the group is a mail-enabled security group; otherwise, the group is a Microsoft Exchange distribution group. Only (pure) security groups can be created using Azure AD Graph. For this reason, the property must be set false when creating a group and it cannot be updated using Azure AD Graph.
            <value>Specifies whether the group is mail-enabled. If the securityEnabled property is also true, the group is a mail-enabled security group; otherwise, the group is a Microsoft Exchange distribution group. Only (pure) security groups can be created using Azure AD Graph. For this reason, the property must be set false when creating a group and it cannot be updated using Azure AD Graph.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group.MailNickName">
            The mail alias for the group. This property must be specified when a group is created.
            <value>The mail alias for the group. This property must be specified when a group is created.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group.OnPremisesSecurityIdentifier">
            Contains the on-premises security identifier (SID) for the group that was synchronized from on-premises to the cloud.
            <value>Contains the on-premises security identifier (SID) for the group that was synchronized from on-premises to the cloud.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group.ProvisioningErrors">
            A collection of error details that are preventing this group from being provisioned successfully.
            <value>A collection of error details that are preventing this group from being provisioned successfully.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group.ProxyAddresses">
            Gets or Sets ProxyAddresses
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group.SecurityEnabled">
            Specifies whether the group is a security group. If the mailEnabled property is also true, the group is a mail-enabled security group; otherwise it is a security group. Only (pure) security groups can be created using Azure AD Graph. For this reason, the property must be set true when creating a group.
            <value>Specifies whether the group is a security group. If the mailEnabled property is also true, the group is a mail-enabled security group; otherwise it is a security group. Only (pure) security groups can be created using Azure AD Graph. For this reason, the property must be set true when creating a group.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group)">
            Returns true if Group instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of Group to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Group.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck">
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.List{System.String})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck" /> class.
            <param name="GroupIds">GroupIds.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck.GroupIds">
            Gets or Sets GroupIds
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck)">
            Returns true if GroupIdsForMembershipCheck instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of GroupIdsForMembershipCheck to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyCredential">
            Contains a key credential associated with an application or a service principal. The keyCredentials property of the Application and ServicePrincipal entities is a collection of KeyCredential.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyCredential.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyCredential" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyCredential.#ctor(System.Byte[],System.Nullable{System.DateTime},System.String,System.Nullable{System.DateTime},System.String,System.String,System.Byte[])">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyCredential" /> class.
            <param name="CustomKeyIdentifier">CustomKeyIdentifier.</param>
            <param name="EndDate">The date and time at which the credential expires.</param>
            <param name="KeyId">The unique identifier of the key..</param>
            <param name="StartDate">The date and time at which the credential becomes valid..</param>
            <param name="Type">The type of credential. Symmetric, Asymmetric.</param>
            <param name="Usage">A string that describes the purpose for which the key can be used; for example, \&quot;Verify\&quot;..</param>
            <param name="Value">The secret value.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyCredential.CustomKeyIdentifier">
            Gets or Sets CustomKeyIdentifier
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyCredential.EndDate">
            The date and time at which the credential expires
            <value>The date and time at which the credential expires</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyCredential.KeyId">
            The unique identifier of the key.
            <value>The unique identifier of the key.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyCredential.StartDate">
            The date and time at which the credential becomes valid.
            <value>The date and time at which the credential becomes valid.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyCredential.Type">
            The type of credential. Symmetric, Asymmetric
            <value>The type of credential. Symmetric, Asymmetric</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyCredential.Usage">
            A string that describes the purpose for which the key can be used; for example, \&quot;Verify\&quot;.
            <value>A string that describes the purpose for which the key can be used; for example, \&quot;Verify\&quot;.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyCredential.Value">
            The secret value
            <value>The secret value</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyCredential.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyCredential.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyCredential.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyCredential.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyCredential)">
            Returns true if KeyCredential instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of KeyCredential to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyCredential.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyValue">
            Represents an application role that may be requested by a client application calling another application or that may be used to assign an application to users or groups in a specified application role. The appRoles property of the ServicePrincipal entity and of the Application entity is a collection of AppRole.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyValue.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyValue" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyValue.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyValue" /> class.
            <param name="Key">Unique role identifier inside the appRoles collection..</param>
            <param name="Value">When creating or updating a role definition, this must be set to true (which is the default). To delete a role, this must first be set to false. At that point, in a subsequent call, this role may be removed..</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyValue.Key">
            Unique role identifier inside the appRoles collection.
            <value>Unique role identifier inside the appRoles collection.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyValue.Value">
            When creating or updating a role definition, this must be set to true (which is the default). To delete a role, this must first be set to false. At that point, in a subsequent call, this role may be removed.
            <value>When creating or updating a role definition, this must be set to true (which is the default). To delete a role, this must first be set to false. At that point, in a subsequent call, this role may be removed.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyValue.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyValue.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyValue.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyValue.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyValue)">
            Returns true if KeyValue instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of KeyValue to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyValue.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.LicenseDetail">
            Contains information about a service SKU that a company is subscribed to.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.LicenseDetail.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.LicenseDetail" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.LicenseDetail.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePlanInfo})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.LicenseDetail" /> class.
            <param name="ServicePlans">Information about the service plans that are available with the SKU. .</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.LicenseDetail.ObjectId">
            Gets or Sets ObjectId
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.LicenseDetail.ServicePlans">
            Information about the service plans that are available with the SKU.
