
$runtimeUrl = $args[0]
$overrideUrl = $args[1]
$current = [string] (Get-Location -PSProvider FileSystem)
$client = New-Object System.Net.WebClient

# For a custom role, it may not use runtime download, if that's the case, skip.
if (!$runtimeUrl -and !$overrideUrl) { Write-Host "No runtimes to download"; exit; }

# If runtimeUrl and overrideUrl are set, fail.
if ($runtimeUrl -and $overrideUrl) { throw "Both RUNTIMEURL and RUNTIMEOVERRIDEURL values are set in the service definition for this role, please set RUNTIMEOVERRIDEURL and leave RUNTIMEURL empty if this role is installing a custom runtime package" }

function downloadWithRetry {
    param([string]$url, [string]$dest, [int]$retry) 
    Write-Host "Attempt: $retry"
    trap {
        Write-Host $_.Exception.ToString()
        if ($retry -lt 5) {
            Write-Host "Waiting 5 seconds and retrying"
            Start-Sleep -s 5
            downloadWithRetry $url $dest $retry $client
        else {
            Write-Host "Download failed"
               throw "Max number of retries downloading [5] exceeded"     
    $client.downloadfile($url, $dest)

function download($url, $dest) {
    Write-Host "Downloading $url"
    downloadWithRetry $url $dest 1

function copyOnVerify($file, $output) {
  Write-Host "Verifying $file"
  $verify = Get-AuthenticodeSignature $file
  Out-Host -InputObject $verify
  # Verify when $runtimeUrl is set
  if (!$overrideUrl -and ($verify.Status -ne "Valid")) {
     throw "Invalid signature for runtime package $file"
  else {
    mv $file $output

if ($overrideUrl) {
    Write-Host "Using override url: $overrideUrl"
    $url = $overrideUrl
else {
    $url = $runtimeUrl

foreach($singleUrl in $url -split ";") 
    $suffix = Get-Random
    $downloaddir = $current + "\sandbox" + $suffix
    mkdir $downloaddir
    $dest = $downloaddir + "\sandbox.exe"
    download $singleUrl $dest
    $final = $downloaddir + "\runtime.exe"
    copyOnVerify $dest $final
    if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $final)
      cd $downloaddir
      if ($host.Version.Major -eq 3)
        .\runtime.exe -y | Out-Null
        Start-Process -FilePath $final -ArgumentList -y -Wait 
        $cmd = $downloaddir + "\setup.cmd"
        Start-Process -FilePath $cmd -Wait
      throw "Unable to verify package"
    cd $current
    if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $downloaddir)
        Remove-Item -LiteralPath $downloaddir -Force -Recurse