            <value>Information about the service plans that are available with the SKU. </value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.LicenseDetail.SkuId">
            The unique identifier (GUID) for the service SKU.
            <value>The unique identifier (GUID) for the service SKU.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.LicenseDetail.SkuPartNumber">
            The SKU part number; for example: \&quot;AAD_PREMIUM\&quot; or \&quot;RMSBASIC\&quot;.
            <value>The SKU part number; for example: \&quot;AAD_PREMIUM\&quot; or \&quot;RMSBASIC\&quot;.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.LicenseDetail.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.LicenseDetail.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.LicenseDetail.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.LicenseDetail.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.LicenseDetail)">
            Returns true if LicenseDetail instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of LicenseDetail to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.LicenseDetail.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.LicenseUnitsDetail">
            The prepaidUnits property of the SubscribedSku entity is of type LicenseUnitsDetail
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.LicenseUnitsDetail.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.LicenseUnitsDetail" /> class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.LicenseUnitsDetail.Enabled">
            The number of units that are enabled.
            <value>The number of units that are enabled.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.LicenseUnitsDetail.Suspended">
            The number of units that are suspended.
            <value>The number of units that are suspended.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.LicenseUnitsDetail.Warning">
            The number of units that are in warning status.
            <value>The number of units that are in warning status.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.LicenseUnitsDetail.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.LicenseUnitsDetail.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.LicenseUnitsDetail.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.LicenseUnitsDetail.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.LicenseUnitsDetail)">
            Returns true if LicenseUnitsDetail instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of LicenseUnitsDetail to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.LicenseUnitsDetail.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Message">
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Message.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Message" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Message.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Message" /> class.
            <param name="Lang">Lang.</param>
            <param name="Value">Value.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Message.Lang">
            Gets or Sets Lang
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Message.Value">
            Gets or Sets Value
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Message.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Message.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Message.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Message.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Message)">
            Returns true if Message instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of Message to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Message.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2Permission">
            Represents an OAuth 2.0 delegated permission scope. The specified OAuth 2.0 delegated permission scopes may be requested by client applications (through the requiredResourceAccess collection on the Application object) when calling a resource application. The oauth2Permissions property of the ServicePrincipal entity and of the Application entity is a collection of OAuth2Permission.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2Permission.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2Permission" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2Permission.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2Permission" /> class.
            <param name="AdminConsentDescription">Permission help text that appears in the admin consent and app assignment experiences..</param>
            <param name="AdminConsentDisplayName">Display name for the permission that appears in the admin consent and app assignment experiences..</param>
            <param name="Id">Unique scope permission identifier inside the oauth2Permissions collection..</param>
            <param name="IsEnabled">When creating or updating a permission, this property must be set to true (which is the default). To delete a permission, this property must first be set to false. At that point, in a subsequent call, the permission may be removed. .</param>
            <param name="Type">Specifies whether this scope permission can be consented to by an end user, or whether it is a tenant-wide permission that must be consented to by a Company Administrator. Possible values are \&quot;User\&quot; or \&quot;Admin\&quot;..</param>
            <param name="UserConsentDescription">Permission help text that appears in the end user consent experience..</param>
            <param name="UserConsentDisplayName">Display name for the permission that appears in the end user consent experience..</param>
            <param name="Value">The value of the scope claim that the resource application should expect in the OAuth 2.0 access token..</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2Permission.AdminConsentDescription">
            Permission help text that appears in the admin consent and app assignment experiences.
            <value>Permission help text that appears in the admin consent and app assignment experiences.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2Permission.AdminConsentDisplayName">
            Display name for the permission that appears in the admin consent and app assignment experiences.
            <value>Display name for the permission that appears in the admin consent and app assignment experiences.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2Permission.Id">
            Unique scope permission identifier inside the oauth2Permissions collection.
            <value>Unique scope permission identifier inside the oauth2Permissions collection.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2Permission.IsEnabled">
            When creating or updating a permission, this property must be set to true (which is the default). To delete a permission, this property must first be set to false. At that point, in a subsequent call, the permission may be removed.
            <value>When creating or updating a permission, this property must be set to true (which is the default). To delete a permission, this property must first be set to false. At that point, in a subsequent call, the permission may be removed. </value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2Permission.Type">
            Specifies whether this scope permission can be consented to by an end user, or whether it is a tenant-wide permission that must be consented to by a Company Administrator. Possible values are \&quot;User\&quot; or \&quot;Admin\&quot;.
            <value>Specifies whether this scope permission can be consented to by an end user, or whether it is a tenant-wide permission that must be consented to by a Company Administrator. Possible values are \&quot;User\&quot; or \&quot;Admin\&quot;.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2Permission.UserConsentDescription">
            Permission help text that appears in the end user consent experience.
            <value>Permission help text that appears in the end user consent experience.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2Permission.UserConsentDisplayName">
            Display name for the permission that appears in the end user consent experience.
            <value>Display name for the permission that appears in the end user consent experience.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2Permission.Value">
            The value of the scope claim that the resource application should expect in the OAuth 2.0 access token.
            <value>The value of the scope claim that the resource application should expect in the OAuth 2.0 access token.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2Permission.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2Permission.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2Permission.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2Permission.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2Permission)">
            Returns true if OAuth2Permission instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of OAuth2Permission to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2Permission.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2PermissionGrant">
            Represents the OAuth 2.0 delegated permission scopes that have been granted to an application (represented by a service principal) as part of the user or admin consent process.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2PermissionGrant.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2PermissionGrant" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2PermissionGrant.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2PermissionGrant" /> class.
            <param name="ClientId">Specifies the objectId of the service principal granted consent to impersonate the user when accessing the resource (represented by the resourceId)..</param>
            <param name="ConsentType">Specifies whether consent was provided by the administrator on behalf of the organization or whether consent was provided by an individual. The possible values are \&quot;AllPrincipals\&quot; or \&quot;Principal\&quot;..</param>
            <param name="PrincipalId">If consentType is \&quot;AllPrincipals\&quot; this value is null, and the consent applies to all users in the organization. If consentType is \&quot;Principal\&quot; then this property specifies the objectId of the user that granted consent, and applies only for that user..</param>
            <param name="ResourceId">Specifies the objectId of the resource service principal to which access has been granted..</param>
            <param name="Scope">Specifies the value of the scope claim that the resource application should expect in the OAuth 2.0 access token..</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2PermissionGrant.ClientId">
            Specifies the objectId of the service principal granted consent to impersonate the user when accessing the resource (represented by the resourceId).
            <value>Specifies the objectId of the service principal granted consent to impersonate the user when accessing the resource (represented by the resourceId).</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2PermissionGrant.ConsentType">
            Specifies whether consent was provided by the administrator on behalf of the organization or whether consent was provided by an individual. The possible values are \&quot;AllPrincipals\&quot; or \&quot;Principal\&quot;.
            <value>Specifies whether consent was provided by the administrator on behalf of the organization or whether consent was provided by an individual. The possible values are \&quot;AllPrincipals\&quot; or \&quot;Principal\&quot;.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2PermissionGrant.ExpiryTime">
            Reserved, do not use.
            <value>Reserved, do not use.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2PermissionGrant.ObjectId">
            The unique identifier for the permission scope.
            <value>The unique identifier for the permission scope.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2PermissionGrant.PrincipalId">
            If consentType is \&quot;AllPrincipals\&quot; this value is null, and the consent applies to all users in the organization. If consentType is \&quot;Principal\&quot; then this property specifies the objectId of the user that granted consent, and applies only for that user.
            <value>If consentType is \&quot;AllPrincipals\&quot; this value is null, and the consent applies to all users in the organization. If consentType is \&quot;Principal\&quot; then this property specifies the objectId of the user that granted consent, and applies only for that user.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2PermissionGrant.ResourceId">
            Specifies the objectId of the resource service principal to which access has been granted.
            <value>Specifies the objectId of the resource service principal to which access has been granted.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2PermissionGrant.Scope">
            Specifies the value of the scope claim that the resource application should expect in the OAuth 2.0 access token.
            <value>Specifies the value of the scope claim that the resource application should expect in the OAuth 2.0 access token.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2PermissionGrant.StartTime">
            Reserved, do not use.
            <value>Reserved, do not use.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2PermissionGrant.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2PermissionGrant.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2PermissionGrant.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2PermissionGrant.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2PermissionGrant)">
            Returns true if OAuth2PermissionGrant instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of OAuth2PermissionGrant to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OAuth2PermissionGrant.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataError">
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataError.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataError" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataError.#ctor(System.String,Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.Message,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ErrorValue},System.String,System.Nullable{System.DateTime})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataError" /> class.
            <param name="Code">Code.</param>
            <param name="Message">Message.</param>
            <param name="Values">Values.</param>
            <param name="RequestId">RequestId.</param>
            <param name="Date">Date.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataError.Code">
            Gets or Sets Code
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataError.Message">
            Gets or Sets Message
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataError.Values">
            Gets or Sets Values
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataError.RequestId">
            Gets or Sets RequestId
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataError.Date">
            Gets or Sets Date
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataError.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataError.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataError.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataError.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataError)">
            Returns true if OdataError instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of OdataError to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataError.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataErrorResponse">
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataErrorResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataErrorResponse" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataErrorResponse.#ctor(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataError)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataErrorResponse" /> class.
            <param name="OdataError">OdataError.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataErrorResponse.OdataError">
            Gets or Sets OdataError
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataErrorResponse.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataErrorResponse.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataErrorResponse.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataErrorResponse.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataErrorResponse)">
            Returns true if OdataErrorResponse instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of OdataErrorResponse to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataErrorResponse.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink">
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink.#ctor(System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink" /> class.
            <param name="Url">URL identifying a specific object in Azure Active Directory. Typically:[tenantId]/directoryObjects/[objectId] or /directoryObjects/[objectId].</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink.Url">
            URL identifying a specific object in Azure Active Directory. Typically:[tenantId]/directoryObjects/[objectId] or /directoryObjects/[objectId]
            <value>URL identifying a specific object in Azure Active Directory. Typically:[tenantId]/directoryObjects/[objectId] or /directoryObjects/[objectId]</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink)">
            Returns true if OdataLink instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of OdataLink to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataLink.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataResponse">
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataResponse" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataResponse.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataResponse" /> class.
            <param name="OdataNextLink">Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client..</param>
            <param name="OdataMetadata">OdataMetadata.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataResponse.OdataNextLink">
            Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.
            <value>Gets or sets the next link for the OData response. Getter returns null if no next link should be sent back to the client.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataResponse.OdataMetadata">
            Gets or Sets OdataMetadata
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataResponse.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataResponse.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataResponse.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataResponse.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataResponse)">
            Returns true if OdataResponse instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of OdataResponse to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.OdataResponse.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordContent">
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordContent.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordContent" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordContent.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordContent" /> class.
            <param name="CurrentPassword">The current password for the user..</param>
            <param name="NewPassword">The new password for the user..</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordContent.CurrentPassword">
            The current password for the user.
            <value>The current password for the user.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordContent.NewPassword">
            The new password for the user.
            <value>The new password for the user.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordContent.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordContent.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordContent.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordContent.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordContent)">
            Returns true if PasswordContent instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of PasswordContent to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordContent.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordCredential">
            Contains a password credential associated with an application or a service principal. The passwordCredentials property of the ServicePrincipal entity and of the Application entity is a collection of PasswordCredential.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordCredential.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordCredential" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordCredential.#ctor(System.Byte[],System.Nullable{System.DateTime},System.String,System.Nullable{System.DateTime},System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordCredential" /> class.
            <param name="CustomKeyIdentifier">CustomKeyIdentifier.</param>
            <param name="EndDate">The date and time at which the password expires..</param>
            <param name="KeyId">The unique identifier of the key..</param>
            <param name="StartDate">The date and time at which the credential becomes valid..</param>
            <param name="Value">The secret value.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordCredential.CustomKeyIdentifier">
            Gets or Sets CustomKeyIdentifier
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordCredential.EndDate">
            The date and time at which the password expires.
            <value>The date and time at which the password expires.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordCredential.KeyId">
            The unique identifier of the key.
            <value>The unique identifier of the key.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordCredential.StartDate">
            The date and time at which the credential becomes valid.
            <value>The date and time at which the credential becomes valid.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordCredential.Value">
            The secret value
            <value>The secret value</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordCredential.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordCredential.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordCredential.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordCredential.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordCredential)">
            Returns true if PasswordCredential instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of PasswordCredential to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordCredential.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordProfile">
            Contains the password profile associated with a user. The passwordProfile property of the User entity is a PasswordProfile object.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordProfile.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordProfile" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordProfile.#ctor(System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Boolean})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordProfile" /> class.
            <param name="Password">The password for the user..</param>
            <param name="ForceChangePasswordNextLogin">true if the user must change her password on the next login; otherwise false..</param>
            <param name="EnforceChangePasswordPolicy">true if the user must change her password on the next login; otherwise false..</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordProfile.Password">
            The password for the user.
            <value>The password for the user.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordProfile.ForceChangePasswordNextLogin">
            true if the user must change her password on the next login; otherwise false.
            <value>true if the user must change her password on the next login; otherwise false.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordProfile.EnforceChangePasswordPolicy">
            true if the user must change her password on the next login; otherwise false.
            <value>true if the user must change her password on the next login; otherwise false.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordProfile.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordProfile.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordProfile.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordProfile.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordProfile)">
            Returns true if PasswordProfile instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of PasswordProfile to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordProfile.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PrivacyProfile">
            Privacy related details like privacy contact, privacy statement URL.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PrivacyProfile.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PrivacyProfile" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PrivacyProfile.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PrivacyProfile" /> class.
            <param name="ContactEmail">Contact email..</param>
            <param name="StatementUrl">Statement URL..</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PrivacyProfile.ContactEmail">
            Contact email.
            <value>Contact email.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PrivacyProfile.StatementUrl">
            Statement URL.
            <value>Statement URL.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PrivacyProfile.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PrivacyProfile.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PrivacyProfile.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PrivacyProfile.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PrivacyProfile)">
            Returns true if PrivacyProfile instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of PrivacyProfile to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PrivacyProfile.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ProvisionedPlan">
            The provisionedPlans property of the User entity and the TenantDetail entity is a collection of ProvisionedPlan.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ProvisionedPlan.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ProvisionedPlan" /> class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ProvisionedPlan.CapabilityStatus">
            The status of the capability. For example, \&quot;Enabled\&quot; or \&quot;Deleted\&quot;.
            <value>The status of the capability. For example, \&quot;Enabled\&quot; or \&quot;Deleted\&quot;.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ProvisionedPlan.ProvisioningStatus">
            The status of the provisioning. For example, \&quot;Success\&quot;.
            <value>The status of the provisioning. For example, \&quot;Success\&quot;.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ProvisionedPlan.Service">
            The name of the service.
            <value>The name of the service.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ProvisionedPlan.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ProvisionedPlan.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ProvisionedPlan.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ProvisionedPlan.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ProvisionedPlan)">
            Returns true if ProvisionedPlan instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of ProvisionedPlan to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ProvisionedPlan.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ProvisioningError">
            The provisioningErrors property of the Contact, User, and Group entities is a collection of ProvisioningError.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ProvisioningError.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ProvisioningError" /> class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ProvisioningError.ErrorDetail">
            A description of the error
            <value>A description of the error</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ProvisioningError.Resolved">
            True if the error was resolved, otherwise false
            <value>True if the error was resolved, otherwise false</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ProvisioningError.Service">
            The service instance where the error occurred.
            <value>The service instance where the error occurred.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ProvisioningError.Timestamp">
            The date and time at which the error occurred.
            <value>The date and time at which the error occurred.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ProvisioningError.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ProvisioningError.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ProvisioningError.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ProvisioningError.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ProvisioningError)">
            Returns true if ProvisioningError instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of ProvisioningError to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ProvisioningError.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RequiredResourceAccess">
            Specifies the set of OAuth 2.0 permission scopes and app roles under the specified resource that an application requires access to. The specified OAuth 2.0 permission scopes may be requested by client applications (through the requiredResourceAccess collection) when calling a resource application. The requiredResourceAccess property of the Application entity is a collection of ReqiredResourceAccess.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RequiredResourceAccess.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RequiredResourceAccess" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RequiredResourceAccess.#ctor(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ResourceAccess})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RequiredResourceAccess" /> class.
            <param name="ResourceAppId">The unique identifier for the resource that the application requires access to. This should be equal to the appId declared on the target resource application..</param>
            <param name="ResourceAccess">The list of OAuth2.0 permission scopes and app roles that the application requires from the specified resource. .</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RequiredResourceAccess.ResourceAppId">
            The unique identifier for the resource that the application requires access to. This should be equal to the appId declared on the target resource application.
            <value>The unique identifier for the resource that the application requires access to. This should be equal to the appId declared on the target resource application.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RequiredResourceAccess.ResourceAccess">
            The list of OAuth2.0 permission scopes and app roles that the application requires from the specified resource.
            <value>The list of OAuth2.0 permission scopes and app roles that the application requires from the specified resource. </value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RequiredResourceAccess.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RequiredResourceAccess.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RequiredResourceAccess.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RequiredResourceAccess.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RequiredResourceAccess)">
            Returns true if RequiredResourceAccess instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of RequiredResourceAccess to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RequiredResourceAccess.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ResourceAccess">
            Specifies an OAuth 2.0 permission scope or an app role that an application requires. The resourceAccess property of the RequiredResourceAccess type is a collection of ResourceAccess.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ResourceAccess.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ResourceAccess" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ResourceAccess.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ResourceAccess" /> class.
            <param name="Id">The unique identifier for one of the OAuth2Permission or AppRole instances that the resource application exposes. .</param>
            <param name="Type">Specifies whether the resource access is an oAuth2Permission (scope) or an application role (role).</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ResourceAccess.Id">
            The unique identifier for one of the OAuth2Permission or AppRole instances that the resource application exposes.
            <value>The unique identifier for one of the OAuth2Permission or AppRole instances that the resource application exposes. </value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ResourceAccess.Type">
            Specifies whether the resource access is an oAuth2Permission (scope) or an application role (role)
            <value>Specifies whether the resource access is an oAuth2Permission (scope) or an application role (role)</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ResourceAccess.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ResourceAccess.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ResourceAccess.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ResourceAccess.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ResourceAccess)">
            Returns true if ResourceAccess instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of ResourceAccess to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ResourceAccess.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RestoreDeletedApplicationBody">
            Call the restore action on a deleted application to restore it to the directory
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RestoreDeletedApplicationBody.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RestoreDeletedApplicationBody" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RestoreDeletedApplicationBody.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.List{System.String})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RestoreDeletedApplicationBody" /> class.
            <param name="IdentifierUris">The collection of identifier URIs for the application. These will be set in the identifierUris property in the restored Application. If the parameter is omitted, the identifierUris property will retain its original value..</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RestoreDeletedApplicationBody.IdentifierUris">
            The collection of identifier URIs for the application. These will be set in the identifierUris property in the restored Application. If the parameter is omitted, the identifierUris property will retain its original value.
            <value>The collection of identifier URIs for the application. These will be set in the identifierUris property in the restored Application. If the parameter is omitted, the identifierUris property will retain its original value.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RestoreDeletedApplicationBody.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RestoreDeletedApplicationBody.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RestoreDeletedApplicationBody.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RestoreDeletedApplicationBody.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RestoreDeletedApplicationBody)">
            Returns true if RestoreDeletedApplicationBody instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of RestoreDeletedApplicationBody to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RestoreDeletedApplicationBody.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServiceEndpoint">
            The service endpoint entity contains service discovery information.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServiceEndpoint.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServiceEndpoint" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServiceEndpoint.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServiceEndpoint" /> class.
            <param name="Capability">A text identifier for the service&#39;s capability. Examples are \&quot;Documents\&quot; and \&quot;Mail\&quot;. (required).</param>
            <param name="ServiceId">The identifier of the service..</param>
            <param name="ServiceName">The display name of the service..</param>
            <param name="Uri">Uri of the service’s endpoint. (required).</param>
            <param name="ResourceId">An identifier for a specific resource within the service..</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServiceEndpoint.DeletionTimestamp">
            The time at which the directory object was deleted. It only applies to those directory objects which can be restored. Currently it is only supported for deleted Application objects; all other entities return null for this property.
            <value>The time at which the directory object was deleted. It only applies to those directory objects which can be restored. Currently it is only supported for deleted Application objects; all other entities return null for this property.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServiceEndpoint.ObjectId">
            A Guid that is the unique identifier for the object.
            <value>A Guid that is the unique identifier for the object.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServiceEndpoint.ObjectType">
            A string that identifies the object type.
            <value>A string that identifies the object type.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServiceEndpoint.Capability">
            A text identifier for the service&#39;s capability. Examples are \&quot;Documents\&quot; and \&quot;Mail\&quot;.
            <value>A text identifier for the service&#39;s capability. Examples are \&quot;Documents\&quot; and \&quot;Mail\&quot;.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServiceEndpoint.ServiceId">
            The identifier of the service.
            <value>The identifier of the service.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServiceEndpoint.ServiceName">
            The display name of the service.
            <value>The display name of the service.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServiceEndpoint.Uri">
            Uri of the service’s endpoint.
            <value>Uri of the service’s endpoint.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServiceEndpoint.ResourceId">
            An identifier for a specific resource within the service.
            <value>An identifier for a specific resource within the service.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServiceEndpoint.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServiceEndpoint.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServiceEndpoint.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServiceEndpoint.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServiceEndpoint)">
            Returns true if ServiceEndpoint instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of ServiceEndpoint to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServiceEndpoint.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePlanInfo">
            Contains information about a service plan associated with a subscribed SKU or a license assigned to a user. The servicePlans property of the SubscribedSku and LicenseDetail entity is a collection of ServicePlanInfo.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePlanInfo.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePlanInfo" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePlanInfo.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePlanInfo" /> class.
            <param name="AppliesTo">For example, \&quot;User\&quot; or \&quot;Company\&quot;. .</param>
            <param name="ProvisioningStatus">For example, \&quot;Success\&quot; or \&quot;Disabled\&quot;. .</param>
            <param name="ServicePlanId">The unique identifier (GUID) of the service plan..</param>
            <param name="ServicePlanName">The name of the service plan..</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePlanInfo.AppliesTo">
            For example, \&quot;User\&quot; or \&quot;Company\&quot;.
            <value>For example, \&quot;User\&quot; or \&quot;Company\&quot;. </value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePlanInfo.ProvisioningStatus">
            For example, \&quot;Success\&quot; or \&quot;Disabled\&quot;.
            <value>For example, \&quot;Success\&quot; or \&quot;Disabled\&quot;. </value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePlanInfo.ServicePlanId">
            The unique identifier (GUID) of the service plan.
            <value>The unique identifier (GUID) of the service plan.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePlanInfo.ServicePlanName">
            The name of the service plan.
            <value>The name of the service plan.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePlanInfo.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePlanInfo.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePlanInfo.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePlanInfo.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePlanInfo)">
            Returns true if ServicePlanInfo instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of ServicePlanInfo to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePlanInfo.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal">
            Represents an instance of an application in a directory.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal.#ctor(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{System.String},System.String,System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyCredential},System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordCredential},System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{System.String},System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{System.String},System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{System.String})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal" /> class.
            <param name="AccountEnabled">true if the service principal account is enabled; otherwise, false..</param>
            <param name="AlternativeNames">The URLs that user tokens are sent to for sign in with the associated application. The redirect URIs that the oAuth 2.0 authorization code and access tokens are sent to for the associated application..</param>
            <param name="AppId">The unique identifier for the associated application (its appId property). (required).</param>
            <param name="AppRoleAssignmentRequired">Specifies whether an AppRoleAssignment to a user or group is required before Azure AD will issue a user or access token to the application..</param>
            <param name="DisplayName">The display name for the service principal..</param>
            <param name="ErrorUrl">ErrorUrl.</param>
            <param name="Homepage">The URL to the homepage of the associated application..</param>
            <param name="KeyCredentials">The collection of key credentials associated with the service principal..</param>
            <param name="LogoutUrl">LogoutUrl.</param>
            <param name="PasswordCredentials">The collection of password credentials associated with the service principal..</param>
            <param name="PublisherName">The display name of the tenant in which the associated application is specified..</param>
            <param name="ReplyUrls">The URLs that user tokens are sent to for sign in with the associated application. The redirect URIs that the oAuth 2.0 authorization code and access tokens are sent to for the associated application..</param>
            <param name="SamlMetadataUrl">SamlMetadataUrl.</param>
            <param name="ServicePrincipalNames">The URIs that identify the associated application..</param>
            <param name="ServicePrincipalType">ServicePrincipalType.</param>
            <param name="Tags">Optional list of tags that you can apply to your service principals. Not nullable..</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal.DeletionTimestamp">
            The time at which the directory object was deleted. It only applies to those directory objects which can be restored. Currently it is only supported for deleted Application objects; all other entities return null for this property.
            <value>The time at which the directory object was deleted. It only applies to those directory objects which can be restored. Currently it is only supported for deleted Application objects; all other entities return null for this property.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal.ObjectId">
            A Guid that is the unique identifier for the object.
            <value>A Guid that is the unique identifier for the object.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal.ObjectType">
            A string that identifies the object type.
            <value>A string that identifies the object type.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal.AccountEnabled">
            true if the service principal account is enabled; otherwise, false.
            <value>true if the service principal account is enabled; otherwise, false.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal.AddIns">
            The collection of application roles that an application may declare. These roles can be assigned to users, groups or service principals.
            <value>The collection of application roles that an application may declare. These roles can be assigned to users, groups or service principals.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal.AlternativeNames">
            The URLs that user tokens are sent to for sign in with the associated application. The redirect URIs that the oAuth 2.0 authorization code and access tokens are sent to for the associated application.
            <value>The URLs that user tokens are sent to for sign in with the associated application. The redirect URIs that the oAuth 2.0 authorization code and access tokens are sent to for the associated application.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal.AppDisplayName">
            The display name exposed by the associated application.
            <value>The display name exposed by the associated application.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal.AppId">
            The unique identifier for the associated application (its appId property).
            <value>The unique identifier for the associated application (its appId property).</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal.AppOwnerTenantId">
            Gets or Sets AppOwnerTenantId
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal.AppRoleAssignmentRequired">
            Specifies whether an AppRoleAssignment to a user or group is required before Azure AD will issue a user or access token to the application.
            <value>Specifies whether an AppRoleAssignment to a user or group is required before Azure AD will issue a user or access token to the application.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal.AppRoles">
            The application roles exposed by the associated application.
            <value>The application roles exposed by the associated application.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal.DisplayName">
            The display name for the service principal.
            <value>The display name for the service principal.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal.ErrorUrl">
            Gets or Sets ErrorUrl
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal.Homepage">
            The URL to the homepage of the associated application.
            <value>The URL to the homepage of the associated application.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal.KeyCredentials">
            The collection of key credentials associated with the service principal.
            <value>The collection of key credentials associated with the service principal.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal.LogoutUrl">
            Gets or Sets LogoutUrl
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal.Oauth2Permissions">
            The OAuth 2.0 permissions exposed by the associated application.
            <value>The OAuth 2.0 permissions exposed by the associated application.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal.PasswordCredentials">
            The collection of password credentials associated with the service principal.
            <value>The collection of password credentials associated with the service principal.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal.PreferredTokenSigningKeyThumbprint">
            The display name of the tenant in which the associated application is specified.
            <value>The display name of the tenant in which the associated application is specified.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal.PublisherName">
            The display name of the tenant in which the associated application is specified.
            <value>The display name of the tenant in which the associated application is specified.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal.ReplyUrls">
            The URLs that user tokens are sent to for sign in with the associated application. The redirect URIs that the oAuth 2.0 authorization code and access tokens are sent to for the associated application.
            <value>The URLs that user tokens are sent to for sign in with the associated application. The redirect URIs that the oAuth 2.0 authorization code and access tokens are sent to for the associated application.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal.SamlMetadataUrl">
            Gets or Sets SamlMetadataUrl
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal.ServicePrincipalNames">
            The URIs that identify the associated application.
            <value>The URIs that identify the associated application.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal.ServicePrincipalType">
            Gets or Sets ServicePrincipalType
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal.Tags">
            Optional list of tags that you can apply to your service principals. Not nullable.
            <value>Optional list of tags that you can apply to your service principals. Not nullable.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal)">
            Returns true if ServicePrincipal instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of ServicePrincipal to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ServicePrincipal.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.SignInName">
            Represents an application role that may be requested by a client application calling another application or that may be used to assign an application to users or groups in a specified application role. The appRoles property of the ServicePrincipal entity and of the Application entity is a collection of AppRole.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.SignInName.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.SignInName" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.SignInName.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.SignInName" /> class.
            <param name="Type">Unique role identifier inside the appRoles collection..</param>
            <param name="Value">When creating or updating a role definition, this must be set to true (which is the default). To delete a role, this must first be set to false. At that point, in a subsequent call, this role may be removed..</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.SignInName.Type">
            Unique role identifier inside the appRoles collection.
            <value>Unique role identifier inside the appRoles collection.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.SignInName.Value">
            When creating or updating a role definition, this must be set to true (which is the default). To delete a role, this must first be set to false. At that point, in a subsequent call, this role may be removed.
            <value>When creating or updating a role definition, this must be set to true (which is the default). To delete a role, this must first be set to false. At that point, in a subsequent call, this role may be removed.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.SignInName.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.SignInName.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.SignInName.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.SignInName.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.SignInName)">
            Returns true if SignInName instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of SignInName to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.SignInName.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.SubscribedSku">
            Contains information about a service SKU that a company is subscribed to.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.SubscribedSku.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.SubscribedSku" /> class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.SubscribedSku.CapabilityStatus">
            For example, \&quot;Enabled\&quot;.
            <value>For example, \&quot;Enabled\&quot;.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.SubscribedSku.ConsumedUnits">
            The number of licenses that have been assigned.
            <value>The number of licenses that have been assigned.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.SubscribedSku.ObjectId">
            For example, \&quot;Enabled\&quot;.
            <value>For example, \&quot;Enabled\&quot;.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.SubscribedSku.PrepaidUnits">
            Gets or Sets PrepaidUnits
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.SubscribedSku.ServicePlans">
            Information about the service plans that are available with the SKU.
            <value>Information about the service plans that are available with the SKU. </value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.SubscribedSku.SkuId">
            The unique identifier (GUID) for the service SKU.
            <value>The unique identifier (GUID) for the service SKU.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.SubscribedSku.SkuPartNumber">
            The SKU part number; for example: \&quot;AAD_PREMIUM\&quot; or \&quot;RMSBASIC\&quot;.
            <value>The SKU part number; for example: \&quot;AAD_PREMIUM\&quot; or \&quot;RMSBASIC\&quot;.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.SubscribedSku.AppliesTo">
            The unique identifier (GUID) for the service SKU.
            <value>The unique identifier (GUID) for the service SKU.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.SubscribedSku.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.SubscribedSku.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.SubscribedSku.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.SubscribedSku.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.SubscribedSku)">
            Returns true if SubscribedSku instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of SubscribedSku to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.SubscribedSku.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail">
            Represents an Azure Active Directory tenant. Only the read and update operations are supported on tenants; create and delete are not supported.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.List{System.String},Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PrivacyProfile,System.Collections.Generic.List{System.String},System.Collections.Generic.List{System.String},System.Collections.Generic.List{System.String})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail" /> class.
            <param name="MarketingNotificationEmails">MarketingNotificationEmails.</param>
            <param name="PrivacyProfile">PrivacyProfile.</param>
            <param name="SecurityComplianceNotificationMails">SecurityComplianceNotificationMails.</param>
            <param name="SecurityComplianceNotificationPhones">SecurityComplianceNotificationPhones.</param>
            <param name="TechnicalNotificationMails">TechnicalNotificationMails.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail.DeletionTimestamp">
            The time at which the directory object was deleted. It only applies to those directory objects which can be restored. Currently it is only supported for deleted Application objects; all other entities return null for this property.
            <value>The time at which the directory object was deleted. It only applies to those directory objects which can be restored. Currently it is only supported for deleted Application objects; all other entities return null for this property.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail.ObjectId">
            A Guid that is the unique identifier for the object.
            <value>A Guid that is the unique identifier for the object.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail.ObjectType">
            A string that identifies the object type.
            <value>A string that identifies the object type.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail.AssignedPlans">
            The collection of service plans associated with the tenant.
            <value>The collection of service plans associated with the tenant.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail.City">
            Gets or Sets City
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail.CompanyLastDirSyncTime">
            The last date and time that directory synchronization occurred.
            <value>The last date and time that directory synchronization occurred.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail.Country">
            Gets or Sets Country
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail.CountryLetterCode">
            Gets or Sets CountryLetterCode
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail.DirSyncEnabled">
            true if this object is synced from an on-premises directory; false if this object was originally synced from an on-premises directory but is no longer synced; null if this object has never been synced from an on-premises directory (default).
            <value>true if this object is synced from an on-premises directory; false if this object was originally synced from an on-premises directory but is no longer synced; null if this object has never been synced from an on-premises directory (default).</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail.DisplayName">
            The display name for the tenant.
            <value>The display name for the tenant.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail.MarketingNotificationEmails">
            Gets or Sets MarketingNotificationEmails
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail.PostalCode">
            Gets or Sets PostalCode
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail.PreferredLanguage">
            Gets or Sets PreferredLanguage
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail.PrivacyProfile">
            Gets or Sets PrivacyProfile
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail.ProvisionedPlans">
            Gets or Sets ProvisionedPlans
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail.ProvisioningErrors">
            Gets or Sets ProvisioningErrors
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail.SecurityComplianceNotificationMails">
            Gets or Sets SecurityComplianceNotificationMails
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail.SecurityComplianceNotificationPhones">
            Gets or Sets SecurityComplianceNotificationPhones
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail.State">
            Gets or Sets State
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail.Street">
            Gets or Sets Street
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail.TechnicalNotificationMails">
            Gets or Sets TechnicalNotificationMails
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail.TelephoneNumber">
            Gets or Sets TelephoneNumber
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail.VerifiedDomains">
            The collection of domains associated with this tenant.
            <value>The collection of domains associated with this tenant.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail)">
            Returns true if TenantDetail instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of TenantDetail to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TenantDetail.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth">
            Represents a set of certificate authorities to validate the trust chain while performing password-less authentication.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth" /> class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth.#ctor(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.CertificateAuthorityInformation})">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth" /> class.
            <param name="Id">Unique identifier. .</param>
            <param name="CertificateAuthorities">Collection of certificate authority information. (required).</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth.Id">
            Unique identifier.
            <value>Unique identifier. </value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth.CertificateAuthorities">
            Collection of certificate authority information.
            <value>Collection of certificate authority information.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth)">
            Returns true if TrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of TrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.TrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.VerifiedDomain">
            Specifies a domain for a tenant. The verifiedDomains property of the TenantDetail entity is a collection of VerifiedDomain.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.VerifiedDomain.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.VerifiedDomain" /> class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.VerifiedDomain.Capabilities">
            For example, \&quot;Email\&quot;, \&quot;OfficeCommunicationsOnline\&quot;.
            <value>For example, \&quot;Email\&quot;, \&quot;OfficeCommunicationsOnline\&quot;.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.VerifiedDomain._Default">
            true if this is the default domain associated with the tenant; otherwise, false.
            <value>true if this is the default domain associated with the tenant; otherwise, false.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.VerifiedDomain.Id">
            For example, \&quot;00057FFE80187238\&quot;.
            <value>For example, \&quot;00057FFE80187238\&quot;.</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.VerifiedDomain.Initial">
            Gets or Sets Initial
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.VerifiedDomain.Name">
            The domain name; for example, \&quot;
            <value>The domain name; for example, \&quot;</value>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.VerifiedDomain.Type">
            For example, \&quot;Managed\&quot;.
            <value>For example, \&quot;Managed\&quot;.</value>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.VerifiedDomain.ToString">
            Returns the string presentation of the object
            <returns>String presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.VerifiedDomain.ToJson">
            Returns the JSON string presentation of the object
            <returns>JSON string presentation of the object</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.VerifiedDomain.Equals(System.Object)">
            Returns true if objects are equal
            <param name="obj">Object to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.VerifiedDomain.Equals(Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.VerifiedDomain)">
            Returns true if VerifiedDomain instances are equal
            <param name="other">Instance of VerifiedDomain to be compared</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.VerifiedDomain.GetHashCode">
            Gets the hash code
            <returns>Hash code</returns>